

http://s.music.so.com/s?src=playbox&q=a%20thousand%20years The following story is based on my own experiences ... I got to know my Mr.Dreamy(let's just call him this way,or Mr Darcy,it comes from the film Pride and Prejudice)in an activity I took part in during my freshman year.When I first saw him,I didn't have any special feelings for him.I remember it was an activity for communication talents to show their talents in communicating with others,and he was the host.I was deeply impressed by his excellent presiding performance and from that night he became my Mr Dreamy. He was a member of SCU's Association of speech and communication,so I got his phone number through one of my friends who was then also in the association.And this might be accounted as my first step to get close to him.Then I added him as my fetion and RenRen friend and tried to talk to him and get to know him as much as possible.Then one day I happened to saw him on a poster for a very big competition,so I decided instantly to cheer for him at the scene.Fortunately,he recogized me and said he appreciated my coming and I was quite happy.That would be my second endeavor.Another day I caught a glimpse of him sitting in the back row in a study lounge when I was about to leave,so I decided to skip dinner and to sit behind him,it would be worthy even just being with him...Well,just call me silly girlAnd guess what,this semester I checked out his course timetable and went to his classAm I brave?The first time I sat just in front of him!And I didn't do it on purpose,it's quite accidently!But I didn't stimulated the courage to speak to him,I couldn't just tell him I came to the class because of himAfter the class,I sent him a message saying I saw him in the class,and he said maybe I should say hello to him the next time I went to the class.Well,in fact,it was a public elective course and I have a friend who has also chose it,so if he asks I can just tell him I come to the class with my classmate...The lastest time I came to the class I purposedly chose a seat right behind him,though I must confess that I hesitated a long time out of the classroomThankfully,he recognize me and we said hello to each other.When the class was over,I finally stimulated my courage to ask him to wait for me for a moment to pack my things and then go together,he said yes!God knows how excited I was at that time!We talked all the way... Well,I don't know what will happen next,all I know is that I should try not to leave regrets for futuhttp://music.so.com/playbox/index.html#loaded=true|opener=http%3A%2F%2Fs.music.so.com%2Fs%2Fplayerproxyre...


About Fairy tales


http://music.so.com/playbox/index.html#loaded=true|opener=http%3A%2F%2Fs.music.so.com%2Fs%2Fplayerproxy Nowadays,we live in a world where people come and go and relationships start and come to an end.It seems that there is kind of crisis in mutual trust,let alone a relationship,whether it is kinship,friendship or love.It seems that we are losing faith in the happy ending”And then they lived happily ever after”.Now,let’s just get away from these stuff and see what Disney animation has to tell us. Since we were little boys and girls,a lot of us,especially girls,were told stories about Cinderella,The Snow White,The Sleeping Beauty and so on.And even now,some of us still find ourselves in passinate love for these stories.The question is ,do you believe fairy tales any more?Are you convinced that the happy ending stories really happen in reality. It tells a story about a princess called Rapunzel who was stolen from infancy by Mother Gothel,with the scheme to detain her in a high tower for her lifetime so that she could utilize her magic hair to maintain eternal youth and beauty.One day quite coincidently,Rapunzel came across Flynn Ryder, a thief,and then their trip of fantasy and romance began... By the way,I'm also impressed by the conversation Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder had with those fellows in the pub.They talked about their dreams.We know everybody has his or her dream,even he's malicious mean and scary,but despite his evil look,his temper and his hook,he yearn to be a concert pianist,performing Mozart on the stage.Even though he's got scars and lumps and bruises,but depite his extra toes,his goiter and his nose,he really wants to make a love connection with a special little lady...Rowin in a row boat,down the stream...He or she is among us,desiring to quit and become a florist,do interior design,make sublime cupcakes,do little puppet shows,or collect ceramic unicorns,and so on...I think this is quite typical for Disney to tell us those simple but major things. Like Elsa sings out"let it go,let it go,can't hold it back any more..."Rapunzel finally see the light, Now I'm here,suddenly I see   Standing here,it's all so clear   I'm where I'm meant to be   And at last I see the light   And it's like the fog has lifted   And at last I see the light   And it's like the sky is new   And it's warm and real and bright   And the world has somehow shifted   All at once everything looks different http://music.so.com/playbox/index.html#loaded=true|opener=http%3A%2F%2Fs.music.so.com%2Fs%2Fplayerproxy In an animated fairy tale world, a young girl meets and falls in love with the handsome prince of her dreams. News of this romance upsets the prince's mother, the evil queen, who uses her black magic to send the girl hurtling out of the animated world into the one place in the universe where there is no true love: modern day Manhattan. The now-real girl has to survive in New York City and find her way home again to her true love. In the film,a startling fact is that the princess decides to marry the prince in one day while the lawyer has been dating with his girlfriend for almost 5 years,but both of them go back on their mind after meeting each other.This is kind of unbelievable,but it may proves that "first-sight love"do exist and what matters is the feelings.Besides,I think the actress and the actor are amazing! As the it sings," He'll find his own way to tell you With the little things he'll do That's how you know "So you will know it when love comes to you~ I like the two films and I recommend them to you~They are well worth watching,and they tell us we can still believe in true love in this world.


There are so many general principles in our lives,how to be yourself,how to live out your true value,how to treat others,etc.And every now and then,we keep thinking about these issues.Sometimes,these principles are explained in quite sophiscated ways and these explanations so often appear in our daily life that we finally become fed up with them.I came across some interesting pictures,now,I'd like to share them with you,hope you like them~ On happiness What is happiness?This is one of the most widely discussed issues in our human society over centuries-there are numerous published books on it,and hundreds of thousands of experts and ordinary people are trying everyday to improve their sense of happiness.No doubt we will get different answers from different people with differing backgrounds.But as the picture tells us,happiness is not about being immortal,nor having food or rights in one's hand,oppositly,it's acquired when every tiny wish becomes reality,like when you want to eat you have something to eat,when you want to be loved, there's someone right by your side.So,it's the small things that matters,and we need to appreciate them. This picture tells us when you meet a greater difficulty,it could also mean that you have a greater success ahead.So,just hold on and don't settle! This picture tells us to stay happy even when faced with hard situations.Life is like a mirror,if you smile to it,it will smile back to you. This picture is about where to go.It's not uncommon that some of us choose to follow the main stream and to do what the majority people do.However,the road less traveled by may lead you to more beautiful sceneries and higher position in life.As Steve Jobs puts it,"The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.And the only way to do great work is to love what you do." That's all,wish you a good time,and some thinking would be nicer~


When asked about "What do you worry about most?",my fellow college students gave different answers and showed various attitudes.On the one hand,some of them appeared quite off-the cuff and wrote down answers like"final exam","my future baby","what to eat"and things like that,while others put on a serious look and put down"my job","whether to study further or work after graduation",and for me,I wrote down"can not become an ordinary person",it's true,I mean,I'm serious,this does not mean I'm a weirdo or something like a superwoman,but I wish I could integrate into society and live in harmony with the surroudings.I guess that maybe our final goal is to become ordinary and somewhat in peace with ourselves.[imgid=5][imgid=5] On the other hand,during the process of the inquiry,I find an interesting phonomenon that girls tend to express their ideas more willingly and openly,while boys appear to be more shy and passive.Why?I guess this might have something to do with out society and its changing values...What's more,I find that fortunately girls do not only concern about things like"marriage"or "my future husband",this is a good thing because that's what women in old times used to do.Today's women are occupied in diverse fields in our society,we have "OLs"and "female bosses",and modern females can get higher education as they want to,so they are not husband-centered or children-centered any more,contrararily,they put more emphasis on self-improvement. Well,what exactly does today's college stuents worry about?Nowadays we live in a world where things take place so fast, and change so fast.This is an epoch of globalization,when we see both benefits and challenges it brings to us.For one thing,college students form the most creative and enthusiasitc group in our country,and they are most likely and most capable to put our country foward.For another,college students are faced with very serious situation.In front of them are great challenges,maybe the greatest ever,our society becomes so cruel when it comes to pick out the talents that we have to spare no effort to qualify ourselves and exceed others.This is cutthroat,yet this is how it works out. Nevertheless,there're plenty of things worth thinking about and being happy.All we need to do is to cheer up and carry on,as Frost puts it,"Life is a box of chocolates,you never know what you are gonna get."