

HOW TO ATTRACT 1000+ VOTES IN A WEEK Bloggers With Unique Perspectives Are Critical For Content Services In to the final round of the China Daily’s blog competition. Old Marketing & Business brain tells move deeply in using some skills that I have acquired through my professional practice. Using simple skills from web optimizing, content marketing, and social media management had created over 1500 hits per China Daily page within few weeks. Although it had created some disturbance, it is an example of individual blogger's effectiveness in a broad sense of content service operation. I am no expert on journalism, amateur writer or even literary enthusiast. At this point anyone who read my stuff might have noticed some of my blogs are no match for the professional writers. By all means, I am not as active or open minded in the issues concerning everyday life or a simple stories of simple things. In fact, many of my blog posts are quite candid about the issues that foreigners face in China. Due to this facts materials I write are not as popular as some others. So, does the need bloggers like me? To answer this simple question, one must look behind the web pages. Behind every simple web page, there is an organization and operation just like any businesses. It has goals and strategies, it has tactical and long term plans and project. For example, this competition's goal is to recruit, retain bloggers with unique perspectives to grow their forum's activities. Lets say the goal and effectiveness of this competition will be measured, in terms of project management, by amount of activity generated during certain amount of time. In other words, bloggers like you would generate contents for this forum that would enrich their static growth. Additionally, this type competition not only increases members of the forum (most importantly static, contributing members who creates variety of perspectives), also to expends the service exposure to outside. China Daily News Group's main audiences are Foreigners who lives outside of China. Matter of fact, whole purpose of China Daily News Group is to express Chinese view of the world and project China Image positively to the world. So, to reach this long term goal, short term tactical projects such as the forum’s first foreign blogger’s competitions have created periodically. I think this project has successfully accomplished its purpose with help of bloggers such as you and I. Bloggers like you and I whom has an outside China influence, can attract several hundred supporters within a day. If the matter is critical enough, several thousands of supporters can be attracted in a week. “How is it done?” some may ask. Here is how I, for example reached my connections outside China to optimize my page: - First, I wrote a letter about this competition to a member of Mongolian students association in UK. Then the same letter was forwarded to Denver, Chicago, Washington DC, and Seoul, and some European countries. - Second, it was posted in only few social media sites. Well-known fan pages had copies of China Daily’s picture in their social media pages, which again creates exposure of China Daily Forum to outside world. My next step was to reach out for several PR firms that I have previously worked with. If that would have happened, China Daily’s Page could have easily generated three to five thousand votes in a week and half. - Then, I have read some frustrated bloggers' comments on the competition page, they really seem to be surprised and cynical or even angry. So I have decided not to go full throttle, dropped any effort to optimize this page from outside the China. At this point, my votes gradually declined to halt. Personally, I think this forum with its very primitive platform has genuine enthusiastic participants, and audience of fantastic variety. This type of varieties of perspective is crucial to build and sustain static growth in any news industry or content based operation. If everyone writes, views things in a same fashion, eventually the whole thing start to smell like same boring thing. Eventually, the content business loses audiences because there is no challenge. This happens all the time, many business organizations fight hard to keep their integrity and their variety just because people get bored and leaves for something new and fresh. On the other hand, projects like this competition that focuses on retaining old members, recruiting new perspectives, seeking new way of exposure from outside world as possible. To reach this goal of sustainable static growth of content services, its important to utilize effective bloggers who has unfaltering unique perspective, and real influence to maintain integrity, variety, and tangible results.


Re-Inspiration From China Personal Story of Entrepreneurial Inspiration First sight of an entrepreneur spirit came to me when I was at age ten. Cold winter morning, yet I remember it was bright and sunny. My cousin and I went from door to door, hitting every grocery store in the main street Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia selling Band-Aids $0.5 a box. That afternoon, we made 30 dollars, which back then were really a lot of money. We earned much more than money that day. We learned about sales and ruthless determination, which are building blocks of entrepreneurism. The spirit of entrepreneurism from that winter day haunted me ever since. All types of small ventures followed thereafter, but never the big ones. During the high school and college years, I never asked for a single penny from my parents. All my major expenses were paid independently from what I have earned. But there are lots and lots of rules, moralities, expectancies, and ethical don’ts that pressure some one who is harbouring a spirit that is wild and ruthless. Under this social pressure to conformity, slowly, the spirit goes away and hides in very deep that I could barely hear its voice. Coming to China I have noticed everyone was on fire. Familiar aura of entrepreneur spirit was in the air and in everyone I met. Everyone I met had sense of drive, urgency, and result orientation without chain lock of conformity. I have met inspiring 30 years old engineer who makes close to a million dollars annually in his robotic engineering services rendered in manufacturing industry in China. I have met inspiring to meet 22 years old teacher who is also a small private school owner. I have met a young lady who works at two jobs and runs an advertisements firm in her free time. And I was deep inspired. Their creativity, imagination, hard work, and boundless drive to reach success call something deep inside me. Being in entrepreneurial land, and hearing their call, the spirit has come back with vengeance. Pushed me hard to be better skilled, pushed me further to more attempts, and pushed me to finish what I have started half year ago. As a result of this calling, I have created a product that I have been dreaming for long time, and what I have created would help many people. My mentor, dear friend Ben Robbins, the co-author of “The Venice Experience” has once said “Unskilled knowledge is useless, unapplied skill is even worse”. Its imperative for a person to be skilled in someway, its also better if that person has the spirit of entrepreneurism. Thanks to China, I have re-found my business savvy trades that I call entrepreneurial spirit.


THINGS CHINESE FRIEND SAYSThings are Different in China, Here Is Why You Need A Chinese Friend To Survive Chinese friends are famous for their hospitality and face-saving to foreigners. Foreigners have lot to say about their Chinese friend. Its a survival tool to have Chinese friend in your contact. Here are some things your Chinese friend might say that are different from your average friends back home: 1. In the west, friend would say “We know each other for 20 years, but the law is law, I can’t help you with your traffic tickets”. In China, friend would say “I known you for 2 years Dave, I am the police officer, I am sure I can do something about these” 2. In the west, friend would say “Dave, I know you have some emergencies, but I am at work right now…” In China, friend would say “Dave? What kind of a problem? Where are you? Ok I will be there in few minutes” 3. In the west, friend would say “Dave, sorry buddy, I can’t do this. It seems illegal to cheat on your taxes” In China, friend would say “Dave, I know a guys in tax office that can help us, no worries” 4. In the west, friend would say, “Dave you have disappeared for few months, are we still friends?” In China, friend would say, “Oh my, it’s been few months, good to hear from you. How can I be a help?” 5. In the west, friend would say, “Where? In jail? But it’s three o’clock in the morning…” In China, friend would say, “Give the phone to the policeman, let me talk to them…. Ok you can go now” 6. In the west, friend would say, “Waiter, can we please have the check? Oh, we pay separately, thanks” In China, friend would say, “Waiter, can we have the check? Dave! Bills on me!” 7. In the west, friend would say, “I cant help you, unless you….” In China, friend would say “I can help you no matter what” 8. In the west, friend would say “He is an @$$ kisser, I don’t like him. She is such a loser!” In China, friend would say, “Oh, he is a good man. I don’t know her that much, but she seem to be good person” Things Chinese friends say is a reflection of a social, cultural norms in China. It’s not shady; things just work differently in China. Different way of thinking, and behaving are practiced everyday. That’s why you should pay close attention to the things Chinese friend say.


Wal-Mart China Needs a Facelift Simple Observation of Western Retail Giants in China Even tough China is leading the world of e-commerce shopping platforms. Ground floor retail sector is still alive than ever. Many years ago tried successfully to jump in the online shopping bandwagon; Wal-Mart in China is losing sight from retailing fundamentals. They should learn from their adversaries and stick to the core of the game. Using McDonald occupying prime real-state strategy, Wal-Mart buys places in the city’s busiest districts. Tesco however is focuses on a business management strategy. Combining Chinese sense of merchandising with modern customer service techniques, Tesco has built an excellent business in china, while Wal-Mart jams its shelf with products and hires only few staffs. No matter the strategy, all retail business eventually comes to few fundamental success factors. Customer demands, price competition, service excellence, store management are some of the few to mention. In the retail business, most of the wrong decision made in the corporate level, and many right decisions come from grass roots type of tactical operation. Wal-Mart’s in Shenyang, for instance is poorly managed warehouses in a good location. Shelf space, product placing, store flow needs extra attention. They could also hire more staff to manage sections in the store. When customer try to find products in Wal-Mart’s tightly spaced rows, they are less likely to find staff to help. Tesco on the other hand has enough space for 2.5 shopping carts to pass by between main rows. Not only primary goods have a section staff, but also accessories, stationaries have section staffs to help sell products. The stores are well lighted comparing to the Wal-Mart stores and tactical managers keep a good job on store presentation. One of the hardest factors for retail business is a Human Resource. Both Tesco and Wal-Mart seem to manage this efficiently. However, noticeable customer service, basic sell's and team building training can be seen in Tesco employees. For instance, when a costumer seems to search for a product in a given section, within less then 30 seconds of looking and remaining in the self area, a staff will show up and recommend a certain product. After acknowledging the costumer preference, the staff again changes the recommendation to suit the costumer need. Up, down, cross, add sells techniques can be seen in the Tesco staffs. Not to mention overhead cost per staff is significantly high, Tesco type of store management requires great deal of tactical brilliance, training, and ground enforcement. Keeping the staff smiling to provide good service costs money, but it’s a common sense merchandising craftsmanship. Wal-Mart should learn few tricks and stick to the fundamentals.


Fake English Teachers In China Supplementary Education Market Is Like Wild west in China, Here Is Why You Should Be Careful A Chinese friend of mine calls for a favor after school. Me being a good shepherd came to help. What I didn’t know was that this favor got me involved some crazy events to follow. My Chinese lived in the States briefly when he was young. Now he works at some German company. He got a wife and a child. Wife puts the kid in some Pre-School (kindergarten) to study English. One day, he had to pick his child from the pre-school. Sitting in the waiting room, he realizes the teacher has a funny accent. Not American for sure, but nothing similar to British or Australian English. So he asks the School manager where the teacher was from. The manager said he was from the States. My friend doubts what the manager lady said, and calls me over for a check up. I didn’t know it was for this intervention. If had, I would not come to help. On the phone, he sounded serious; so I came to help. Little did I know, I was IN for inspection of this English teachers class. The pretentious English teacher had a very poor in English. He had a heavy eastern European accent. While struggling to have a few words with the Teacher, I soon discovered that he has never been in the States. Addition to a poor English, he was a poor liar. So, I summed up and said to my friend that the teacher was not American by any chance. Knowing he paid good money for bad service, my friend started to have an argument with the manager. The manager kept saying the teacher was an American. Soon the situation got out of control, when the teacher started to get angry with my friend and I. Which is right, I had no business being there. So, I was about to leave this ugly and uncomfortable scene, but my friend calls his friend in Chinese Homeland Security (They call it Exit and Entry Police or something). They arrived shockingly fast, and all of us including the school manager had to go to the local authority office. Long story short, the American teacher who was in reality Russian student from local University, got fined for 10 thousand RMB due for multiple offence of visa violation. The pre-school got their license suspended, also was charged fine. My friend and I had to be there to witness lot of Russian-English cursing, temper tantrum. I made friends in Chinese Homeland Security Office, promising to help find more cases like this. In which I will most definitely not pursue ever again. A moral of this story is not to violate your Visa Status. If you are teaching English under false pretense, at least don’t lie about your political status. That could make you easy target. Personally I know many people teaching English and they are horrible speakers or writers. Some have terrible accent, some are not from a native English speaking countries, and some just do it because they look foreign. For Chinese parents, please know that not everything foreign is good for your child! Most foreign nationals in China have a very sad life history. I have to put it very delicately without offending anyone. You don’t want some high school dropout with criminal history to teach English to your kids about everyday life. I am not saying they are all bunch of low-life losers who could not make it in their country. Maybe they are good people, so talk to your child's English teachers, check if they really who they say they are. Please vote for me, If my writing was useful. Thanks. http://pub1.chinadaily.com.cn/survey/20140506/index.shtml


Simple Story of The World Change How Would Our History Sound In The Future? Where Will You Be? In the beginning The Wealth of Nations has been shifting ever since the human kind discovered faster way to transport goods from one place to another. Oceanic transportation was the game changer, and it built great civilizations and nations. Then the railroad has built new ways of inland, cross-cultural trading. Few centuries later, humans have started using airplanes to transport culture and its related goods. These three methods of transportation has changed, shaped, molded today’s world of commerce. Then the technology came along to interlock markets and economies event tighter. Vast amount wealth has shipped to one continent to another within few decades. It made some countries very rich, and others very deep in dept. Shift of world wealth has shaped in the world’s history. Decline of the West Once upon a time, there was a great industrial country in the West. Everything used and bought was made in their country until another country from the East produced same goods 10-1000 times cheaper than what the West can produce. So the people from the West got lazy, and started to buy things from the East. Soon they spent all their money buying stuff that they don’t really need. Within few decades, the whole country has gotten very poor because they stopped producing or selling things. One day, they have got nothing left to sell outside. Everything they use was made in the East. They even borrowed from the East to buy stuff from the East. Deep in debt, the West struggled. Eastern people were very patient; they even bought their homes, factories, and government facilities when the West can’t pay their bill. Soon the half of the West has become the Eastern owned. - Oh wait!!! Wait a minute! What happens to the rest of the world? I mean didn’t the West had bunch of friends? Like the other countries? Someone might ask. - Yes, the West did. However, they didn’t play nice with their friends from other countries. See, the West thought he was a big, tall, handsome, and rich. When you’re handsome and rich, you don’t need to try hard to make friends. When you are tall and big, everyone is afraid of you. So he got very arrogant, and very mean with other. He cheated, bullied, manipulated and the worse ignored their friend’s cry for help. The West thought he was better than everyone else and kicked anyone who apposed. Eventually, one by one, their friend turned their back against him, and the west got no friends left. Soon forgotten. Rise of the East 22nd century demanded the world to go further, faster, together! No one was able to run by them selves because all countries were interconnected with their neighbors and major economies. Ecologically, economically the world demanded everyone to move together! The East has seen it coming. So they prepared, they have gather enough resources to go solo just in case if things go wrong. Whatever they earned from selling to the West, the east has invested in the future.They also played nice with their neighbors. They never argued, bullied, hurt the noticeable kids. They used diplomacy to build bridges, infrastructure, coal-mines, communication lines, factories, hospitals, schools and homes. They allowed hundreds of thousands of foreign students to study in their country for free, so in the future the East will have friends all over the world. Soon a one unit of East money has become equivalent to a one unit of West money. When a living condition became worse in the East, millions have moved to the West and other areas of the world. Carrying their culture of hard work and frugality, they were able to adopt easily and prosper faster in a new country. Soon their children get married to the new country people, and the whole world looked like half East and half something else. Thanks to the East, poverty is almost eradicated in some countries in Africa and Afghanistan but most government contracts are operated and controlled by the East in their countries. Wealth gets be distributed strangely by the East’s new type of Socialism, and many more Westerners who can’t find a back home job came to the East to make the means end. The East systematically cleared out their high toxic industries to smaller countries around the world, and found clean energy systems to harness and distribute electricity. Within half a century, the air pollution became manageable in the East and more Eastern people will came home to re-live their life.


PERSONAL RECIPE FOR WONDERFUL REFRESHING MORNING How you start your day matters! Here is why. Most of the foreign students I know from the University Dormitory sleeps until the noon. Its 1PM, and they are still in their beds. Not sick or dead, but for more significant reasons such as laziness, chat with friends back home until 3am, partied previews night, just tired, and of course the main theme “nothing else to do”. These are the people who suffer from number of issues in their academic and social life, and I hate to see them sleeping their life away. But not all foreign students are heavy sleepers. Here are some of my friends who are successful, happily living in China. Their life is so much more interesting, progressive, and productive. They are immune to stress, fatigue and boredom. Some even owns a business in China! Witnessing both types of student life style, I have acknowledged difference in their morning routine. There few simple tricks my friends do to have a beautiful and refreshing morning. 1. Wake up early This gives you an extra time to ponder, think, and see where your current circumstances are. People who are progressive in life, ALL are early risers. They treasure that quite silence of the morning for meditation, vision of future. I usually devote my morning for behind the scenes stuff such as organizing my schedule, contacting overseas friends and exercising. 2. Read something positive This probably is the highest and most important priority of your day. Positive reading helps you cognitively create positive perspective in life. Perspective becomes attitude, and attitude becomes an action. Especially in the morning where your mind is like a fresh soil, you should plant something positive so that good seed will grow to beautiful tree. 3. Plan your day While working in companies I realized higher, the organizational leadership ladder a person go, more effective their daily hours has to be planned. Planning it self is an art, but it’s not hard to master. It all starts with your morning plan. Spending few moments to plan you day will help you to see what need to be done and how you can use your time effectively. 4. Exercise Healthy body is the most important thing in life. Healthy and happy people produce much more than sick and sad ones. When you exercise in the morning your body balances and burns the food you eat through out the day. I go to park and learn Tai Chi from Chinese people after I run few miles; it helped me to heal my back injury.After all, how you start your day matters! How you handle your mornings greatly influences the outcome of rest of the day. Follow this routine for 30 days and you will notice your many change.


Ten Reasons to Chinese Street-Food Before You Die For Authentic Chinese Taste You Must Start in the Main Streets of China. 1. Authentic Every bites, crumbs, bits of pieces coming in to your mouth will be unlike anything you have ever tried back home. Street food in China is so authentic that makes Chinese foods elsewhere taste like poorly made copy. 2. Inexpensive For 6 RMB, which is about one dollar, you can find descent food from street vendors everywhere in Shenyang. From my school cafeteria in Shenyang, 7 RMB will feed you with a great dish. Street food is cheap and fast cooked on the bicycle - wheeled contraption. 3. Super tasty I am sure there is no argument about the fantastic taste of freshly made Chinese food. Try stay on the main stream Chinese food if you are new in China. I wouldn’t go for turtle soup or pigeon meat to start with, but I am sure you will love the mainstream Chinese food that sells every street corner in China.4. Fresh Most of the small vendors use fresh ingredients. Chinese people, who are their main consumers, know how the “fresh” tastes like. Using an old ingredient is like losing customers, so they always use fresh products all the time, on the spot. 5. Organic Vendors and mid size cafeterias buy their food from local organic market. If you ever been in the morning markets in China, you will know its all about local farmers. No genetically engineered food will be found in streets vendors buggy. 6. Savory Source is in the sauce. Chinese people developed their sauce at home, in kitchen, not from chemical factories in middle of nowhere. Savory flavors from each component in your plate has been developed, protected, and inherited over the years of culinary passion. 7. Culinary heritage Chinese food has a regional taste. Sichuan people like extra spicy, Beijing people like not so spicy yet not so sweet, Shanghai people prefer sweet taste and Dong-Bei people loves spicy, sweet and potency. Their unique taste preference has lot to do with the climate and heritage. Culinary heritage of Chinese food extends back many centuries. 8. Artistic More rare and expensive the food is, more artistic it gets. They are very creative with their display, even in the streets. Competing for uniqueness of their design, some street vendors us great artistic touch to their production. 9. Aromatic Freshly cut vegetable sizzling in the grill, with touch of ground garlic making tiny crackling sounds. When it hits the open-air aroma becomes so distinct enticing, anyone would have come and see what’s in the fire. In the busy streets of China, smell speaks louder than the words. 10. Low calories Most of what’s in the ensemble is vegetables, and low calories. Since red meat is expensive in China, most of the food houses use vegetables chicken and tofu. These ingredients are low on fat, calories and easy to digest. Best thing about the Chinese food is that it does not drain your energy level after lunch. I am sure you will find many more reasons to try and experience culinary adventures in China. Please share your own reasons... Thanks to many sites allowed loyalty free photos.


DON’T KILL YOURSELF FOR A DIPLOMA; IT'S WORTH GOT DROPPED! LANDSCAPE OF GLOBAL EDUCATION IS SHIFTING; WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOUR COLLEGE DEGREE? PRESSURE AND TEENAGE SUICIDES “Asian student are famous for their smartness and capacity to work hard” is a common assumption in the west. Truth is that the Asian countries have high rate of teenage suicide. Coming from Asian background I can relate to the pressure from parents and society to get a good grade. I realized same pressure or stress that Chinese society give to their youth. Getting good grades, going to big schools and working in a big jobs are expected form of good life everywhere in the world including China. However big jobs are few, number of candidates are increased daily. Thus competition gets ruthless, and young people gets pressured more and more. Graduates in China will be mass of educated unemployed class, unless they understand value of global education. Unfortunately west is in no better shape! For some Chinese, getting the US education is a niche. However, Chinese education versus the US education is just a matter of collectivism and individualism. From my personal experience, the American higher education institutes encourage their students to think creative and find solutions, Chinese higher education requires mass amount of textbook memorization. So, which diploma should you have to get ahead in the race? FREE DIPLOMA FOR EVERYONE! Chinese graduates have to know that higher education is not the only key to a successful life. Many people reach success without college degree. So instead of aiming for a job after graduation, college student should focus usefulness of their skill to create their own companies or ventures. Become job creators instead of job seekers! because college degree just got cheap! Current state of world education and where the future is headed, reminds me of a quote from a movie named Good Will Hunting. In the movie scene where Will Hunting as a self-educated genius argues with Harvard undergraduate student, and he said “You have paid $40’000 per year for an education that can be obtained from a public library for $1.50”. Come to think of it, it states the simple fact about self-education in global terms. College diploma only shows how well you are institutionalized. It also shows that you have spent money and time obtain that piece of paper. It does not show how skilled you are. So would you really want to spend 40’000.00 USD just for diploma? If so, think about per diploma the value decrease in the global education market. The US, and other parts of free world, hundreds of schools offer full online undergraduate degrees. Thousands of schools offer full online courses. For anyone who has an Internet access, and a computer, college degree becomes part time, easily obtainable piece of paper for very low price. There are even free western college classes online. Socio-entrepreneurs and forward thinking professors of educational institutions around the world created courses, online video lectures, test quizzes and full certified classes online for no fee. Anyone, anywhere can go to college course online and get a certificate or diploma for the completion of that course. These movement of free-world's market changes the global landscape of higher education. FUTURE OF YOUR COLLEGE DEGREE Diplomas earned online are apparently acceptable for employees. Thus, millions of people around the globe are obtaining online college degrees. Since its so easily obtainable, value and the cost drops significantly from 4'000 USD per class of three credit to 250$ per credit class. It will eventually become free! Worthless as a High school diploma, Bachelors degree will be available for everyone in the future. I am sure in the future; education will be free or very cheap worldwide. Over 500 hundred years ago or more, only privileged class of few or elite of social pyramid had an access to education, which back then was more like an accessory instead of utility. 400 years after, access to education became significantly easy. Increased number of schools in Europe and United States allowed common people to obtain high school and college degree. But still it was hard to get advanced degrees such as Masters and PHD. Nowadays, a truck driver from Tennessee can obtain MBA from his home while working full time. Around the world bachelor’s degree became piece of paper that everyone carries around like a high school diploma. 500 years from now, kids will go to and graduate from school in much early age. 19 years old students will graduate with PHD. Bachelors and masters will be obsolete and will be offered in public schools right after high school. Education will be free in all stages of human life. There will be new form of receiving common knowledge that we learn in high school. Global education will be more personalized, less political, easy to obtain, and worthless unless its skill based. So please do not kill yourself for something that holds no value!


UPDATED - BRAND NEW - MAOISM LITE V.2.1 How Marketing Can Play Role in Politics Media outlets, free market, international influence has changed the Chinese political arena since the original Maoist communism (MAOISM v.0.1). Currently, reforms require delicate execution and modern strategy to succeed in the political stage of China. Contemporary leaders of world have to align their political goals to numerous new challenges. Political agenda, its related products must also change to better and updated glossy versions to be attractive. Modern day, PR campaigns seem benefit from shimmer of business sense for public appeal and effectiveness. The original MAOISM is became somewhat like a brand name similar NIKE or Starbucks in commercial China. But the brand has changed, and the company that produces the legendary brand is under new management. MAOISM v.1.1 30 years ago Mao’s original branding messages were delivered in very bold pattern. Strategy was long term, first to build brand and use the brand to push products. The political campaign’s stages divided in smaller increments; and each increment contain it’s own messages. Slogans phrases were watered down several times until it became simple phrase to appeal the target audience (uneducated mass). Its result was wonderful; each message hit the target and suited for each user. Quotes like “Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush enemy” is not only a strong marketing slogan but also a user guide answer to which all there is to know about communism. It’s bold, not cheap, resonating and not easily perishable. 30 years ago constant change of update, long term strategy and static tactical delivery created one man iconic branding that stands for the organizational agenda. MAOISM v.2.1 Today's Maoism is changed into commercialized LITE version of what MAO has originally visioned. Circumstances changed the original MAOISM brand to to a user friendly, “green”, non-threatening, low calories, low fat, vitamins added and shinny packaged MAOISM v.2. Leaders like Mr. Xi Jinpin, has to sell a different product from 30 years ago. His recent endeavor for example, concerns domestic issues of corruption. The campaign has attracted lots of headlines in the western media as well as domestic awareness, and even some “street credibility”. From the mass marketing standpoint, the message has to be very bold, yet very cheap to sell a lot in faster period of time. It has be all-in-one package, “buy this and you will get this, this, plus this benefits for free”. The message has to be very round for everyone to feel good; it has to be very righteous in the public eye with no conflicts of the values. From the strategy point of view, it has to be short term. Basic demographic profile of the consumers are not only Chinese people, but also the same people who supports him and takes bribes. So, to illustrate effectiveness of the product, few samples here and there will be given for public spectacles but not too many, in other words, it has to have a very low production costs. Which means it cannot hurt too many of his people. It has to be obsolete in short period to make room for the next big thing. In other words anti-curroption campaign will be over in next 1-2 years. Today's MAOISM products don't last long, sells fast, very shinny, very commercialized. MAOISM v.3 product future road map Selling cheap product is good for short-term profit (maybe next election or whatever). When product became obsolete, people buy new. However, for the long-term perspective, high quality durable goods are the good business strategy. For political business, moves and agenda are products need to be sold to public. Big bold products have profound effects in people’s life in long term. On contrary, short in term objectives can reach wide range, cost less, less risky and high volume. To build long term iconic brand like MAOISM, product cost needs to be increased. Which means more results, more crackdowns, more people jailed or executed or complete reform needed. So the leadership eventually has to make business decision of: 1. Profit from short term sells numbers or 2. Build a long-term iconic brand with historical impact on people’s lives.