

Vocabulary Instruction in LSCM (learning system Of Chinese Mandarin)I. IntroductionFor years, the popular methodology to learn Chinese in shanghai was to focus on grammar and sentences first and then on vocabulary. Recently, however, there has been a shift toward recognition that learning vocabulary first leads to more success. Having a base of vocabulary to draw from makes learning grammar and sentence structure easier. The LSCM program from Transparent Language was based on this concept of building a solid foundation of vocabulary before tackling other aspects of the language. LSCM is an acronym for "Before You Know It". This paper describes how LSCM makes use of the five principles of effective vocabulary learning described in Joe Barcroft's Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition: A Lexical Input Processing Approach. Following these guidelines helps make this program the best way to vocabulary mastery and ultimately to learning a new language.II. Barcroft's Five Principles of Effective Second Language Vocabulary InstructionPresent new mandarin words frequently and repeatedly in input.The more frequently language learners are exposed to foreign vocabulary; the more likely they are to remember it. Studies suggest that most learners need between 5-16 'meetings' with a word in order to retain it. LSCM does an excellent job providing this repeated exposure. Every Chinese word and phrase must be correctly identified multiple times to obtain the highest score, while the variety of exercises and activities prevents this repetition from being boring. Language learners are thus more likely to use and enjoy the program long enough to accomplish a sufficient number of 'meetings' to master the new vocabulary terms. At the same time, a proprietary algorithm tracks each learner's progress and presents the words that need the most work more often than those that have already been mastered. In that way, language learners get more exposure to the words that they find most difficult. By seeing these words more often, they can focus their attention where it is needed most.Use meaning-bearing comprehensible input when presenting new mandarin words.In order for learners to successfully make the association between a foreign language word and its meaning, that meaning must be conveyed in a comprehensible manner. One method for making foreign terms comprehensible and thus promoting vocabulary learning is to present each word in a variety of ways. LSCM therefore uses a number of techniques to make foreign language vocabulary memorable for language learners. For example, every foreign language term is presented not only as text, but also as audio, so that language learners can hear the correct pronunciation as many times as they need to fix it in their mind. The pronunciation can even be slowed down to help language learners focus on the smaller nuances. Many of the foreign language terms in LSCM are also presented along with pictures that convey the meaning in yet another form. This additional input reinforces the word's meaning and assists the learner in remembering it.Limit forced output during the initial stages of learning mandarin new words.Forcing language learners to rush into sentence formation can interfere with vocabulary learning during the beginning stages of acquiring a new language. Instead, learners should be given time to absorb the meanings of individual words at their own pace before being required to use them in a larger context. Language learners who take that time are far more likely to use the words correctly when they do choose to form sentences. LSCM gives language learners all the time they need to focus on foreign language terms. It allows learners to concentrate exclusively on words, so that they can master the necessary vocabulary before moving on to the next stage of learning a new language. When language learners who use LSCM do feel ready to form sentences on their own, they will have a solid base of vocabulary with which to do so.Limit forced semantic elaboration during the initial stages of learning Chinese new words.In addition to not forcing beginning language learners to immediately produce whole sentences, a vocabulary program should also avoid other kinds of elaboration that might produce negative effects on the learning of new words. Some learners may find it distracting or confusing if they are asked to perform other tasks at the same time that they are trying to commit new words to memory. Studies have shown, for example, that learners who were asked to either list their emotional associations for foreign language terms or count the letters in each foreign term they were learning actually had poorer recall for those vocabulary words than learners who concentrated just on the words themselves. LSCM focuses on creating accurate one-to-one associations between the foreign language terms and their native language meanings. Each flash card displays one foreign language term and its meaning, with no extraneous information to distract the learner. The association between the word and its meaning is further enhanced by allowing the learner to translate the word from both language directions - first, by seeing the foreign word and having to produce the native Chinese meaning, then by seeing the native Chinese language word and having to produce the Chinese language equivalent. LSCM thus sets the stage for truly effective vocabulary learning.


You must want to know why i will teach you this Chinese idiom and i want to tell you i feel so upset and sad. I fall in love with a guy,but he just know i am his friend and don't know i like him. Now i heard a message he fell in love with another one. So i want to say i feel so sad this monment.In Chinese is 伤心欲绝(shāng xīn yù jué).Chinese idiom-伤心欲绝(shāng xīn yù jué)Actually you will find many words to explain my feelings. such sa the smile were a mask to hid my sadness,I was cast down by the sad news,when i was sad, i really didn't want to do anything,etc.If you want to learn mandarin in shanghai or in your life,you can say that when i lost my nana,i was so sad-伤心欲绝.What is the meaning of-伤心欲绝(shāng xīn yù jué)In English you may be using Inconsolable,rueful; sore; sorrowful; heartbroken; mirthless; tearful; woeful. But in Chinese is meaning that this person is so sad that his heartbroken or the same as dead.伤心means sad or inconsolable,欲means want to,coming to,绝 means death, give up all hope.More infos about shang xin yu jue-Impossible or difficult to console; despondent: was inconsolable after his pet died.I.E. of Chinese idioms-伤心欲绝(shāng xīn yù jué)She lost her lover and felt so inconsolable.tā shī qù le zuì qīn ài de rén ,xiàn zài shāng xīn yù jué 。她失去了最亲爱的人,现在伤心欲绝。He would be heartbroken when remember the sad memory every time.měi dāng huí yì qǐ wǎng shì ,tā zǒng shì shāng xīn yù jué 。每当回忆起往事,他总是伤心欲绝。Stop talking about that thing,he would be sorrowful. bù yào jiǎng nà jiàn shì ,huì ràng tā shāng xīn yù jué de 。不要讲那件事,会让他伤心欲绝的。References in classic literature-伤心欲绝(shāng xīn yù jué)But she died between summers; then Robert posed as an inconsolable, prostrating himself at the feet of Madame Ratignolle for whatever crumbs of sympathy and comfort she might be pleased to vouchsafe.-The Awakening and Selected Short Stories by Chopin, Kate View in contextShe felt certain that her surmises were correct; that Kitty's misery, her inconsolable misery, was due precisely to the fact that Levin had made her an offer and she had refused him, and Vronsky had deceived her, and that she was fully prepared to love Levin and to detest Vronsky.-Anna Karenina by Tolstoy, Leo View in contextWhile I was yet inconsolable for his loss, another friend of mine in Yorkshire discovered an older and more gifted raven at a village public-house, which he prevailed upon the landlord to part with for a consideration, and sent up to me.-Barnaby Rudge - A Tale Of The Riots Of 'Eighty by Dickens, Charles View in context


This year Children's Day is on Sunday 3 March 2013. Join in the fun and do something special for the small people in your life on this national day.Celebrate Children's Day step by stepChildren's Day Gifts Ask your kids what do they want to? If you are dady, you can send your boy a bike or what he want to. But remember choose the gifts whit safe. You can can list the gift and listen your kids are talking to you. But be attention about these little men, they will ask some improper gifts you need make a right decision.Children's Day Plans If you have no plan about Childrens' Day, you can go the musum or some kids park,for example,Angry Birds Park in shanghai.From October 31, 2012,the first "Angry Birds Park" was opening in Tongji University. The park include "Angry Birds" models,cool balls,climbing cubics and it is free to pulic. You can take your kids go there. If you kids want to see sea animals you guys can go ocean park In Pudong. Where you go decide by your kids's interests.Children's Day Dreams Ask your kids' dreams in this day. Many kids will have great dreams in this day. If you have no kids you can thought of your dreams in your childhood. Now you can do something in this day ,maybe you can make your dream come ture.Children's Day Photos Take photos for your kids as much as possible. Because your kids will very happy if he receive gifts. Rocord their monments of Children's Day.Children's Day Blessing If you don't have kids,you can go Welfare Centre or any need help institution to help orphans. You will find happiness from these kids who lost their parents.If you are happy whatever your age in this day.Write Children's DayWrite your Children's Day whatever who you are,your age,just remember happiness in this day. Of course the diary can be recorded for your kids,your friends,and yourself. Share differents monments with other in your blog or facebook.Children's Day tipsAsk your child's teacher to celebrate World Children's Day in class. Mention it at a PTA meeting as a concern that they do not know that much about children of the world. Ask them to think of ways your child can help out at school, including a clothes drive for underprivileged kids.Childrens' Day in ShanghaiMany schools will organize celebration programs, you can go your kids' school to see their performs. But this children's Day is saturday, so many school will organize perform then in Children's Day students have not to go schools or share with their parents. But different schools different arrangements.Childrens' Day Chinese charactersér tónɡjié lǐwù儿 童 节 礼 物ér tónɡjié yóu lai儿 童 节 由 来ér tónɡjié biǎoyǎn儿 童 节 表演ér tónɡjié fànɡjià儿 童 节 放假qìnɡzhù庆祝wǒ yào qù kàn wǒ nǚ'ér xuéxiào de liù yì értónɡjié biǎoyǎn我 要 去 看 我 女儿 学校 的 六 一 儿童节 表演 。nǐ érzi xuéxiào zǔzhī le shénmeyànɡ de qìnɡzhù jiémù你 儿子 学校 组织 了 什么样 的 庆祝 节目 ?wǒ bàba ɡěi wǒ de értónɡjié lǐwù shì yíliànɡ hěn kù de zìxínɡchē我 爸爸 给 我 的 儿童节 礼物 是 一辆 很 酷 的 自行车 。


About 50,000 Chinese characters commonly used, known as Mandarin, China's official website language.These Chinese characters are usually composed by two or more characters, a combination of Chinese text represents a different meaning, and their individual meaning may be different, depending on the context pronunciation may produce different. Therefore, in learning how to write Chinese characters, is no easy task, but as long as diligent learning, and will be able to learn Chinese.InstructionsLearning Chinese Characters1Learn the basic meaning of characters. About 4 percent of Chinese characters come from pictograms. If you can recognize these symbols, you can usually figure out what the whole character means. For example, 水 is the symbol for water, and when you combine 水 with 池, you get the word for pond, 水 池 (shuǐ chí). Other examples include --- (rì), which means sun, and 月 (yuè), which means moon.2Write each character 50 times. There are no shortcuts to learning Chinese symbols; you just need to memorize everything. The easiest way to do this is practice, practice, practice.Say the character in a sentence as you write it. Remember, certain characters can have completely different meanings depending on the context. For example, 玆 (zī) can mean both herewith and now, or at this time.4Study the pinyin version of the character. Pinyin is a way of writing Chinese characters by using the English alphabet. Since Chinese is a tonal language, pinyin is very useful in helping you learn how to pronounce characters.Tips & WarningsKeep in mind that there are two types of Chinese characters: the traditional form and the simplified form. While the simplified form is used in mainland China, the traditional form is still used in Hong Kong and Taiwan, so you may want to practice writing both forms.Many Chinese characters are formed by associative compounds. If you learn these compounds, it may be easier to remember the meaning of the character. For example, the word 國 (guó) means country. But if you break down the character, -- means estate and it is boxed in with ---, which means defined borders. So 國 means an estate with defined borders, or a country.You can knowing or pronunciation of Chinese characters to memory, sometimes you can make use of some imagination to remember Chinese characters, such as you can remember a pronunciation is like the doctor to see your tonsils time for you to do the action. So the higher the efficiency of your memory of Chinese characters.


Students want to study Chinese who love movies. It is a good method which read actors’ lines. Last night I watched The Croods movie with my friend. I love those dialogues from The Croods:Guy: This is called a brain. I think that's where ideas go. Thunk: Dad, I don't have a brain. Guy:zhèshì dànǎo wǒ xiǎnɡ hǎo zhǔyì dōu láizì zhèlǐ 这是 大脑 ,我 想 好 主意 都 来自 这里 。 Thunk: lǎo bà wǒ méiyǒu dànǎo 老 爸 ,我 没有 大脑 。 Eep: My name's Eep and this is my family(家- jiā), the Croods. We never had the chance to explore the outside world because of my dad's one rule: Eep: Never leave the cave. Grug: New is always bad. Never not be afraid! Eep: We never had a chance to explore the outside world, but what we didn't know was that our world was about to change." Eep: wǒ jiào xiǎo yī zhèshì wǒ de jiārén ɡū lū zú wǒmen cónɡlái méiyǒu 我 叫 小 伊 , 这是 我 的 家人 ,咕 噜 族 , 我们 从来 没有 líkāi dònɡxué qù tànsuǒ shíjiàn yīnwei wǒ lǎo bà de ɡuīju 离开 洞穴 去 探索 实践 , 因为 我 老 爸 的 规矩 : yǒnɡyuǎn bùzhǔn líkāi dònɡxué 永远 不准 离开 洞穴 。 "Guy: Belt, emergency idea generator activate!" "Grug: Never not be afraid." "Thunk: You need a name, I think I'll call you Douglas. Roll over Douglas." Grug: xīnshìwù dōushì huài de yǒnɡyuǎn búyào bùdǒnɡ hàipà 新事物 都是 坏 的 , 永远 不要 不懂 害怕 。 Eep: wǒmen cónɡlái méiyǒu yíɡè tànsuǒ wàimiàn shìjiè de jīhuì suǒyǐ wǒmen 我们 从来 没有 一个 探索 外面 世界 的 机会 , 所以 我们 bùzhīdào wàimiàn de shìjiè shì zěnme ɡǎibiàn de 不知道 外面 的 世界 是 怎么 改变 的 。 The movie tells me be careful but keep curious. My friends ask me why do you come to Shanghai? I said i really don't know why and i just did it one day past. When i find a new,i just have a try. There are two results:one is good and another is bad, 50% and 50%. But if i give up and i will lose 50% good. I choose one try. Now you learn two mandarin words: fear--害怕hài pà =恐惧kǒnɡ jù That means be afraid, fear, and scared. Grug said never not be afraid in Chinese (mandarin) yǒnɡ yuǎn bú yào bù dǒnɡ hài pà 永 远 不 要 不 懂 害 怕 。 In another words, sayings the same meaning: shíkè bǎo chí jǐnɡ tì 时刻 保持 警惕. Now you learn contrary to fear (害怕)- 警惕(jǐnɡ tì)-not be scared. See more methods of learning mandarin If you want to learn more mandarin welcome to visit my blog everyday or just add Rss.


Do you like to eat Baozi? Are they taste good or bad?Would you like to speak their names? If you say yes and you should study Chinese followings. When you taste nai huang bao, you will feel a little sweet differ from candy. What is that? You will ask yourself or your friend. You would like to speak nai huang bao then you will want to write the right Chinese words about nai huang bao. Baozi,In English is steamed stuffed bun. Nai huang bao ,English name is Steamed Creamy Custard Bun. You want to make them, ok! xiàn liào nǎiyóu niú ǎi jīdàn yóu báitánɡ miànfěn 馅 料 : 奶油 、 牛奶 、 鸡蛋 、 油 、 白糖 、 面粉 、 miàn pí miànfěn shuǐ jiàomǔ 面 皮 : 面粉 、 水 、 酵母 bùtónɡ zhìzuò fānɡfǎ nǎi huánɡ bāo túpiàn zhānɡ 不同 制作 方法 奶 黄 包 图片 (17 张 ) zhìzuò bùzhòu 制作 步骤 : miàn pén li fànɡ shang shìliànɡ wēnshuǐ hé jiàomǔ miànfěn hé chénɡ 1、 面 盆 里 放 上 适量 温水 和 酵母 、 面粉 ,和 成 miàn tuán fànɡ dào yìbiān děnɡdào miàn tuán fāqǐ lai 面 团 , 放 到 一边 等到 面 团 发起 来 。 xiān qiē yì xiǎo kuài nǎiyóu fànɡ dào xiǎo wǎn li ránhòu bǎ wǎn fànɡ 2、 先 切 一 小 块 奶油 放 到 小 碗 里 , 然后 把 碗 放 dào yǒu rèshuǐ de pén li mànmàn rónɡhuà 到 有 热水 的 盆 里 慢慢 融化 。 zài xiǎo bùxiùɡānɡ pén li dǎ shang jīdàn ránhòu dǎo rù shǎoliànɡ 3、 在 小 不锈钢 盆 里 打 上 鸡蛋 , 然后 倒 入 少量 niúnǎi fànɡ shang tánɡ yóu nǎiyóu hé shǎoxǔ miànfěn jiǎobàn jūnyún 牛奶 , 放 上 糖 、 油 、 奶油 和 少许 面粉 搅拌 均匀 。 bǎ diào hǎode xiàn yè fànɡ dào zhēnɡ ɡuō shang ɡuō kāi fēnzhōnɡ hòu 4、把 调 好的 馅 液 放 到 蒸 锅 上 , 锅 开 5 分钟 后 yònɡ kuàizi jiǎo yì jiǎo zài ɡuō kāi fēnzhōnɡ de shíhou zài jiǎo yíxià 用 筷子 搅 一 搅 , 在 锅 开 10 分钟 的 时候 再 搅 一下 zài ɡuō kāi hòu fēnzhōnɡ de shíhou jiù shú le , 在 锅 开 后 15 分钟 的 时候 就 熟 了 。 miàn tuán fāqǐ lai hòu róu chénɡ yíɡè ɡè xiǎo jì zi yònɡ ɡǎnmiànzhànɡ 5、 面 团 发起 来 后 揉 成 一个 个 小 剂 子 , 用 擀面杖 ɡǎn báo xiànɡ bāo bāozi yíyànɡ bāo qǐlai jiù hǎo búɡuò shì fēnɡkǒu chù 擀 薄 , 像 包 包子 一样 包 起来 就 好 , 不过 是 封口 处 cháoxià 朝下 。 bǎ bāo hǎode nǎi huánɡ bāo fànɡ dào ɡuō li zhēnɡ shú jíkě 6、把 包 好的 奶 黄 包 放 到 锅 里 , 蒸 熟 即可 。[imgid=0] Then you will find something strange about learning Chinese food names. You can speak them and you can write them. Yes, you study Chinese characters in process of eat nai huang bao. Do you love eat nai huang bao? Do you love study Chinese? I think you will love them-taste good and study Chinese efficiently. Now if you want to study more Chinese food names you can click on : what is baozi?