

Study Chinese in shanghai 伤心欲绝(shāng xīn yù jué)

You must want to know why i will teach you this Chinese idiom and i want to tell you i feel so upset and sad. I fall in love with a guy,but he just know i am his friend and don't know i like him. Now i heard a message he fell in love with another one. So i want to say i feel so sad this monment.In Chinese is 伤心欲绝(shāng xīn yù jué).

  • Chinese idiom-伤心欲绝(shāng xīn yù jué)

Actually you will find many words to explain my feelings. such sa the smile were a mask to hid my sadness,I was cast down by the sad news,when i was sad, i really didn't want to do anything,etc.If you want to learn mandarin in shanghai or in your life,you can say that when i lost my nana,i was so sad-伤心欲绝.

  • What is the meaning of-伤心欲绝(shāng xīn yù jué)

In English you may be using Inconsolable,rueful; sore; sorrowful; heartbroken; mirthless; tearful; woeful. But in Chinese is meaning that this person is so sad that his heartbroken or the same as dead.伤心means sad or inconsolable,欲means want to,coming to,绝 means death, give up all hope.More infos about shang xin yu jue-Impossible or difficult to console; despondent: was inconsolable after his pet died.

  • I.E. of Chinese idioms-伤心欲绝(shāng xīn yù jué)

She lost her lover and felt so inconsolable.
tā shī qù le zuì qīn ài de rén ,xiàn zài shāng xīn yù jué 。
He would be heartbroken when remember the sad memory every time.
měi dāng huí yì qǐ wǎng shì ,tā zǒng shì shāng xīn yù jué 。

Stop talking about that thing,he would be sorrowful. bù yào jiǎng nà jiàn shì ,huì ràng tā shāng xīn yù jué de 。

  • References in classic literature-伤心欲绝(shāng xīn yù jué)

伤心欲绝(shāng xīn yù jué)-learn Chinese in shanghaiBut she died between summers; then Robert posed as an inconsolable, prostrating himself at the feet of Madame Ratignolle for whatever crumbs of sympathy and comfort she might be pleased to vouchsafe.
-The Awakening and Selected Short Stories by Chopin, Kate View in context

She felt certain that her surmises were correct; that Kitty's misery, her inconsolable misery, was due precisely to the fact that Levin had made her an offer and she had refused him, and Vronsky had deceived her, and that she was fully prepared to love Levin and to detest Vronsky.
-Anna Karenina by Tolstoy, Leo View in context

While I was yet inconsolable for his loss, another friend of mine in Yorkshire discovered an older and more gifted raven at a village public-house, which he prevailed upon the landlord to part with for a consideration, and sent up to me.
-Barnaby Rudge - A Tale Of The Riots Of 'Eighty by Dickens, Charles View in context


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