

What makes you laugh?

As living tempo quickens , the stressful of society will be undertaken by more and more people. have you forgotten to express your smiling ?or can you still keep a lovely and pure smile like a child?

While you encountered a person who can make you laugh, there is no doubt whoever she/he is, just to be his friend.

While you found out those beautiful things in life can make you laugh, go for it and care about it without hesitation.

While you did one event, you could have got your satisfaction and happiness, in that way don’t forget to smile.

Try to look upon things happened in life with young attitudes; try to release your emotions like a child; try to regard important affairs with rational mindset; try to act like children to live with mature thoughts!


Igo 2016-01-23 08:50


A_Blue_Sky 2016-01-20 10:19


Igo 2016-01-15 12:31

Try to act like children? Sorry, I can't. 'cause I used to pee with my hands cross back behind when I was a child. But now?   Can you? I mean, do that like the child me? I doubt that.