

Today in the USA Rap and Hip Hop and violent gangs have taken over the youth of the USA. Rappers mostly come from the inner city, they promote the use of drugs non legal ones, use of rape,murder,disrecpect of parents,teachers,police etc. Promote use of racial terms, hate, covering body with tat's. They think this type of so called music is great, so called stars of Rap are doing great harm to society in the USA. They use gang signs in their acts and their dress style is sick. Kids think all this in "cool" until they apply for a job and find out NO company wants drug users and walking bill boards for Tat's working for them. Racism is a major problem even more today then in the past. Blacks call each other the "N" word in Rap,Hip Hop, NBA players,NFL players,TV shows and movies all promote these things and same sex marriage.Police are afraid to do their job because most of the street crime which includes drug sales, non-legal gun sales, drive by shootings, stealiing, murder are done by groups of blacks, Mexican's and white hate groups. Our rights in the USA allow these things to continue and grow and makes every inner city street in the USA unsafe. Now with the upper class kids joining in drugs,Rap ect. Even so called good areas of all cities in the USA are unsafe. Law abiding citizens are afraid to walk any where after dark, USA has legal corruption at every level in government. Politicians not all but many use Cocain and other drugs and are never found quilty if caught. Prisons are run by the gangs and guards are paid off or threatened so they look the other way.The USA government wants China and all countries to bend over and do as they say. Why the world allows the USA to make demands when they can not even make the USA a safe place to live I have no clue. Companies in the USA steal informaton and technology from others more then any foreign country ever has or will.Chinese should stop sending their kids to over priced so called great Universuty's in the USA. Not buy anything from USA companies in China. Not listen to Rap and Hiphop or beleive the lies printed by USA news. USA news is controlled by the rich and corrupt policticains in the USA. More then the average person thinks. Drugs being sneaked into China should be stopped before China's kids end up like the USA kids of today. USA wants to control by use of hate and the military. Average person in the USA is blind to all of these wrong things.All I can say is I hope Chinese smarten up and stay away from the bad culture of todays USA


Baby B's


Life after WW2 began the birth of the "Baby Boomers" in the USA. I was born in 1951 so I am one of them. I was born in New York and moved North to Rochester ,NY at age 4. I can remember every year of my life from age 4 up, so NY City was just a birth place to me. If you lived North of the Mason/Dixon line you were a yankee. South of this line is where colored people were treated poorly and still are today.From Kindergarden 1956 through 1963 my 7th grade or first year of middle school was simple, fun, and a wonderful way to grow up. TV was only on from 8am until 10pm ,was in black and white , family shows,music shows, with NO gay agenda,NO drug use shown,NO bad language, NO sex scenes, TV was just entertainment.Most people did not own a TV ,if you did neighbors would come over on Friday's and watch with my family. We also listened to Radio Programs alot. We spent maybe 2 hours a day watchinf TV or listening to a Radio program as a family.I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters and I am the only one born in the 50"s. The families in our neighborhood were 90% lower middle class, 90% 2 or more children, owned a car ( most owned a used car,not new)95% of the families never had divorced parents and no one a drug user,other the Beer,Wine,cigaretts. Only legal stuff but maybe 70% of adults smoked, and 50% of teenagers smoked also,cigs that is not weed. To buy beer you had to be 18, could buy cigs any age. School was biggest part of our day, Kindergarden was 1/2 day and just to get used to not being home with Mom all day, since 95% of Mom's stayed home. 1st grade through 6th grade you had one main teacher for every subject, except Music and P.E. Which you only had 2 days per week. School time was 9 am until Noon, then all walked home for lunch and needed to be back by 1:30 pm. No free lunch at school ever. Home or to a friends home if your Mom worked. Then from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm after lunch, then went home did home work for about 3 hours in grades 1-6. Middle school was 2 years, grades 7 & 8. Which were in the high schools, same subject teachers as in high school grades 9-12. Students had 7 classes per day for both middle and high school. Hours were from 8:10 am with a 25 minute lunch at school, either paid 25cents or brought a bag lunch. Probably 50% of the kids could not afford school lunch so brought their own made by mom. The day ended at 3:05 pm for classes. If wanted to join a sports team,or a activity group for a hour or so if you wanted. Maybe 25% did this and rest went home to do home work. We had maybe 4 or 5 hours of home work and we did our homework. Fridays we always had a test in each class, so never or rarely had weekend homework. School went from September 2 until middle of June, Every class except PE had a 3 hour final exam. If failed exam you needed to retake class the next year ro go to summer school to try again. Kids never wore uniforms, but had a dress code, boys long pants( never tight fit ) with a belt, Shirts had to have a collar and button down only. Never a T-shirt except PE must wear shoes never sneakers except PE. Hair could not touch your shirt collar. If broke dress code sent home to change. No facial hair allowed. Girsl had to wear a dress or skirt to the knee at least, plus shoes, no high heels, no open shirts or cleveage to show ever. Hair must be neat, clean and no make up allowed. If broke dress code sent home. These dress codes tood until 1965 after the Civil Rights axt was passes which made blacks equal to everyone. Then public school became a whatever the kids wanted they got. This was the beginng of the fall of USA education. Before 1965 we had almost ZERO racial problems in the North we all lived in same areas, only differnce was blacks, mexicans, did not live on same streets but attended same schools. You could walk their streets and them ours and no one was afraid or hurt. We got along. Had friends of all races at school. Now never would bring them home or they us.Life was safe until 1965, could leave doors unlocked, most did until then. I never had a houese key until 1965. This was the beginng of change for America, from safe, no drugs, very little pre-married sex, from when "gay" meant "happy" to todays version which is not normal.Life for us as kids was school, fun, play, vacation with family. Not like today were unless you are rich,( live in private gated area) you are afraid to go outside even during the day alone.Life was better, cheaper, and more enjoyable in the USA back then. Sort of like China is today.


New World.


New World Order. Wow sounds so good until you know what it really is all about.It is made up of a group of very rich families through-out the world. Some are known but most stay secret to us the working people. Sixty of the richest families not indivduals belong to a group,known as "Bilderberg". They own and control the riches banks throughout the world. A few names that are known: Rothschild,Bush,Winsor,Walton,J.P.Morgan,Rockerfellers,Tata,Dupont etc. The rest are not as well know, and who they are most of us like me have no clue. What they want is to control the whole world. They want these things for around 500,000,000 million subjects ( people to be left after WW3). They will all be owned by the "New World Order".Consists of:1. One World Government2. One World Ecconomy3. One World Military4. One World Society5. One World ReligionThe USA government which is actually controlled by the " Bilderberg Group",which also has control off the new "European group" all are working outside the normal government to control everything. This group has control in the U.S.A. of the C.I.A., Federal Reserve, I.R.S, all media resources, all banks, C.F.A. ( Conference of Foreign Affairs), weapons factories, oil reserve, 50% of the worlds natural resources, United Nations, etc.Within the C.I.A. they control all non-legal drugs sold in the world, have control of U.S.A black-ops. Which means they have hidden bases around the world, plus control of the 800 foreign military bases owned and operated by the U.S.A. The U.S.A. spends over 800 billiion U.S.D. each year on military. Thay have more nukes, chemical, biological, Sound Wave weapons, and Lazer Weapons. ( Every foreign USA base has these weapons) Plus USA has 50% of the satelites in space operated by the USA CIA. Has 10 weapon satelites in space that can hit anywhere in the world. Controled by the CIA- Bilderberg group.Most are unknow to the world and the USA citizens. Since no other country is allowed to investigate any hidded resouce the U.S.A controls, no one can stop them. This may happen sooner then we think. The control of the world by this group.( Hope not before I die.) The people not in these families in the U.S.A. are actually paying the IRS which is tax not legal, since there is "NO LAW" which requires you to pay tax on your income,wages. IRS is a private cooperation owned by the banks. The Federal Reserve which is not part of the .U.S.A government (is owned by the worlds richest banks) is a cooperation based in England. Which loans the U.S.A. governemnt money to run the country at 6% interest. Interest is payed by the IRS income tax. These 2 groups are un-constituational. There is not congress, senate, or president,or courts of the U.S.A that can change these since the federal Reserve is based in England and the IRS is based in P.R. The U.S.A government has been bankrupt since 1910.Other things are taken away from the citizens of the U.S.A, by the "Patriot Act", passed by President Bush, and the "Security Act" passed by President Obama. These take away rights given to the USA citizens by the US Const. Governemnt can detain you in prison if they think you are a terrorist or for any other reason they want. NO trial, no lawyer, no jury. They also can use anything in your emails, social pages, phone calls, private conversations you disagree with the government since all are spied on daily in the USA. Oh yes the great country with all the freedoms. NOT now folks. You can spend life in prison, be tortured, beaten, whatever they wish, because you are in private prison not even known to the USA citizens are the location of these prisons. People in the USA are not very smart. I know I lived there for 60 years before I retired to China. I have no legal rights in China living on a family visa. Yet I am safe, treated kindly, invested all my money in China and live better then I ever did in the USA when I had rights not found in the USA anymore. So I am much happier in China. Trust President Xi much more then any politician in the USA. Chinese should be thankful everyday. I know I am living in China. Forgive me for any typing errors. Sorry. Many more things I could tell you about the USA. None good so not take anymore time here.The two x-CIA members who retired then told the truth to the USA people where both killed by the CIA within 2 weeks afetr the spilled the truth. Now the media said they both lied were crazy then killed themselfs. One had 2 bullet wounds in the back of his head. The other was shot once in his right eye and once behind one ear. ???????


The people of the USA 0ver 50% now beleive the real reason the 3 buildings collasped ,yes 3 not just the two 110 story ,but also WTC building 7 free fell 10 hours after the 2 WTC taller buildings free fell. Not collasped. The USA government report that took 4 years to complete said fire from the airplanes that flew into the 2 buildings caused the solid insulated steel beams to melt which caused the 2 taller building to collaspe. Now if fire causes a building to fall, it falls in sections, does not implode and cause free fall in less then 12 seconds. The governemnt never used over 118 fire fighters interviews of them hearing explosions, as each building fell. If anyone has ever seen a controled demolition knows that all 3 buildings that fell that day 9/11 actually were caused by explosive materials set on each level starting from the bottom up. The chemicals found in the concrete dust collected by many non government people given to independent experts in chemical science found sulfer and other chemicals found only in USA military type explosive devices. Yet when the governemnt investigated this event they never did check any chemicals found. Why not?? President Bush wanted a reason to attack Iraq, got his wish for all the citizens beleived the 2 planes that crashed into the 2 buildings caused the building to fall and kill over 3900 citizens,firemen,and police. News stations that reported hearing exploasions as building were imploding,not collasping never repeated these statements after day one. Just another cover up by the corrupt leaders in the USA government. NORAD has been in place since long before 9/11/ Which is a military system that sends up fighter jets to shoot down any plane that is off course. Why did not one jet chase these planes and shoot them down before they could hit any building? Need to ask governemnt? USA government claims a airplane hit the Pentagon on the same day. Guess what no commercial craft could do this to the most protected buildings in Washington D.C. Do not beleive I am telling the truth well check out this report done by non USA government controlled inspections of 9/11 for yourself and you decide.https://v.youku.com/V_show/id_XMzc3OTAyMTgwOA==.html (9/11building collapse)and a second film done also found on youku.https://v.youku.com/v_show/v_show/id_XMzc4NDo4ODclmg==.html?spm=a2hOj.1185381.listitem_page1Just like before USA entered WW2. USA miliatary knew hours before Japan would bomb Pearl Harbor and did nothing to stop the attack.Why? American citizens were against USA entering WW2, so again the government found a reason to get the citizens behind them. I was born and raised in the USA. Once I retired I decided to leave the USA and live the rest of my life in China. Why? I could give you 100 reasons but will just say instead. The USA 2 party system is more corrupt then any top 5 nation in the world. 1% of USA citizens are rich and guess what? Most are politicians or the rich who support them with money. Want to live in the USA? Be my quest. I will never call the USA my home again. China is my home. Much safer,more honest leaders then you will find in the USA. By the way Obama also repeated what Bush said to the citizens. The 2 airplanes that hit the buildings on 9/11 were the only cause of them falling. Yes of course he said this he was also a Senate member at the time of 9/11. Ever notice how NO CIA employees died and they had offices in WTC building. Everyone of them left the building just before the plane hit. WOW?????NO high rise building made of steel and cement has ever fallen before 9/11 or since because of fire. NEVER.


Welcome to a experience you can make the most of or not. If you come in like most students thinking you have made it because you got into college and think you have it made you will fail.Think again.What you learn in college will make you employable or not.In my 40 years in education in the USA and China I have seen many who thought they were smart but they failed.College just offers you a chance to think, grow, make friends and learn if you want to.If you just rely on your professors knowledge to make you smart then you will fail.Professors are the same everywhere Stanford, Peking , Oxford University's or Beihai College.They all lecture, you take notes, do assignments, take tests and then take final exams.What you do not know is that most professors have outside interests that pay more then teaching. They use graduate students to do most of the classroom lectures, grade assignments and never get to know you the student.What I learned as an under grad student is that it does not matter how good the professor is or how bad. In college you learn mostly on your own. If you lack self motivation, self discipline, self determination, you will fail. You must read,study,ask questions and not be afraid to make mistakes. Mistakes help you learn. I have know people who went to a 2nd rate college and ended up better then people from top 10 schools. Because what you learn depends on you not how highly rated the college is for rating of colleges and university's is all based on how many papers or articles the professor gets published. Not how good they are at reaching students. The higher the number of professors getting published the higher the rating of that school.In the USA most top 50 university's have Presidents that have failed outside education. Most get paid over 1 million a year to tell you the students how well you will do after you graduate from a top USA univeristy. It is all a lie.If you succeed after college it is because you learned on your own with just the guidedence of a grad student.No University has ever made a great man or woman. They made it on their own. They just have a piece of paper that says they have a degreeUniversity's and colleges are the same in China, USA, England, Germany etc. Some jus cost way to much. Mostly in the USA.If you do not depend on youirself you will never become what you want.Remember more then 60 % of kids who enter college in the USA never make it past their 2nd year.If you are not serious about working hard on your own in college. Please quit and do not throw your parents money and dreams for you away.


Chinese Elders


Every day if there is no rain I go to the park after my morning walk in Beihai my Chinese home.I get to watch the elders play games, exercise, and listen to their stories of life when they were young. They have taught me much more then most foreigners ever learn when they visit, teach or move to China. I am an elder myself, but compared to my Chinese elder friends I am just a kid, In fact most when they see me say "morning kid". I like China more then I ever did my birth place the USA. I understand enough Chinese to chat with them. They are always kind to me and I respect them. Is why they share thier wisdom with me. They tell me about their, children, grand children, about life long before their were many foreigners. They read Chinese papers every day still, not like the youth of today. Tell me how easy life is today for the kids compared to when they were kids. They ask me what I think abouut China, President Xi and ask questions about my life as a kid in the 50"s in the USA.They have told me that all Chinese should never buy another product from USA companies , stores, food places that have USA ties. They also say they think the youth of China need to ask more advice from their elders about many things.(Some do they say but not enough)They all love China and it is easy to see in their eyes how much they worry about the youth of China as far as Western Ways they seem to like. I have learned more then I could ever from a book about China from the elders. They are my friends and I always take their advice. I hope the youth of China wake up and listen to the wisdom of their elders.


Plastic bags, bottles and other things made of plastic cause a major problem with pollution. The USA Navy and Merchant ships cause most of the polution in the oceans of the world. I have talked many times with a Retiired Admiral of the USA navy. He has told me that all USA navel ships call garbage call at midnight when at sea. They then drop all plastic bags of garbage off the ship every day. Plus they throw old oil, old scrap metals, old electric parts into the ocean every day. Merchat ships owned by USA companies do the same. Yet the USA claims they are "Green". this is just another lie to the world. I think all countries do the same for there are no police to check on this problem at sea. I have heard China wants to do away with plactic bags. But every store I shop at in China uses plastic bags.Government say one thing and usually the public are the only ones that actually care and try to improve.The oceans of the world are polluted and sea life is harmed. The USA has the most Naval ships, most cargo ships,they all throw garbage into the ocean everyday. Yet blame China and other countires of being the major problem. Every country is wrong but the USA leads the world in pollution of our oceams.The USA also has used the oceans as automoblie dumps for decades. They smask cars then drop them into the ocean at the rate of 1 million a year into costal waters around the USA. Many countries most likely do the same. When will this stop?When will the world work together at stopping all these problems? I have no clue. Do you? I have no solutions. Do you?Governemenst tell us not to do what they do everyday. Seems like we are the losers.Plastic and oil products are not degradeable. What shall we do?