

Coins or paper money

Coins or paper money

This is an interesting phenomenon existed in different regions of China. At least within the territory of Jiangsu province , we are used to use one yuan coin in any supermarket or in bus coin devices. Its very rarely to see one yuan bill in Nanjing where I live. Especially one jiao and five jiao so that I have collected two one jiao papers and one five jiao paper for a long time. I would like to take my change of one yuan coins instead of paper money. Since I have been on my vocation in beijng, it made me confused that Beijing people usually use one jiao bill and one yuan paper . when the seller gave me my change five one jiao papers, I required that please give me coins rather than papers. Therefore, I looked over at their cashier desk, no coins available in it. The rare papers I collected in my city is ordinary money in circulation in Beijing. It made me feel I am an idiot. Lol!!!!!

I have heard that paper money is popular used in Sanya. And what’s more, shanghai also don’t use papers like as Nanjing . we even don’t see it. What about your city? by the way, should I spend these one jiao papers or continue to keep it?


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