



Bloggers With Unique Perspectives Are Critical For Content Services

In to the final round of the China Daily’s blog competition. Old Marketing & Business brain tells move deeply in using some skills that I have acquired through my professional practice. Using simple skills from web optimizing, content marketing, and social media management had created over 1500 hits per China Daily page within few weeks. Although it had created some disturbance, it is an example of individual blogger's effectiveness in a broad sense of content service operation.

I am no expert on journalism, amateur writer or even literary enthusiast. At this point anyone who read my stuff might have noticed some of my blogs are no match for the professional writers. By all means, I am not as active or open minded in the issues concerning everyday life or a simple stories of simple things. In fact, many of my blog posts are quite candid about the issues that foreigners face in China. Due to this facts materials I write are not as popular as some others. So, does the need bloggers like me? To answer this simple question, one must look behind the web pages. Behind every simple web page, there is an organization and operation just like any businesses. It has goals and strategies, it has tactical and long term plans and project. For example, this competition's goal is to recruit, retain bloggers with unique perspectives to grow their forum's activities.

Lets say the goal and effectiveness of this competition will be measured, in terms of project management, by amount of activity generated during certain amount of time. In other words, bloggers like you would generate contents for this forum that would enrich their static growth. Additionally, this type competition not only increases members of the forum (most importantly static, contributing members who creates variety of perspectives), also to expends the service exposure to outside. China Daily News Group's main audiences are Foreigners who lives outside of China. Matter of fact, whole purpose of China Daily News Group is to express Chinese view of the world and project China Image positively to the world. So, to reach this long term goal, short term tactical projects such as the forum’s first foreign blogger’s competitions have created periodically. I think this project has successfully accomplished its purpose with help of bloggers such as you and I.

Bloggers like you and I whom has an outside China influence, can attract several hundred supporters within a day. If the matter is critical enough, several thousands of supporters can be attracted in a week. “How is it done?” some may ask. Here is how I, for example reached my connections outside China to optimize my page:

- First, I wrote a letter about this competition to a member of Mongolian students association in UK. Then the same letter was forwarded to Denver, Chicago, Washington DC, and Seoul, and some European countries.

- Second, it was posted in only few social media sites. Well-known fan pages had copies of China Daily’s picture in their social media pages, which again creates exposure of China Daily Forum to outside world. My next step was to reach out for several PR firms that I have previously worked with. If that would have happened, China Daily’s Page could have easily generated three to five thousand votes in a week and half.

- Then, I have read some frustrated bloggers' comments on the competition page, they really seem to be surprised and cynical or even angry. So I have decided not to go full throttle, dropped any effort to optimize this page from outside the China. At this point, my votes gradually declined to halt.

Personally, I think this forum with its very primitive platform has genuine enthusiastic participants, and audience of fantastic variety. This type of varieties of perspective is crucial to build and sustain static growth in any news industry or content based operation. If everyone writes, views things in a same fashion, eventually the whole thing start to smell like same boring thing. Eventually, the content business loses audiences because there is no challenge. This happens all the time, many business organizations fight hard to keep their integrity and their variety just because people get bored and leaves for something new and fresh. On the other hand, projects like this competition that focuses on retaining old members, recruiting new perspectives, seeking new way of exposure from outside world as possible. To reach this goal of sustainable static growth of content services, its important to utilize effective bloggers who has unfaltering unique perspective, and real influence to maintain integrity, variety, and tangible results.


samlam 2015-12-29 15:12

Thank you for telling us your experience in attracting more bloggers from all over the world. Anyway, what we feed in the blog should be funny, useful, or helpful, because we all are busy with our work and we do not want to look at the things useless or boring.