

I usually plan on travelling in every single summer holiday, so does this year. The destination of this year is shanghai Disneyland. it’s the dreamy heaven that covers an area of 963 acres with advanced technical equipments to be personally on the scene, and with dressing like fairy-tale characters walking down the Disneyland street. It deserves you to visit the park, you could properly take your kids; some of entertainment subjects are limited by height. Here are some tips that will help you before you go. Annoying one: you have to wait in line for almost 2hours, when you are supposed to play “the seven dwarfs” etc. however, everyone have two chances to get the FAST PASS . so where can we get these ? unfortunately , you are inevitable to queue up, then why we should not directly line in going inside and playing. Because its too crowded and you cannot see the end of the line. So the best way is get up earlier in the morning and wait in front of Disneyland before 7:30am.when you entered , the first of all you need to get the FAST PASS quickly, by the way, don’t give your FAST pass to strangers who did not wear uniforms. “Across the horizon” which I complained about that I waited 2 and half an hour . but when I sited in chairs bringing me to across the horizon , my waiting is worthwhile. Annoying two: expensive stuffs inside. But it doest really matters as it allows visitors to bring snacks. Service The whole staffs made a strong impression on me. Everyone wears a polite smile on their faces and provides friendly services. Stages If you are tired of waiting in line, I would recommend the stage that is the best real scene I have ever seen before. actors and instrumentalists are specialized on it, there is no doubt that is the best choice to avoid terrific trend. Firework For me , it’s the only time to see fireworks burning with castle’ colorful lights. Stay there, don’t go far at 8:30pm. I hope it could help you a little.


Few days ago, I read the news about the population sex ratio of males to females in China.According to the calculation, it revealed a serious social phenomenon. In the mainland of China, the male population is 703.56 million people or 51.22%. The female population is 669.93 million people, which accounted for 48.78%. This means thousands of Chinese men will always be single which gives a big question to consider.However, no matter whether you are single or married, male or female, there is no reason to not make yourself better. Most young people complain about having no girlfriend or boyfriend. As a result, they become more and more unconfident and negative. It’s the best opportunity to work on your capacity of all-around, personal development when you are single.Why should you always make yourself better?1. One reason you are single, is because you want yourself to be better.When you are alone, you have plenty of time to do something you like, such as you have to learn how to deal with yourself and, you can focus on your study to enrich your mindset.2. Who said being single means loneliness?i think its best time to enjoy your single life. As the younger generation, we have more chances to see the outside world, so go to travel.3. To be more confidentSlowly and gradually, you will find yourself stronger than you thought. When you face something hard, you will find a way out instead of relying on a man.4. Even though you are single, you can also live a good life.Being single is a kind of life state. Even a single dog will have a happy life.5. When you become better, then you can meet a better partner.Maybe you are good now, but not good enough like me.


Did you bare your heart today? Perhaps it’s the reason for common characters of Asian people;or it’s the reason to barely follow the rhythm of our society; or its given that too much pressure of life, all of which forced us rarely to express our affections for those who we really care! I have tried to express my affections for my friends and some of my students’ mothers helped me in some ways . To thank you are always there for me in my life’ path. Because of you,I am always grateful ! Each one will be able to encounter special people who helped you in your way. Have you spoken out of your expressing gratitude to them? I am not good at conveying my emotions , however, I texted couple of heart-warming messages to my friends. Some of my students’ mothers have replied me and what they said made me laugh and it also reflected my affections lacking though . My messages:“dear XXX,time going fast and unconsciously, its almost two years in a twinkling of an eye since we have meet in my classroom. I am willing to gratitude to you on my job supported. Thanks for your belief in me ; thanks for regarding me as a friend, a sister to take care! Love you! ” I pasted their INFORMATIONS here when they replied me . “what ? did you resign your job?” “what ?what happened to you today?anything going wrong?” “ Did my son make mistakes or make you in troubles ?” “I thought you gave me a lot of positive energy. You are comely but an entreprenant person. I really hope you are my own sister. Sometimes I admire your intelligence , generous appropriate behaviors and easygoing attitudes . whatever you do , you have your own ideas. I want to thank that I knew you in my life.” I recognized gradually that we should not repress our inner emotions or hide it in daily life. Please don’t be stingy with your affections, to say “I love you to your families, friends and your lover. Love doesn’t only mean unsophisticated love between man and woman , and what’s more, friendship and family affection. Only love is eternal theme . you can try to express it right now and guess what they will react ?


While young people started to step out of the college campus, they find a job and come in to society. However, they realized the reality which is so cruel is not such beautiful what they expected before. Whether at work or in life, we have to encounter some thorny troubles made us feel agonizing. Only realistic society was able to put someone through the mill to gain tenacious willpower and endurance. A person with a positive attitude can move forward step by step during suffering a setback. On the contrary, A person who has vulnerable heart was not weighted with pressure from all sides, which will likely leave you right back where you started. You may find a universal phenomenon that why some could live in a very easy life and confront openly of what was happening. But some were complaining about the unfair of society without looking for solutions from past failures. When living in the same times and the same society, facing the same stress. There is a cleaning old lady working in my teaching school. Her husband has died early after they get married for ten years. She undertook the obligation of raising his son herself until now she is still single mother. I once had my pressure of working and other things which made me feel anxious and helpless. Hence, I said my words casually “ aunt, I wanted to quit my job, I want to continue my study. I am tired of travelling working every week.” Physical fatigue and too grievance suffering, which led to my job quitting. She replied me : “ ah, you cannot have this kind of thought. People living in this world have to have a look ahead.” Her words gave me powerful strength and inspiration. People alive must have a faith, and have their own goals. The every single moment when we have to clear the direction of heading for. Although it’s a tough process of making our dreams come true, I believe we certainly will benefit for all the life on the road of accessing to the success regardless of facing bittersweet. Every single person is searching for a happy life, while the real happiness is the flower of heart that its process is a positive towards life. Happiness is a kind of ability that can stay a happy heart in any environment which easily approach to success Happiness is a kind of magic that can spread immediately to each person around you. With a positive attitude to face your friends, families, and with gratitude to face every thing happened in your life. With a positive attitude to face the previous goals that you could not break, it will guide you to overcome barriers. It will drive you to pursue the perfect life.


As the improvements in people’s living standards, and parents pay more attention on their kids’ education which is extremely picky about teachers lead to much pressure comes to teachers. According to the result of investigation, the number of students interested in each subject indicates students felt bored and tedious in class. Humor is tremendous important! An anonymous said “humor is the one of most qualities as an excellent teacher”. Humor is the uppermost assistant for educators. Humor could lubricate interpersonal relationship closely. If a teacher has the sense of humor, the relaxed atmosphere was filled in his classroom . Students will automatically drive themselves into this active environment. On the opposite, if the teacher is sort of austere and solemn, its no doubt that students will stay at a respectful distance away from you. What’s more, they will be lower in mood. Humor is not just making fun, but it’s an expression of cultural cultivation. The more knowledge you learn, the more much extending widely and deeply of your humor. The true humor is deriving from your culture accumulation for a long-term. Humor can stimulate the interest of students’ learning. while teacher is speaking of important points with humorous way, students may get inspiration after laughing. As far as I am concerned, humor is not only helpful in class to animate atmosphere, but it also can make your life relax and release the pressure aroused by work. To be an excellent teacher who has humor; to make your class more active; to let your students love with you; Go to make friends with them.


Night marriage is a kind of an exclusive and traditional custom among national minority in Yunnan province. Especially in lijiang Nakhi autonomous region which is the matriarchal clan society. Not all people including Chinese have no much knowledge of minority’s night marriage. How do they start their night marriage? I have been told by the local that if a man is supposed to try night marriage in lugu lake and he fall in love with a young lady at the first sight. He must buckle three times in that lady’s palm whom he loved. The successful night marriage is depend on lady’s reaction in which way she buckled his palm three times back which means she agreed with your night marriage. The lady will hang a color ribbon or some other stuffs on her roof or window represents she will date tonight or no disturbing. During creeping on lady’s room at night , the man have to be cautious of which room he should walk in. for example, if you went in a wrong room like the lady’s grandmother room, her grandmother will not let you go. Men have no responsibility to undertake if womenfolk are pregnant. However, he can take a look his kids if he wanted. Womenfolk took a series of lovers throughout their lives, and the children of these “walking marriages” remain in their mothers’ homes under a matriarch’s supervision. So there is a proverb: lijiang is the women’s world, men’s paradise. Nakhi people advocate fat as beauty. As far as I saw, the local civilians indeed are black and thin because of its temperatures and altitudes. There is an another weird phenomenon about the definition of love in nakhi minority region. But its rarely pure and sincere love like those brave young lovers. Love too deeply, but out of objective reasons and they cannot live together. If one is disheartened to suicide for love, their Parents won’t blame him/her or be heart-broken ,instead, they will cheer for their children’s brave actions. I have watched the love show performed by the ordinary people. these are precious and unique national cultural and their customs of legacy of their forefather. nakhi custume


President mao once said whoever doesn’t climb the great wall, he is not true brave person. It inspired many people come to Beijing to climb the great wall. The great wall is the representative symbol of China. It is the show of Beijing. If you don’t climb the great wall, your journey remains incomplete . however, the great wall is spread many parts of china. The great wall of china is called the “ten thousand li great wall” in Chinese. Recent research has shown that it has 21196.18 kilometers long. Its one of the seven wonders in the world. it’s the greatest project in Chinese history. The great wall is recognized by the world as the one of the world miracles, its construction scales are unique in the world. Many world leaders come to there to make the visit unforgotten. For example, Israel’s prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu has visited badaling Great wall on may9,2013. Its was the second time for him to visit The Great Wall in Beijing. The Greek prime minister of the republic Anthony, Mr. Samaras has visited badaling Great Wall on may 17, 2013. he left his words about The Great Wall before leaving “ I am very glad to visit the great wall, it was a very great cultural experience” etc. Mao’s words has a great influence to Chinese people. in order to be a brave man, let’s climb the great wall. Of course it is not only to prove how brave we are, but the sightseeing in the top of great wall is brilliant. We can see the whole bending of the great wall. On August 2, 2015, I have climbed badaling part of the great wall with my friend. I am the girl who hates the stairs because I felt tired to go up but this time I did not know how many stairs I stepped on. I am very proud of myself reached the top of the badaling. Even my legs had gone numb, I still don’t want to do things by halves. Now I am one of true men among great wall climbers