

Learn Chinese words about the Dragon Boat Festival
2013-05-20 1.Learn Chinese words of the Dragon Boat Festival:
duān wǔ jié
端 午 节
the Dragon Boat Festival

chī zònɡ zi
吃 粽 子
eat traditional Chinese rice-puddings
bāo zònɡ zi
包 粽 子
make traditional Chinese rice-puddings

sài lónɡzhōu
赛 龙 舟
Race of dragon Boats

jì niàn qū yuán
纪 念 屈 原
In memory of Qu Yuan
2. Learn Chinese sentences of the Dragon Boat Festival:
duān wǔ jié wǒ hé pénɡyou yuē hǎo qù chénɡ huánɡ miào chī zònɡ zi
端 午 节 ,我 和 朋友 约 好 去 城 隍 庙 吃 粽 子 。
when the Dragon Boat Festival comming, I and my friends will go to Town God's Temple to eat Chinese rice-puddings(zongzi).

wǒ biǎoɡē shì yíɡè sài lónɡzhōu xuǎnshǒu
我 表哥 是 一个 赛 龙舟 选手 。
My cousin is a athletes of dragon boats' race.

duānwǔ jié shì wèile jìniàn zhōnɡɡuó wěidà de shīrén qū yuán ér shèlì de
端午 节 是 为了 纪念 中国 伟大 的 诗人 屈 原 而 设立 的 。
is to commemorate the establishment of the great Chinese poet Qu Yuan.


MM038 2013-05-28 11:21

Ok,i know that. thx~

恋上草原的风 2013-05-28 09:44

Eating rice-puddings and watching dragon boat race~~~

MM038 2013-05-27 12:08

I am sorry to hear your grandpa~ God blessing you and i think if your grandpa know you are happy he will be very happy too.

MM038 2013-05-27 12:07

ur welcome my friend. I will put some other pinyin articles you can learn more and more pinyin. I believe you can speak Chinese very well in the future~ Good luck!

MM038 2013-05-27 12:05

What kind of your hometown dragon boat festival rice-puddings? meat? or others? share with us?

MM038 2013-05-27 12:04

Many shop will sell rice-puddings then you can eat different zong zi.cheers~

sannyoeoe 2013-05-25 13:06

Umm,I miss the traditional rice-pudding from my grandpa,but he left three months ago,we miss him.I dreamed him last night,he did housework with me and talked to my grandma like before.I hope more happiness and no pains in your heaven time.May you find your next  newcoming soon,my dear grandpa!!!

magnumlea 2013-05-24 11:56

Thank you for this article and for including the pin yin.  I gain some knowledge about the tradition and how to relate it.  I hope I speak it well.

恋上草原的风 2013-05-21 20:34

I'm very missing the Dragon Boat Race in my hometown, as well as delicious of Rice-puddings ~~~

ky1220031621lf 2013-05-21 11:23

Rice-puddings is so delicious,the Dragon Boat Festival is coming,I can not wait for it.