


Simple Story of The World Change

How Would Our History Sound In The Future? Where Will You Be?

In the beginning

The Wealth of Nations has been shifting ever since the human kind discovered faster way to transport goods from one place to another. Oceanic transportation was the game changer, and it built great civilizations and nations. Then the railroad has built new ways of inland, cross-cultural trading. Few centuries later, humans have started using airplanes to transport culture and its related goods. These three methods of transportation has changed, shaped, molded today’s world of commerce. Then the technology came along to interlock markets and economies event tighter. Vast amount wealth has shipped to one continent to another within few decades. It made some countries very rich, and others very deep in dept. Shift of world wealth has shaped in the world’s history.

Decline of the West

Once upon a time, there was a great industrial country in the West. Everything used and bought was made in their country until another country from the East produced same goods 10-1000 times cheaper than what the West can produce. So the people from the West got lazy, and started to buy things from the East. Soon they spent all their money buying stuff that they don’t really need. Within few decades, the whole country has gotten very poor because they stopped producing or selling things.

One day, they have got nothing left to sell outside. Everything they use was made in the East. They even borrowed from the East to buy stuff from the East. Deep in debt, the West struggled. Eastern people were very patient; they even bought their homes, factories, and government facilities when the West can’t pay their bill. Soon the half of the West has become the Eastern owned.

- Oh wait!!! Wait a minute! What happens to the rest of the world? I mean didn’t the West had bunch of friends? Like the other countries? Someone might ask.

- Yes, the West did. However, they didn’t play nice with their friends from other countries. See, the West thought he was a big, tall, handsome, and rich. When you’re handsome and rich, you don’t need to try hard to make friends. When you are tall and big, everyone is afraid of you. So he got very arrogant, and very mean with other. He cheated, bullied, manipulated and the worse ignored their friend’s cry for help. The West thought he was better than everyone else and kicked anyone who apposed. Eventually, one by one, their friend turned their back against him, and the west got no friends left. Soon forgotten.

Rise of the East

22nd century demanded the world to go further, faster, together! No one was able to run by them selves because all countries were interconnected with their neighbors and major economies. Ecologically, economically the world demanded everyone to move together!

The East has seen it coming. So they prepared, they have gather enough resources to go solo just in case if things go wrong. Whatever they earned from selling to the West, the east has invested in the future.

They also played nice with their neighbors. They never argued, bullied, hurt the noticeable kids. They used diplomacy to build bridges, infrastructure, coal-mines, communication lines, factories, hospitals, schools and homes. They allowed hundreds of thousands of foreign students to study in their country for free, so in the future the East will have friends all over the world.

Soon a one unit of East money has become equivalent to a one unit of West money. When a living condition became worse in the East, millions have moved to the West and other areas of the world. Carrying their culture of hard work and frugality, they were able to adopt easily and prosper faster in a new country. Soon their children get married to the new country people, and the whole world looked like half East and half something else.

Thanks to the East, poverty is almost eradicated in some countries in Africa and Afghanistan but most government contracts are operated and controlled by the East in their countries. Wealth gets be distributed strangely by the East’s new type of Socialism, and many more Westerners who can’t find a back home job came to the East to make the means end. The East systematically cleared out their high toxic industries to smaller countries around the world, and found clean energy systems to harness and distribute electricity. Within half a century, the air pollution became manageable in the East and more Eastern people will came home to re-live their life.


Ariunbold 2014-05-19 14:53

Poverty reduction by the East?
Well, they got their own problems back home! Besides common sense and the history of 10 thousand years of humanity tells us, the poverty will be permanent problem for humankind. Highest rate of social disorder, dysfunctional government is in the poor nations who are suffering from poverty. Economical inequality is drastic in these nations. Poverty will stay for good in the next thousands of years. Looking at poverty from social perspective is like chicken-egg-first paradox.

Ariunbold 2014-05-19 14:48

Buying power of China is stronger than any country in the world. 
China bought 3 billion dollar mining contract in Afghanistan. Uzbekistan, and other countries of "stan" now see more Chinese business men who are looking for investment opportunity. Tajikistan's gold mine and mineral sector is under Chinese investigation at this moment. They are willing to invest/billions in old "stan countries" for geopolitical reasons. But this billion are nothing comparable to the best investment in the world "the US debt". The poverty struck nations such as Afghanistan will greatly benefit from 3 billion dollar investment (which is more than half of their government budget). In this manner, many poor country people will benefit from Chinese strategic investments.

Ariunbold 2014-05-19 14:28

Charity has profound impact too!
1980-s and 1990s where the US was backing out from Africa. China was giving them hope. They have prepared graduated many mid level bureaucrats, doctors, engineers of African origin back then. Now they hold important roles in their society. Number of students studied in China from Africa has dramatically increased since then. Number of Chinese contractors in Africa for major industries increased also. The US and other foreign aid only provide variations of goods and services. Chinese aid comes with the whole package and most importantly, a man power which no other country in the world can provide that cheap. They build static projects rather than just money or food. Foreign aid coming from the West has private sector scent to it. Its from this or that Foundation and Charity. Chinese aid comes from the government of China, which is massive, well organized, deliberate, strategical and most importantly effective. Decision makers of Africa looks more favorably to the East than the West.

Ariunbold 2014-05-19 14:13

"Active imagination" in the 11th hour sort to speak. he he

lilyzhou2014 2014-05-19 08:01

Good Work, very smart mind:)

Maierwei 2014-05-18 18:15

Hehe, you add "East" to Niall Ferguson's book title "The West and the Rest"!
And poverty is eradicated "thanks to East".

Doesn't sound bad though, good work!

ColinSpeakman 2014-05-18 17:44

It seems plausible, but we may see a few more twists and turns yet!  

voice_cd 2014-05-18 15:09

We have highlighted your blogs.