


With the remarkable development of people’s life standard, many people feel dull about life, which makes them always find some frustrations for themselves. Sometimes that’s not a big deal indeed, but somebody always focuses on one point, and is not inclined to let it go.

One of my dormitory mates went to playground to drink alcohol yesterday, when it rained and after 9.30 pm. She wants to break up with her present boyfriend in that she finds herself still love her last boyfriend after a year’s facing with her present boyfriend. She told him she would go out for drinking. She told him she felt very sorry. She told him how many times she had vomited during the night. Why an indeed sad person remembers to tell someone about every detail about the sorrow of himself? I can’t figure out what’s the hell she wants to do. The only reason I can explain for this is just being dull. I don’t know whether they have broken up or not for now.

As Chinese college students, we have our considerate parents to pay tuitions for us. To some extent, we have nothing to worry about .We have a great deal of leisure time to do anything we want to do. However, many people just feel bored and want to find sorrow for them. They think being crossed in love should be full of sore, so they show sorrow, even if they don’t be miserable at all. They hold the view that youth should be like this.

I don’t think so. Why we have to be faked as a Nazarite when things are going smoothly. Just like a prevalent saying: “No zuo no die.” Fang Wenshan, a famous musician in Taiwan, says: Life covers repeating mechanically which can’t be cover by a short film. From my perspective, the part of repeating is the hardest thing we are going through.

Life is not an idol drama, and you are not a superstar. None of people will always pay attention to you; they are all very busy about their own business. In fact, the essence of life is wateriness.


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