

Hi everyone It's been a long time last time we talked here,because there were too much pressure on me and distracted me,now everything is all right. Today I was talking about that how did you think of spending money on language learning,for instance,ask for some language training institutions.In my opinion,it's worth spending money on language ,actually I was in a instotuion studying english.Why I think it's worth doing that.Firstly I strongly think that there're must reasons why plenty of language training institutions run pretty good today,they must have a lot thier customers to support them,so people must can get what they want more or less. The most useful thing I got from the instituion was that no one would make fun of you when you were making mistakes on speaking english,and they were never tired of telling what you want to know or helping you correct mistakes.I remembered that clearly first time when I was talking to my tutor,I just said I thought less than ten english word which meant no one whole sentence.One month later,I could chat with her maybe one hour in english. Actually I didn't nothing new from there,the only I got from there was what they told me what I knew in english and encouraged me speak out loudly,that's enough I think,at least I got result I want. I found a lot complaint about alnguage training instituions.I want to say we have to remember that you actually only use your money to buy the way to improve language but not result when you decide to spend money on language learning,which is quite important. I'm not good at writing so happy to hear advice from you,I'm trying .


Actually,I think,everyone has their clients,for instance,the clients of president is people,students are teacher's client and employee's client is the people they service to and so on,we are busy servicing to various clients everyday.Obviously we have to meet their's needs or fired by boss,so the first thing we have to know clearly is "who is our client".I strongly believe that for a lot people who are new to society,I'm the one of them.Fortunately,I finally know who my clients are. As a new AC(Associate Consultant ),a few days ago,I recommended a good candidate to our client as a department manager and he quickly passed the interview because he has a good background, plus department Director and VP of the company spoke very highly of him.Speaking of this you must think I should be celebrating it.Unlcukly,that was just a begining of the problem,you might wander why. Fisrt,my candidate service to top company after graduating as a bachelor and he worked very stable.the only point he has a lower salary than market price because the company he service to now(it's indeed a good company),so I thought it was very reasonable when he wanted 50% wage increase,but the expectation of him is higher than client's,so finally client decided to give him up. Second I still negotiated with client hoping more wage for my candidate,I told them that would be very pity if gave the candidate but I also failed that in the end,in the meantime I did not try any best to lower candidate's expctation. I still did nothing useful with my client till a week ago, that day I waited for bus after work,I suddenly be aware of that who I work for and service to,of course we service to our candidates as well.That's true my candidate is very good at least background,but I did not distinguish my client and my candidate,I regarded my candidate as client, from the begining I tried to fight for high salary for my candidate to the end,forgot that my real client is company,I should meet my client's needs(of course should fight for more for my candidate).Next day I called my candidate and told him his expectation was not reasonable(that's true,50% wage increase is higher than market price),could we negotiated the expectation of my candidate and luckly he is willing to accept this job opportunity with 30% wage increase.Now we are negotiating with client about this case,Truthly I'm not very sure I could finish the case but at least I got something useful for me. What I got from this case is I got know who my real client is,I met candidate's expectation but did meet client's,I should find a good candidate whose expectation is in my client's budget,because finally I make money from my client not from my candidate. This article just is just on behalf of my personal opinion, as a green hand I have a lot things to learn,hope you guys to talk to me,anything is OK as long as it's positive. GOOD NIGHT.


Hello everyone Last time I promised to translate the article”how to improve english” into english,yes actually I did,but unfortunately I forgot saving it when I almost done,so today I do it again.But this time I just choose some important part to translate. Speaking of this, I want you to know that my english isn’t good enough to translate it perfectly,just let me know if you have better idea or you find something wrong,I’ll appreciate you very much,it’s very pleasure to hear whatever from you,thanks a lot. Fisrtly you gatta get know why you wanna imporve your english or other language berfore you plan to improve it,for hobby,for work or for making friends,whatever,which is key I think whether you can study it well or not.Practicing is the most important part in the process of improving english. Plenty of institutions just give you a good environment,the key of improving english is you. Institutions just tell you the way of doing it,below is a good way I think,I wanna share with you. First:listening; Second:listening and imitating; Third:Just try to express some phrases; Fourth:Speaking whole sentences. Do you get something interesting from four steps? 1. Input a large number of listening stuffs; There is a lot of abundant resources on the internet,here I won’t tell how to find them.But I wanna you know you don’t need pay loads of attentions on the every sentence,it’s ok just to get the main point of the article. 2.Never be afraid of losing face when making mistakesHow many times you chose to say nothing just because of worrying making mistakes, you won’t get it if you always care that. 3.Just try to say some special sentences even though it’s not correct. It’s not helpful if you just can say some recited,My experiences tell me that no matter how many words you’ve recited,which doesn’t belong to you if you can’t use it,so just try to speak it out.No body care whether your English is perfect or not as long as they get what you mean. Some English websites is good for you,for example “linkedin or http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/portal.php and others”,that’s quite good Just do it if you wanna improve other language,this article isn’t I wrote but I wanna recommend it to you.If you have any questions or ideas,I’m very happy to talk to you with it.My QQ is 540781195.


Evening girls Why today I wanna talk about this?That's beause I've asked a lot of girls about this question"what the hell kinds of men are the your first choice?"The answer doesn't shock me,most of girls,approxmate 85% told me they hope a man who loves parents,is potential and passion for his future,even though he's a poor guy,for example in shanghai a guy doesn't have house and car. I don't know when I'm becoming doubt that,maybe from when I broke up with my girlfriend a few months ago,she also told me that and I believe that as well.I never be angry with her because when we broke up. In fact,we love each other but finally I chose alone over her,I'm not the one suitable for her 'cause I'm very poor. Finally I got 5 points from this why 85%girls say they never mind poor men and only maybe 20% keep the promise,we can't think of them as traitor,so I suggest: 1,Potential guys are indeed good choices but you have to wait for at least 5years or more,'cause poor men are always poor after graduating 5 yearr, if you can't wait pls do not choose poor guy. 2,Do not wait your guy for being rich, you have to do sth to help him get success quickly,if you are very lazy, pls do not choose poor guy 3,If you really love money,so pls do not choose poor guy. Those are what I could figure out,I don't know whether is right or not,so I wanna ask "What the hell kinds of men are the your first choice,girls?" This article just be of behalf of my private opinion.


Hello everyone welcome back,let's starting,I said I'll share an article with you about how to improve your english,that's one chinese passage,below is what I have read sharing with all of you.if you are good at english very much,hope you can share good methods with us when you read this article,if you wanna improve your english hope it can help you. Firstly I'll explain why a lot of people regard it as shit(that's impolite),actually a load of ways in this particle maybe 90% have tried and end up failing,what I'm trying to tell the most important point from the article,which isn't about the ways from the article but we can't stick to the end and can't learn english with happy. 经常有同事朋友好奇的问我,我不是英语专业,怎么把口语听力学的这么好!其实这么问我,本身就说明他们不会学英语。因为在我看来,英语是练出来的,而不是学出来的。在这个日益国际化的社会里,只要你有一技之长,流利的英语口语一定使你出类拔萃。 我身边有很多人都盲目报名很多的英语辅导班,钱花了不少,也花了很多时间,但要么口语听力还是提高不上去,要么暂时提高了,一段时间不学,又退步了。我从来没有花额外的钱去学习英语,也能够提高口语和听力,因为我有一套自学方法,不妨分享一下我的心得。 为什么许多口语培训学校都宣传他们是母语习得法,因为它是最有效的语言学习法!我们可以思考一下婴儿学习母语的过程: 第一阶段:听; 第二阶段:听加模仿; 第三阶段:不成句地表达; 第四阶段:完成句子的表达; 你从中受到什么启发了吗? 1. 大量输入听力资料。 听力方面,现在的资源简直太丰富了! 老友记,走遍美国等随便看还有字幕; BBC,VOA手机就可下载广播app,流量够用不用担心没信号;各种网上公开课,国外名牌大学课程免费看。我噻,英语爱好者的福音啊。万事俱备,就差你的行动了。 不过,要注意练听力,是听大意而不是靠听懂每个单词,字对字翻译是个要命的坏习惯。 2.不怕说错话丢人! 你有多少次因为担心语法错误,选词不当而一语不发?英语重要的是交流,想想婴儿学过语法吗?记住流利口语要经过无数次语塞,语法错误,用词不当。 N次*(语塞+语法错误 +用词不当)=流利口语。 3.主动造句是王道,重复别人的句子,永远只是鹦鹉学舌。 疯狂英语为什么没落了?有谁还信李阳疯狂英语那一套吗?每天歇斯底里地背诵着千八百个句子,请问见到外国人,您能够想到其中任何一句吗?这样的学习方法太机械了。疯狂英语只停留在婴儿学习母语的第二个阶段而已。 我的经验是无论背过多少单词,用得出来才是你自己的。我知道大家最头痛的莫过于没有语言气氛。谁都想有个老外朋友,最好是女朋友(呵呵),但不是每个人都能有这样的条件。何况我们中国人多少有点羞涩,而目的性太强的交朋友也会引起老外的反感。 怎么解决这个难题呢?我要跟大家推荐中国日报网英文论坛,免费的又方便。这不是一个传统的英语学习网站,而是一个纯英文的论坛,这在国内算是独一无二的吧。论坛里有很多老外,你可以跟他们沟通交流。不用担心自己英语不好,因为老外重视的是思想沟通,他并不在意你的英语能力,能看懂就行。我努力表达自己的想法,还能得到回应,慢慢的,我发觉自己的英文表达能力,沟通能力都有了很大的提高,我也变得更自信了。 在这个论坛混了一段时间后,有一次老板安排我接待公司重要的外国客户,我当天晚上紧张的一夜没睡,但第二天跟老外接触,我惊奇的发现自己的口语上了一个新台阶,非常流畅,这个进步是不知不觉完成的。 现在,我在生活里碰到什么困扰,也愿意在这里发泄一下,很多老外网友会安慰你,热心的给你意见建议,我很喜欢这样的氛围。我还真在这结交了几个外国好友,如今是我的QQ好友。 This is one article a friends"DSseeing" shared in the china daily bbs.actually most of us tried a lot ways from the article.if you're a foreigner can't read chinese,I will translate it for you,which maybe help you if you wanna study chinese. Happy to share any positive energy with me or talk about your experience with me.