

Is America Really That Bad ??!
2017-07-18 America is known as the land of freedom, the paradise of human rights and the place of inventions and technologies. America is the world's only superpower economically and militarily at the moment . American leaders one after another keeps showing the world that they support democracy and civil rights all over the globe . However the interference of American leaders in other countries' internal affair showed clearly the lies and the hypocrisy and the double standards in dealing with foreign affairs . Non-Americans who are fooled by the dirty game of politics and by the mainstream media don't know what's going on behind the scenes . I got to know tons of American citizens who don't want to live in America anymore, they told me that everything is fake and even American values are just bad . They also taked about the political system and the social safety and how the American dream seems far-fetched in the foreseeable future , and the discrimination is still at its highest level . Is America really that bad ??????


Swifty55 2017-08-18 14:44

The USA is a great placce to be from.Not a great place to move to.

ingo_001 2017-08-10 21:28

Not America is bad - but Trump is ... not bad ... more worst: Dangerous.
The worst choise for this Job.

I hope, at least the american voters will wake up and vote hime out aof the White House in 3,5 years.
But I think, he will be kicked out of the job by an impeachment earlier.

Swifty55 2017-08-08 05:26

USA has lied so much to it's own people that they actually think America is such a great country.Well I was born in the USA and lived there until I retired at age 60.Now I live in China with my Chinese wife and found out what freedom really is. 99% of USA citizens beleive what they read in American papers and have never been out of the USA,Fact is that USA news is controlled by the politicians. If not the people of the USA would find out that the USA government is more corrupt then China is today.Chinese leaders are fighting corruption.USA goverment promotes corruption.

whitebuffalo 2017-07-26 11:53

The best thing Americans did was elect Trump president. It's time to drain the swamp in Washington.

arabchinalover 2017-07-24 17:16

That's right ! I have just written a new blog about American radicalism....

sanam 2017-07-24 16:43

i think the internet has enough websites telling us how good amerika is. it's refreshing to hear something different for once

sanam 2017-07-24 16:33

black americans often times are afraid to drive, because it has been an offense to be "driving while black'. other dark skinned people (can include lots of people from indians to hispanics, and in between) have identified with this, and coined their own phrase of "driving while brown", because being black, or brown makes you a target to the notoriously racist amerikan police. asians are also frequently targeted. for example, they are targeted when planes are overbooked. airlines in amerika systematically ask asians to give up their seat at airports throughout amerika. recently, an asian doctor was dragged off the plane by violent amerikan police. it's rather unfortunate when you see that the white amerikan "freedom" depends on the misery of asian, blacks, and hispanics, but even white amerikans cant escape the tyrany, as whites will ocasionally fall victim to the corupt system.

sanam 2017-07-24 16:14

you ever notice how amerika is always at the forefront of taking your freedoms away? llaptops are now banned on board u.s planes. u.s also behind most of the strictest copy right laws known to man. 
america talks about religious freedoms, but muslim americans live in fear. they are constantly harased by police, put under surveilance, ridiculed, and stereotyped to the point that many muslims are afraid to tell people they are muslim.

arabchinalover 2017-07-24 15:57

Thx a lot

dbrownridge 2017-07-24 14:51

Ok, I should add I have been guilty of multiple punctuation ie. ??!  But never in a headline.  And only in the most passionate arguments: ie. debating a Trump supporter.  But true professional writers abstain.