

Film Review:Forrest Gump——Just Do It

A classic film is memorable,which always reminds me of endeavoring.

When focusing on the low intelligence’s fool, people always neglect their the most shining characteristics——persistence and firmness which the ordinary people are lack of to some extent nowadays.

Bubba, who is thought as the best friend by Forrest Gump, is dead eventually after Agam saves him in Vietnam War. He has dreamed about having a shrimping boat after he comes back hometown. Therefore, Agam keeps their promise for his friend, goes shrimping, makes a lot of money and finally becomes a millionaire. What’s most of us are paying attention to is the success he achieves, but the most respectful part of him is the original purpose to do these——fulfilling his friend’s dream. In friendship, he just keeps promises without other private purposes.

For his love, Jenny, he treats her to be consistent from beginning to end. No matter when Jenny is pure and young or corrupt and sick, he just protect her from danger he considers, leave and wait for when Jenny asks him to go away, and stand by her when Jenny needs him without hesitation, just because he loves her.

In addition, the most noteworthy part of the film is his mother. She is great I think. When Agam is young, she tells him that there’s nothing different about him with others. She is inspiring and being proud of her son all the time. When Agam has grown up and she is dying, she tells his son that: “You have to figure out how is your own destiny and do to best with the ‘gift’ god gives you. I believe you.” It’s his mom that makes him realize the life was like a box of chocolates and you never know what you’re going to get.

In the whole film, it’s Agam’s dull expression and action rather than the success he achieves that let me move. He can be persistent and firm and even focus on one goal without any distractions just owing to being stupid. As he says: “People just don’t believe somebody runs for no typical reasons.” For most ordinary people such as me, is it difficult just to do one thing without any other considerations or distractions, and never hold back? At least my answer is “Yes”. So, Forrest Gump wins respect from normal people with his low IQ.


XuLing-Doris 2014-05-26 22:41

Yes,it is a good movie worth reviewing again and again.Thank you! 

josee1016 2014-05-12 23:14

This is one of my favourite movies. I admire Forest Gump,especially his perseverence, positiveness and his love for life.