

Simple Marketing Terms to Understand Chinese Politics


How Marketing Can Play Role in Politics

Media outlets, free market, international influence has changed the Chinese political arena since the original Maoist communism (MAOISM v.0.1).

Currently, reforms require delicate execution and modern strategy to succeed in the political stage of China. Contemporary leaders of world have to align their political goals to numerous new challenges. Political agenda, its related products must also change to better and updated glossy versions to be attractive. Modern day, PR campaigns seem benefit from shimmer of business sense for public appeal and effectiveness.

The original MAOISM is became somewhat like a brand name similar NIKE or Starbucks in commercial China. But the brand has changed, and the company that produces the legendary brand is under new management.

MAOISM v.1.1

30 years ago Mao’s original branding messages were delivered in very bold pattern. Strategy was long term, first to build brand and use the brand to push products. The political campaign’s stages divided in smaller increments; and each increment contain it’s own messages. Slogans phrases were watered down several times until it became simple phrase to appeal the target audience (uneducated mass). Its result was wonderful; each message hit the target and suited for each user. Quotes like “Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush enemy” is not only a strong marketing slogan but also a user guide answer to which all there is to know about communism. It’s bold, not cheap, resonating and not easily perishable. 30 years ago constant change of update, long term strategy and static tactical delivery created one man iconic branding that stands for the organizational agenda.

MAOISM v.2.1

Today's Maoism is changed into commercialized LITE version of what MAO has originally visioned. Circumstances changed the original MAOISM brand to to a user friendly, “green”, non-threatening, low calories, low fat, vitamins added and shinny packaged MAOISM v.2. Leaders like Mr. Xi Jinpin, has to sell a different product from 30 years ago. His recent endeavor for example, concerns domestic issues of corruption. The campaign has attracted lots of headlines in the western media as well as domestic awareness, and even some “street credibility”.

From the mass marketing standpoint, the message has to be very bold, yet very cheap to sell a lot in faster period of time. It has be all-in-one package, “buy this and you will get this, this, plus this benefits for free”. The message has to be very round for everyone to feel good; it has to be very righteous in the public eye with no conflicts of the values.

From the strategy point of view, it has to be short term. Basic demographic profile of the consumers are not only Chinese people, but also the same people who supports him and takes bribes. So, to illustrate effectiveness of the product, few samples here and there will be given for public spectacles but not too many, in other words, it has to have a very low production costs. Which means it cannot hurt too many of his people. It has to be obsolete in short period to make room for the next big thing. In other words anti-curroption campaign will be over in next 1-2 years.

Today's MAOISM products don't last long, sells fast, very shinny, very commercialized.

MAOISM v.3 product future road map

Selling cheap product is good for short-term profit (maybe next election or whatever). When product became obsolete, people buy new. However, for the long-term perspective, high quality durable goods are the good business strategy. For political business, moves and agenda are products need to be sold to public. Big bold products have profound effects in people’s life in long term. On contrary, short in term objectives can reach wide range, cost less, less risky and high volume. To build long term iconic brand like MAOISM, product cost needs to be increased. Which means more results, more crackdowns, more people jailed or executed or complete reform needed. So the leadership eventually has to make business decision of:

1. Profit from short term sells numbers or

2. Build a long-term iconic brand with historical impact on people’s lives.


Ariunbold 2014-04-15 13:50

All there is to know about ANY politics can be understood by business management concepts. But can they be understood from product management view? Maybe its oversimplified to attempt to explain things in terms of business :)

Ariunbold 2014-04-15 13:50

All there is to know about ANY politics can be understood by business management concepts. But can they be understood from product management view? Maybe its oversimplified to attempt to explain things in terms of business :)

Ariunbold 2014-04-15 13:50

All there is to know about ANY politics can be understood by business management concepts. But can they be understood from product management view? Maybe its oversimplified to attempt to explain things in terms of business :)

Ariunbold 2014-04-15 13:50

All there is to know about ANY politics can be understood by business management concepts. But can they be understood from product management view? Maybe its oversimplified to attempt to explain things in terms of business :)

Ariunbold 2014-04-15 13:50

All there is to know about ANY politics can be understood by business management concepts. But can they be understood from product management view? Maybe its oversimplified to attempt to explain things in terms of business :)

huaren2323 2014-04-14 09:09

China is in transition. There is never been a model of a capitalistic frame on a Marxist political model. I guess it is China's way of survival and restoration of its former glory. The minute you think you think you know what it is..the model you described will be stale. Tough job but good try.

Ariunbold 2014-04-14 07:14

very true

Ariunbold 2014-04-14 07:14

Its a poorly written piece! I need to work on my writing skills... 

robert237 2014-04-14 06:39

Communism IS the long-term iconic brand.
All the short-term measures that quickly change are meant to deal with immediate needs.
The slogan "“Communism is not love. Communism is a hammer which we use to crush enemy”" was very effective in
letting the people know they had to sacrifice in the first decades of Communist China in order to keep the imperialist west
from defeating and subjugating China. After all, defeating and subjugating nations has been the primary endeavor of the
western imperialists for the last few centuries. Mao knew this full well.
Mr. Mao's primary goal was achieved with smashing success. China became a nuclear power in the mid 1960s and China
was saved for the Chinese people.
Going forward more short term measures will be necessary for China to remain prosperous despite every effort from the
west to derail it.
The long term, iconic brand that communism offers is superior to that of capitalism.
Cooperation and peace is the communist brand.
Conflict and war has been the mainstay of capitalism.
Equitable distribution of the fruits of labor is what the communist brand promotes.
Fewer and fewer people becoming richer and richer at the expense of the working class is what capitalism produces.
Today 83 capitalists have the same wealth as the lower half (3,400,000,000) of the world's people.
This is certainly not sustainable.

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-13 16:10

A key word about today's politics in China is pragmatic!