

My Growth of Volunteering in IAAF World Walking Cup

Gradually being adapted to the college, I could feel the relaxation and freedom, but more,i felt confused about my future and i thought i was dumbling through life owing to a complete different educational system from middle school or primary school. Maybe i came back home from time to time, but i clearly knew i just continued having fun by changing a place. Shortly i realized life full of vacuity wasn't what i wanted.So i decided to try being a volunteer to have a meaningful May Day at least.

This is my work permit.First i thought i was not able to assume this position because i am only a freshman in a common college.So crazy! But,i later realized that the foreign could understand what you want to express easily as long as you dared to talk with them,either than me.Being an interpreter urged me to express everything in English and try to understand different types of accents which almost drove me mad.I mean it.but,From the other part, i really promoted ability of listening and speaking.

This a picture taken with a coach of Brazil.His is very kind,and he is highly attracted by photography.This was taken when we sitted in front of the VIP, watching the race walking. We talked about football , his family and i shared the college life with him.That was a pleasant conversation.

They are from the USA with shining smiles ,they are both very talkative.The teachter always tell us not to ask their salary or age,anything related to privacy.However,Alex(the right one) told me it doesn't matter , men are willing to share it but perhaps women scruples because of the age restriction is rare in American.

This is Michael, 26 years old ,we met when he did massage.He is very talkative and he loves talking about his girlfriend and his love story in China,which it is very moving and exciting.

This was where the media stayed . They writed press releases with computers to live competitions to over the world .

There are some other pictures i want to share with you.

These are cute boys.Ha Ha...

When the athletes prepared for the competitions in the ready room...

When they checked the track...

When they were competing for their country...

In the heavily rainny day...

When Russia won the team title ...

When the end of the race came...

During the volunteering time, we sometimes got up at 4 am.and went to bed about 10 pm.We were very tied,but we indeed experienced the atmosphere in foreign countries and talked with people actively. By the 4-day volunteering experience , i am more outgoing and courageous.

We live in a vast universe, the more you see,the much more you want.Keeping courage with yourself even if when you are jeered,patronized or face tough tasks and even be abandoned in the future ,you can firmly pursue your dream from this second to forever.


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