


Hello everyone

Last time I promised to translate the article”how to improve english” into english,yes actually I did,but unfortunately I forgot saving it when I almost done,so today I do it again.But this time I just choose some important part to translate.

Speaking of this, I want you to know that my english isn’t good enough to translate it perfectly,just let me know if you have better idea or you find something wrong,I’ll appreciate you very much,it’s very pleasure to hear whatever from you,thanks a lot.

Fisrtly you gatta get know why you wanna imporve your english or other language berfore you plan to improve it,for hobby,for work or for making friends,whatever,which is key I think whether you can study it well or not.Practicing is the most important part in the process of improving english.

Plenty of institutions just give you a good environment,the key of improving english is you. Institutions just tell you the way of doing it,below is a good way I think,I wanna share with you.


Second:listening and imitating

Third:Just try to express some phrases;

Fourth:Speaking whole sentences.

Do you get something interesting from four steps?

1. Input a large number of listening stuffs;

There is a lot of abundant resources on the internet,here I won’t tell how to find them.But I wanna you know you don’t need pay loads of attentions on the every sentence,it’s ok just to get the main point of the article.

2Never be afraid of losing face when making mistakes

How many times you chose to say nothing just because of worrying making mistakes, you won’t get it if you always care that.

3Just try to say some special sentences even though it’s not correct.

It’s not helpful if you just can say some recited,My experiences tell me that no matter how many words you’ve recited,which doesn’t belong to you if you can’t use it,so just try to speak it out.No body care whether your English is perfect or not as long as they get what you mean.

Some English websites is good for you,for example “linkedin or http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/portal.php and others”,that’s quite good

Just do it if you wanna improve other language,this article isn’t I wrote but I wanna recommend it to you.If you have any questions or ideas,I’m very happy to talk to you with it.My QQ is 540781195.


ColinSpeakman 2014-03-24 16:26

Speak some by not write much in characters!

Rightpath 2014-03-24 06:01

you want to say "不客气",right?Oh,how long have you been to china and could you speak chinese?

ColinSpeakman 2014-03-24 04:53

Bukeqi !

Rightpath 2014-03-24 01:34

Thank you for commenting very much,That will be helpful for me ,you're really a kind people to tell me this,which makes me be interested in learning english.
By the way,could I bother you next time if some english questions confuse me?
I like this sentence"You should decide your reasons for learning English and what benefits you believe you will gain from success in it: These will keep you going when things get hard",which not only can tell us how to keep going when english is getting hard,but also tell us how to keep chasing after our goal or dream.

ColinSpeakman 2014-03-24 00:10

More comments: yes motivation is important. You should decide your reasons for learning English and what benefits you believe you will gain from success in it: These will keep you going when things get hard. This also clarifies what you should focus on, spoken, written, business English, reading novels, traveling to the Engkish-speaking world, many reasons.

ColinSpeakman 2014-03-23 23:58

A bit of slang English can show your range and may be OK with friends, but I would advise against using such too often. So when you write :Firstly you gatta get know why you wanna imporve your english. That is poor English. We do not commonly go around saying you gatta or wanna. Try to use : you have to know and you want to improve. More comments later!