



With the remarkable development of people’s life standard, many people feel dull about life, which makes them always find some frustrations for themselves. Sometimes that’s not a big deal indeed, but somebody always focuses on one point, and is not inclined to let it go. One of my dormitory mates went to playground to drink alcohol yesterday, when it rained and after 9.30 pm. She wants to break up with her present boyfriend in that she finds herself still love her last boyfriend after a year’s facing with her present boyfriend. She told him she would go out for drinking. She told him she felt very sorry. She told him how many times she had vomited during the night. Why an indeed sad person remembers to tell someone about every detail about the sorrow of himself? I can’t figure out what’s the hell she wants to do. The only reason I can explain for this is just being dull. I don’t know whether they have broken up or not for now. As Chinese college students, we have our considerate parents to pay tuitions for us. To some extent, we have nothing to worry about .We have a great deal of leisure time to do anything we want to do. However, many people just feel bored and want to find sorrow for them. They think being crossed in love should be full of sore, so they show sorrow, even if they don’t be miserable at all. They hold the view that youth should be like this. I don’t think so. Why we have to be faked as a Nazarite when things are going smoothly. Just like a prevalent saying: “No zuo no die.” Fang Wenshan, a famous musician in Taiwan, says: Life covers repeating mechanically which can’t be cover by a short film. From my perspective, the part of repeating is the hardest thing we are going through. Life is not an idol drama, and you are not a superstar. None of people will always pay attention to you; they are all very busy about their own business. In fact, the essence of life is wateriness.


Gradually being adapted to the college, I could feel relaxation and freedom, but more,i felt confused about my future and i thought i was dumbling through life owing to a completely different educational system from middle school or primary school's. Maybe i came back home from time to time, but i clearly knew i just continued having fun by changing a place. Shortly i realized life full of vacuity wasn't what i wanted.So i decided to try being a volunteer to have a meaningful May Day at least. This is my work permit.First i thought i was not able to assume this position because i am only a freshman in a common college.So crazy! But,i later realized that the foreign could understand what you want to express easily as long as you dared to talk with them,either than me.Being an interpreter urged me to express everything in English and try to understand different types of accents which almost drove me mad.I mean it.but,From the other part, i really promoted ability of listening and speaking. This a picture taken with a coach of Brazil.His is very kind,and he is highly attracted by photography.This was taken when we sitted together, watching the race walking. We talked about football and i shared the college life with him.That was a pleasant conversation. They are from the USA with shining smiles ,they are both very talkative.The teachter always tells us not to ask foreigners'salary or age,anything related to privacy.However,Alex(the right one) told me it doesn't matter , men are willing to share their ages but perhaps women scruples because of the age restriction is rare in American. This is Michael, 26 years old ,we met when he did massage.He is very talkative and he loves talking about his girlfriend and his love story in China,which it is very moving and exciting. This was where the media stayed . They writed press releases with computers to live competitions to over the world. There are some other pictures i want to share with you These are cute boys.Ha Ha... When the athletes prepared for the competitions in the ready room... When they checked the track... When they were competing for their country... In the heavily rainy day... When Russia won the team title ... When the end of the race came... During the volunteering time, we sometimes got up at 4 am.and went to bed about 10 pm.We were very tied,but we indeed experienced the atmosphere in foreign countries and talked with people actively. By the 4-day volunteering experience , i am more outgoing and courageous. We live in a vast universe, the more you see,the much more you want.Keeping courage with yourself even if when you are jeered,patronized or face tough tasks and even be abandoned in the future ,you can firmly pursue your dream from this second to forever.


Gradually being adapted to the college, I could feel the relaxation and freedom, but more,i felt confused about my future and i thought i was dumbling through life owing to a complete different educational system from middle school or primary school. Maybe i came back home from time to time, but i clearly knew i just continued having fun by changing a place. Shortly i realized life full of vacuity wasn't what i wanted.So i decided to try being a volunteer to have a meaningful May Day at least. This is my work permit.First i thought i was not able to assume this position because i am only a freshman in a common college.So crazy! But,i later realized that the foreign could understand what you want to express easily as long as you dared to talk with them,either than me.Being an interpreter urged me to express everything in English and try to understand different types of accents which almost drove me mad.I mean it.but,From the other part, i really promoted ability of listening and speaking. This a picture taken with a coach of Brazil.His is very kind,and he is highly attracted by photography.This was taken when we sitted in front of the VIP, watching the race walking. We talked about football , his family and i shared the college life with him.That was a pleasant conversation. They are from the USA with shining smiles ,they are both very talkative.The teachter always tell us not to ask their salary or age,anything related to privacy.However,Alex(the right one) told me it doesn't matter , men are willing to share it but perhaps women scruples because of the age restriction is rare in American. This is Michael, 26 years old ,we met when he did massage.He is very talkative and he loves talking about his girlfriend and his love story in China,which it is very moving and exciting. This was where the media stayed . They writed press releases with computers to live competitions to over the world .There are some other pictures i want to share with you. These are cute boys.Ha Ha... When the athletes prepared for the competitions in the ready room... When they checked the track... When they were competing for their country... In the heavily rainny day... When Russia won the team title ... When the end of the race came...During the volunteering time, we sometimes got up at 4 am.and went to bed about 10 pm.We were very tied,but we indeed experienced the atmosphere in foreign countries and talked with people actively. By the 4-day volunteering experience , i am more outgoing and courageous.We live in a vast universe, the more you see,the much more you want.Keeping courage with yourself even if when you are jeered,patronized or face tough tasks and even be abandoned in the future ,you can firmly pursue your dream from this second to forever.


What is your most common sight when you are in a lounge, at the table, or even having a class whose substance is boring? That is fiddling with phone, which is a common phenomenon around the world. In fact, these people don’t deliberately make this performance, but have no intention. The behavior which is unconscious and greatly affects people’s daily life needs more attention paid for. For instance, most white collars always keep their mobile phones on call for almost 24 hours a day. In addition, they will check whether there is a missed call from time to time. If it takes long time but there’s no ringing phone, they will doubt if there’re no phone charges. This happens more than work in time. As for housewives, who are infatuated with shopping on line, they have formed a habit of Browsing Webpages of Taobao to look after special offers even if they are not urgently needed or useless to some extent. To our undergraduates, it seems inevitable to enter the cyberspace. If we have an essay to write, we need to dig information on the internet. If we have a subject to complete, we need the help of others research results as reference. When we are bored, whatever the circumstances are, we are able to fiddle with the mobile phone to have fun. Even though we are not bored, we take bringing the phone always with us for granted because we must check out the time or just glance at the screen for nothing. We are to be this way. How crazy it is! Why we must turn to Internet instead of ourselves when finishing our homework. Why we must make ourselves stuck in the standard answer box when the subject needs more creativity. Undergraduates do need cyberspace to do favor for studying instead of being independent on it. Speaking strictly for me, after using network often, I can apparently feel my level of spelling has descended. I usually have vague impression on one word but I can’t complete the whole word when I do some English exercises, which is grievous to me. In a world, entering into cyberspace is a great development to the world, which indeed provides convenience for people. However, what’s most worth paying more attention to is appropriate use of network. Only if used in moderation, can the internet plays the most effective role in our life. Therefore, from now on, Let’s try to remove the habit of always holding the phone and have more interaction with others.


As an old saying that goes:’pressure is driving the force of progress.’There is no doubt that pressure is heavy to us.However,we can’t be depressed and feel discouraged.Success is mother of failure.we must believe that the pressure is the cornerstone of success. In our country,the employment pressure is heavy.We dream to find jobs which are suitable to us,however,Many college graduates might never find jobs for which they were trained just because of the employment pressure.There are so many excellent talents that we are not good enough to defeat other guy to some extent. Besides,the pressure from family can’t be overlooked.Many parents hope that their children have a bright future.They will set the direction of life of their children. In fact children have increased pressure. Last but not least,the pressure of ourselves plays an important part in our mind.The appropriate pressure can force ourselves to reach our goals and have progress step by step.In the other side,excessive pressure will do harm to us.It will make us lose our confidence, feel useless and even result in depressive patients. Therefore,we can’t let pressure be a enemy or a stumbling block but a urge to us.We should not only witness the cruel competition around us,but also see figure of youth and good life.We must believe:More efforts than others for a minute, it is of advantage.Thus,pressure is not a big monster any more,but a tool which inspires us to success.


A classic film is memorable,which always reminds me of endeavoring. When focusing on the low intelligence’s fool, people always neglect their the most shining characteristics——persistence and firmness which the ordinary people are lack of to some extent nowadays. Bubba, who is thought as the best friend by Forrest Gump, is dead eventually after Agam saves him in Vietnam War. He has dreamed about having a shrimping boat after he comes back hometown. Therefore, Agam keeps their promise for his friend, goes shrimping, makes a lot of money and finally becomes a millionaire. What’s most of us are paying attention to is the success he achieves, but the most respectful part of him is the original purpose to do these——fulfilling his friend’s dream. In friendship, he just keeps promises without other private purposes. For his love, Jenny, he treats her to be consistent from beginning to end. No matter when Jenny is pure and young or corrupt and sick, he just protect her from danger he considers, leave and wait for when Jenny asks him to go away, and stand by her when Jenny needs him without hesitation, just because he loves her. In addition, the most noteworthy part of the film is his mother. She is great I think. When Agam is young, she tells him that there’s nothing different about him with others. She is inspiring and being proud of her son all the time. When Agam has grown up and she is dying, she tells his son that: “You have to figure out how is your own destiny and do to best with the ‘gift’ god gives you. I believe you.” It’s his mom that makes him realize the life was like a box of chocolates and you never know what you’re going to get. In the whole film, it’s Agam’s dull expression and action rather than the success he achieves that let me move. He can be persistent and firm and even focus on one goal without any distractions just owing to being stupid. As he says: “People just don’t believe somebody runs for no typical reasons.” For most ordinary people such as me, is it difficult just to do one thing without any other considerations or distractions, and never hold back? At least my answer is “Yes”. So, Forrest Gump wins respect from normal people with his low IQ.