

Thank you,mom!
Today is Mothers' Day,on this special day,I'd like to extend my thanks to my mom!
Actually I pondered for a long time over how to express my thanks for mom,to buy flowers for her,or to record a voice and send it to her,whatever...finally this idea came to quite by accident.I sent these pictures to my mom after we had a short conversation over phone.And I could tell she's very excited and touched.
Perhaps moms are the greatest ones in the world,no one else shall sacrifice everything for us except our mothers.And no matter we are smart,beautiful,successful,or stupid,homely even ugly,they will never give up on us.I am fortunate enough to have such a mom,she would tell me stories and buy me fairy tale books,teach me songs,and encourage me to be brave and optimistic.I can hardly imagine what my life would be without her,maybe I'm still shy,timid,and passive.Like most of my fellows,I see my mom as the best mom in the world,kind,considerate,and generous to me,Thank you,mom,I love you!


evething 2014-05-28 23:34

Um  thanks~

柠檬茶 2014-05-28 18:06

sweet daughter 

evething 2014-05-13 23:54

Thanks~I also recommend the other blog of mine to you~hope you like it. 

evething 2014-05-13 23:06

Thanks~I also recommend the other blog of mine to you~hope you like it. 

evething 2014-05-13 23:04

Thanks~I also recommend the other blog of mine to you~hope you like it. 

evething 2014-05-13 22:55

Thanks~I also recommend the other blog of mine to you~hope you like it. 

evething 2014-05-13 22:54

   Maybe the simplest way is the best way

evething 2014-05-13 22:52

Thank you~ 

josee1016 2014-05-12 19:37


财神 2014-05-12 19:10

photos are easy to read. easy to understand and save the time too.