

My Feeling of Homesick
Since I am a little girl, I lived in school and became an independent nvhanzi(a strong girl like a man). At the beginning, I cried everyday just because I miss my mom, dad and additionally my home. With the time passing, I have been out for many years and the feeling for missing home is weak little by little. Whenever I go back home from school, my grandma always asks me if I miss home. There is such long time that I don not know how to answer her because my feeling homesickness is not so strong and I have been accustomed to this independent life. Even some time I don't want to go home just because I can arrange my time freely and without any concerns.
However, when I entered the university, that feeling came back and it became so strong and obvious that I wanted to be together with my family everyday. At that time, I couldn't return home every month. So I phoned my mom every week to tell her what happened the whole week. Sometimes I felt she was always be together with me and the love for my hometown became stronger and stronger. Before I have never been conscious that how beautiful my hometown is and I have never been aware that how much I love it. I think this is what the sayings says that fallen leaves return to the roots, especially for a girl form Shandong province.
In the graduating time, I just can't wait to find a job in or near my hometown to company my parents forever. I think this is the best way to heal the feeling of homesick. Love my mom, love my dad and also love my hometown forever.


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