

What the hell kinds of men are the your first choice,girls?
Evening girls
Why today I wanna talk about this?That's beause I've asked a lot of girls about this question"what the hell kinds of men are the your first choice?"The answer doesn't shock me,most of girls,approxmate 85% told me they hope a man who loves parents,is potential and passion for his future,even though he's a poor guy,for example in shanghai a guy doesn't have house and car.
I don't know when I'm becoming doubt that,maybe from when I broke up with my girlfriend a few months ago,she also told me that and I believe that as well.I never be angry with her because when we broke up. In fact,we love each other but finally I chose alone over her,I'm not the one suitable for her 'cause I'm very poor.
Finally I got 5 points from this why 85%girls say they never mind poor men and only maybe 20% keep the promise,we can't think of them as traitor,so I suggest:
1,Potential guys are indeed good choices but you have to wait for at least 5years or more,'cause poor men are always poor after graduating 5 yearr, if you can't wait pls do not choose poor guy.
2,Do not wait your guy for being rich, you have to do sth to help him get success quickly,if you are very lazy, pls do not choose poor guy
3,If you really love money,so pls do not choose poor guy.
Those are what I could figure out,I don't know whether is right or not,so I wanna ask "What the hell kinds of men are the your first choice,girls?"
This article just be of behalf of my private opinion.


Rightpath 2014-03-20 23:30

I'm  the one who have no a lot experiences,hope you can sharing some idea with me.

voice_cd 2014-03-20 17:31

Thanks for sharing here, we have highlighted your blog.