

Pictures tell major principles
There are so many general principles in our lives,how to be yourself,how to live out your true value,how to treat others,etc.And every now and then,we keep thinking about these issues.Sometimes,these principles are explained in quite sophiscated ways and these explanations so often appear in our daily life that we finally become fed up with them.I came across some interesting pictures,now,I'd like to share them with you,hope you like them~
On happiness What is happiness?This is one of the most widely discussed issues in our human society over centuries-there are numerous published books on it,and hundreds of thousands of experts and ordinary people are trying everyday to improve their sense of happiness.No doubt we will get different answers from different people with differing backgrounds.But as the picture tells us,happiness is not about being immortal,nor having food or rights in one's hand,oppositly,it's acquired when every tiny wish becomes reality,like when you want to eat you have something to eat,when you want to be loved, there's someone right by your side.So,it's the small things that matters,and we need to appreciate them.
This picture tells us when you meet a greater difficulty,it could also mean that you have a greater success ahead.So,just hold on and don't settle!
This picture tells us to stay happy even when faced with hard situations.Life is like a mirror,if you smile to it,it will smile back to you.
This picture is about where to go.It's not uncommon that some of us choose to follow the main stream and to do what the majority people do.However,the road less traveled by may lead you to more beautiful sceneries and higher position in life.As Steve Jobs puts it,"The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work.And the only way to do great work is to love what you do."
That's all,wish you a good time,and some thinking would be nicer~


claudeckenni 2014-05-24 00:08

Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.