

Attitude decides success or failure

While young people started to step out of the college campus, they find a job and come in to society. However, they realized the reality which is so cruel is not such beautiful what they expected before.

Whether at work or in life, we have to encounter some thorny troubles made us feel agonizing. Only realistic society was able to put someone through the mill to gain tenacious willpower and endurance.

A person with a positive attitude can move forward step by step during suffering a setback. On the contrary, A person who has vulnerable heart was not weighted with pressure from all sides, which will likely leave you right back where you started.

You may find a universal phenomenon that why some could live in a very easy life and confront openly of what was happening. But some were complaining about the unfair of society without looking for solutions from past failures. When living in the same times and the same society, facing the same stress.

There is a cleaning old lady working in my teaching school. Her husband has died early after they get married for ten years. She undertook the obligation of raising his son herself until now she is still single mother.

I once had my pressure of working and other things which made me feel anxious and helpless. Hence, I said my words casually “ aunt, I wanted to quit my job, I want to continue my study. I am tired of travelling working every week.” Physical fatigue and too grievance suffering, which led to my job quitting. She replied me : “ ah, you cannot have this kind of thought. People living in this world have to have a look ahead.” Her words gave me powerful strength and inspiration. People alive must have a faith, and have their own goals. The every single moment when we have to clear the direction of heading for. Although it’s a tough process of making our dreams come true, I believe we certainly will benefit for all the life on the road of accessing to the success regardless of facing bittersweet.

Every single person is searching for a happy life, while the real happiness is the flower of heart that its process is a positive towards life.

Happiness is a kind of ability that can stay a happy heart in any environment which easily approach to success

Happiness is a kind of magic that can spread immediately to each person around you.

With a positive attitude to face your friends, families, and with gratitude to face every thing happened in your life.

With a positive attitude to face the previous goals that you could not break, it will guide you to overcome barriers. It will drive you to pursue the perfect life.


A_Blue_Sky 2015-11-25 21:49


Newtown 2015-11-24 15:21

You don't get much sarcasm around your way, do you ?

colin.xin 2015-11-24 14:58


colin.xin 2015-11-24 14:52

chicken soup article

A_Blue_Sky 2015-11-23 21:48

that sounds good. i will try to and thanks

Newtown 2015-11-20 16:51

"the obligation of raising his son herself" Why isn't the boy "her"or "their" son ?

The best thing about this article was that it didn't use the word "journey". I expect that with all of the writer's positive thoughts swirling about in the cosmos that the "journey" theme will very soon be claimed.

voice_cd 2015-11-20 14:13

Thanks for sharing your story here. We have highlighted your blog.

michaelm 2015-11-20 07:37

Excellent article, Rose!

phantomguy 2015-11-20 05:03

excellent summary of life and it's many hurdles.  adversity is only a hurdle in life we need to jump over and continue the race of life.

A_Blue_Sky 2015-11-19 22:21

that is i called ' 天时'