When asked about "What do you worry about most?",my fellow college students gave different answers and showed various attitudes.On the one hand,some of them appeared quite off-the cuff and wrote down answers like"final exam","my future baby","what to eat"and things like that,while others put on a serious look and put down"my job","whether to study further or work after graduation",and for me,I wrote down"can not become an ordinary person",it's true,I mean,I'm serious,this does not mean I'm a weirdo or something like a superwoman,but I wish I could integrate into society and live in harmony with the surroudings.I guess that maybe our final goal is to become ordinary and somewhat in peace with ourselves.


On the other hand,during the process of the inquiry,I find an interesting phonomenon that girls tend to express their ideas more willingly and openly,while boys appear to be more shy and passive.Why?I guess this might have something to do with out society and its changing values...What's more,I find that fortunately girls do not only concern about things like"marriage"or "my future husband",this is a good thing because that's what women in old times used to do.Today's women are occupied in diverse fields in our society,we have "OLs"and "female bosses",and modern females can get higher education as they want to,so they are not husband-centered or children-centered any more,contrararily,they put more emphasis on self-improvement.
Well,what exactly does today's college stuents worry about?Nowadays we live in a world where things take place so fast, and change so fast.This is an epoch of globalization,when we see both benefits and challenges it brings to us.For one thing,college students form the most creative and enthusiasitc group in our country,and they are most likely and most capable to put our country foward.For another,college students are faced with very serious situation.In front of them are great challenges,maybe the greatest ever,our society becomes so cruel when it comes to pick out the talents that we have to spare no effort to qualify ourselves and exceed others.This is cutthroat,yet this is how it works out.
Nevertheless,there're plenty of things worth thinking about and being happy.All we need to do is to cheer up and carry on,as Frost puts it,"Life is a box of chocolates,you never know what you are gonna get."