

What is happiness?

John Masefield has said that the days that make us happy make us wise. In addition, my first university teacher said that happy is the man who can endure with calm the highest and lowest fate. These sayings are all exactly correct, but they are stated in a higher level and are abstract. In my opinion, happiness is simple. A complete family in which every member lives in a harmonious and relaxed atmosphere is the simplest happiness. They love and respect each other. I think this is enough.

When I was fifteen years old, my mother had an esophagus surgery. After the surgery, the doctor, getting out of the operating room, said that this is a successful surgery and all of us relieved. After my mother was sent back to the ward, she was still unconscious because of the anaesthetization. However, it was at that point when all of us rest assured and talked about leisurely that my aunt discovered that my mother’s face was ghastly pale and she called the doctor back. Having seen this situation, the doctor shouted to the nurse and all doctors came to the rescue. At that time, my father sat aside, sobbing and I was scared to cry. In those days, my little brother was only six years old and I just couldn’t imagine the days without my mom. But fortunately, my mom came to alive and all of our family members could stay together happily. This accident is caused by the nurse who forgot to clean the phlegm in my mom’s throat after the surgery.

After this event, no matter what difficulties we came across, we all keep an optimistic mind and overcame them together with our family members. We cherished every moment that we live together. I think this is the simplest happiness, but the most important one. Only by giving the deepest love to our family, can we obtain this kind of pleasure.


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