

How to Learn Chinese Symbols
About 50,000 Chinese characters commonly used, known as Mandarin, China's official website language.These Chinese characters are usually composed by two or more characters, a combination of Chinese text represents a different meaning, and their individual meaning may be different, depending on the context pronunciation may produce different. Therefore, in learning how to write Chinese characters, is no easy task, but as long as diligent learning, and will be able to learn Chinese.
Learn the basic meaning of characters. About 4 percent of Chinese characters come from pictograms. If you can recognize these symbols, you can usually figure out what the whole character means. For example, 水 is the symbol for water, and when you combine 水 with 池, you get the word for pond, 水 池 (shuǐ chí). Other examples include --- (rì), which means sun, and 月 (yuè), which means moon.

Write each character 50 times. There are no shortcuts to learning Chinese symbols; you just need to memorize everything. The easiest way to do this is practice, practice, practice.
Say the character in a sentence as you write it. Remember, certain characters can have completely different meanings depending on the context. For example, 玆 (zī) can mean both herewith and now, or at this time.

Study the pinyin version of the character. Pinyin is a way of writing Chinese characters by using the English alphabet. Since Chinese is a tonal language, pinyin is very useful in helping you learn how to pronounce characters.
Tips & Warnings
Keep in mind that there are two types of Chinese characters: the traditional form and the simplified form. While the simplified form is used in mainland China, the traditional form is still used in Hong Kong and Taiwan, so you may want to practice writing both forms.

Many Chinese characters are formed by associative compounds. If you learn these compounds, it may be easier to remember the meaning of the character. For example, the word 國 (guó) means country. But if you break down the character, -- means estate and it is boxed in with ---, which means defined borders. So 國 means an estate with defined borders, or a country.

You can knowing or pronunciation of Chinese characters to memory, sometimes you can make use of some imagination to remember Chinese characters, such as you can remember a pronunciation is like the doctor to see your tonsils time for you to do the action. So the higher the efficiency of your memory of Chinese characters.


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