

satisfying clients is the most important,because you can not live without
Actually,I think,everyone has their clients,for instance,the clients of president is people,students are teacher's client and employee's client is the people they service to and so on,we are busy servicing to various clients everyday.Obviously we have to meet their's needs or fired by boss,so the first thing we have to know clearly is "who is our client".I strongly believe that for a lot people who are new to society,I'm the one of them.Fortunately,I finally know who my clients are.
As a new AC(Associate Consultant ),a few days ago,I recommended a good candidate to our client as a department manager and he quickly passed the interview because he has a good background, plus department Director and VP of the company spoke very highly of him.Speaking of this you must think I should be celebrating it.Unlcukly,that was just a begining of the problem,you might wander why.
Fisrt,my candidate service to top company after graduating as a bachelor and he worked very stable.the only point he has a lower salary than market price because the company he service to now(it's indeed a good company),so I thought it was very reasonable when he wanted 50% wage increase,but the expectation of him is higher than client's,so finally client decided to give him up.
Second I still negotiated with client hoping more wage for my candidate,I told them that would be very pity if gave the candidate but I also failed that in the end,in the meantime I did not try any best to lower candidate's expctation.
I still did nothing useful with my client till a week ago, that day I waited for bus after work,I suddenly be aware of that who I work for and service to,of course we service to our candidates as well.That's true my candidate is very good at least background,but I did not distinguish my client and my candidate,I regarded my candidate as client, from the begining I tried to fight for high salary for my candidate to the end,forgot that my real client is company,I should meet my client's needs(of course should fight for more for my candidate).Next day I called my candidate and told him his expectation was not reasonable(that's true,50% wage increase is higher than market price),could we negotiated the expectation of my candidate and luckly he is willing to accept this job opportunity with 30% wage increase.Now we are negotiating with client about this case,Truthly I'm not very sure I could finish the case but at least I got something useful for me.
What I got from this case is I got know who my real client is,I met candidate's expectation but did meet client's,I should find a good candidate whose expectation is in my client's budget,because finally I make money from my client not from my candidate.
This article just is just on behalf of my personal opinion, as a green hand I have a lot things to learn,hope you guys to talk to me,anything is OK as long as it's positive.


Rightpath 2014-04-05 23:04

A middleman,that's what I do now.What I should've done is trying to look for the suitable candidate for company not best candidate.
Thanks much.

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-05 17:39

The grade would depend on what is being evaluated. On English grammar, try to start by creating the best impression. 1st line is sloppy. You do not mean every but everyone or every person. The grammar is not bad, a few mistakes but we follow it. The persuasive argument of your point needs work. What are you in effect? A middleman.. Your are trying to get talent for a company by encouraging folks that they can better their pay and prospects. Yet you are  trying to get the company staff at salaries they can afford. You have two masters that have conflicting goals. Tricky position.

Rightpath 2014-04-02 15:43

Dear Colin
By the way,I want to ask how many errors is in my article? I mean If I were an american,which should I get A,B,C or D?Just give some advices so that I could get it better,I would appreciate you very much if you would like to help,thanks a lot.

Rightpath 2014-04-02 15:31

Yeah,I just touched the market a few time,so I didn't get the market price clearly, luckly I eventually knew  what I should've done is lowering the expectation of candidates.
Thank you for reading my blog and giving helpful advices.

ColinSpeakman 2014-04-02 02:22

If you represent candidates that are expecting 50% salary increase they have to be extremely good. Generally that is a huge task and not realistic. You will have to lower those kind of expectations. You made a start!