

No More Cookies


if you haven't been to to a place , you can't really get a full picture of it . you only get a gloomy scene that is painted by the media or the word of mouth. China has always been misrepresnted by the media or the people who falsely talk about China in general and Chinese food and culture in particular. My dear mother who has vener been to China was one of those people who were told inaccuratley about China.I did well in high school, and as a result I got scholarship to go to China to persue my undergradutes studies. I was 18 years old and I had no ides about China or even was able to say 你好. My mother didnt have much knowledge about China except that she had heard that Chinese people eat dogs and cats meats and all kinds of insects. As a loving mother , before my departure , she packed my suitcase with COOKIES for fear of going hungry and starve to death, only leaving a small space for a pair of pants and other bit and pieces.I arrived at Beijing Foreign Studies University, and I wa received by the ladies in the reception and given a room in the school dorm. I dragged my heavy suitcase to the second floor, the next morning, the ladies in the front disk seemed very kind, they handed me six hundred RMB and a train ticket to shnaghai, the slow train that took about a day and a night. ON my way to the train station, I was scanning the streets right and left looking for ewsturants that serve cats and dogs meat but couldn't trace any of such a thing. I arrived at the train station, smelt something nice, I rushed over to buy some to fill my empty stomach, thanks to the six hundred RMB I got in my pocket. I took a bite of that thing that I didn't even know its name , and it was horrible. I coudn't swallow it so I threw it into the garbage and turned to the fruit store where i could get something that kept me alive on the train. I realized that bananas and apples are bigger in size but they don't taste that sweet. On the train, I met an angelic lady, she looked like she was a college student, she talked to me in English, she asked where I came from and where I was heading. I asked her about her major and she told me that she was studing international relations. she was heading to another city, not to shanghai. The train seemed faster when i was talking to her and time passed very quickly. I tried to offer her some fruit but she rejected me saying that she had eaten instant noodles. It was the first time that i saw people lining up pouring hot water in order to prepare their most convenient kind of food.I survived by eating the fruit I bought from the train station, everything seemed different, the people, the cars, the roads, the trees, even sunshine that penetrated the train's window appeared different. I forgot to ask her about the dogs and the cats meats, her beauty even made me to forget to ask her about her name. Names are not important, origins are pointless in the face of attraction. I arrived at shangai railway station , got off the train dragging my suitcase that conatined the only mean of my survival according to my mother. I saw passengers racing towards the exit so I followed them. I tried to stop random people in the street to ask some questions but I didn't succeed because all people seemed either rushing or couldn't speak english. I managed to get a taxi to take me to my intended school. Unfortunately, the taxi driver dropped me at the school gate where I had to walk for at least twenty minutes to get to the dorm. After a great effort of search for the dorm i settled in and i slept for 15 hours because of exhaustion and fatigue.I woke up the next morning , went to the supermarket and grabbed a carton of milk. I tried to ask the sale assistant at the supermarket if there were cats and dogs meats but she said it didn't exist. I went back to my room carrying a the fresh milk in my hand , opened my treasure and took out some cookies. I started going out and explore China, I got to know things day by day and I found out that what I was told about Chinese culture, people and food was not accurate. Later, I fell in love with Chinese food, embraced Chinese culture and married a wonderful Chinese lady. Besides, the friends of my life today are Chinese. I have totaly changed my mind about China and I think that Chinese culture is misinterpreted in many parts of the world . Thanks mom for your concern and the cookies but China is just cool...........


Since the opening up in 1979, China has achieved miracles; it has lifted millions of its people out of poverty, built an incredible infrastructure and established a strong army. China's opening up has brought a tremendous change, not only economically but also politically. Today, China's economy is the second-largest economy in the world and will likely overtake the U.S. sometime this century according to experts. The brilliant idea of Deng Xiaoping in launching economic reforms that permitted private sectors to start and operate their own businesses and established four special economic zones along the coast of China to attract foreign investments was extraordinary. China has transformed itself from a vastly impoverished agricultural land into a formidable industrial society. China, for some reasons, will overtake America as the world's largest economy sooner or later. But, surpassing America economically doesn’t mean that china will overtake the united states in the international arena. However, economic achievements alone will not overtake the United States as the world's dominant power unless China moves from globalization to technology. Deng Xiaoping did a great job in letting the mice to compete to catch the cat and brought economic stability and enhancing people's life standards. Since 1979, we have seen rapid globalization along with limited technological development, mostly confined to IT. Now, it's time to get into the next step of selecting the right mice to bring technological reforms. China has to establish its own Silicon Valley by attracting the talents and the young minds. It's true that Chinese government gives a lot of scholarships to foreign students every year but a handful of graduates remain and work in China in their fields of study for many reasons such as: forming a family and settling down. Children of foreign immigrants find it very difficult to go to schools and be socially secured due to over regulations. It's true that shanghai has taken the initiative in giving international students that graduate from top universities a two-year visa after graduation to find a job or start a business but that is not enough since it is still overregulated . Technology matters more than globalization, if China doubles its energy production over the next two decades, it will also double its air pollution and result will be catastrophic. In a world of scarce resources, globalization without new technology is unsustainable. It's time for China to move towards technology.


President Donald Trump has repeatedly warned Americans of what he called “ Radical Islam “ but that term disappeared from his dictionary during his first visit to Saudi Arabia , and he never uttered his favorite name of Islam. It’s true that Islamic fundamentalism is a threat to human existence but all kinds of extremism are unacceptable despite of their shiny names and forms. Donald trump , like all American leaders say one thing on TV and act differently after they get elected and dominate the oval office. Donald Trump opened fired at Saudi Arabia constantly describing the Saudi leaders as “ terrorists’ supporters” and he accused them of packing their activities , which is true. But it seemed that all that chit-chat disappeared from the surface of earth after the half-trillion US dollar deal with the “ milk cow” . American extremism and religious radicalism go hand in hand in terms of imposing their ideologies. Religions extremists believe only in one god and one way of life, and American radicals believe in only in one form of governance and one type of ruling system. Religions extremists believe in one book only and therefore all human kind should follow this book if like they are created in an angle-like and given the authority to lead the entire world. On the other hand , American foreign policy tries very hard to impose its agendas on other nations because American leaders believe in one kind on election and that all nations should follow their footstep despite of the economic and geographic influence on politics and foreign policy of the country, not to mention social complexities and ethnic sensibilities. When will American leaders stop their extremism and the double standard hypocrisy ?


I was shocked when I once asked a student to tell me his own opinion about an issue when he replied: please wait a moment; I have to Baidu it out. On the other hand, many studies found out that young Chinese outperform their American counterparts in math and that nonlogical Chinese tend to do better in math than Americans. A study showed that Chinese students don’t have trouble with formal logic, it finds them to be less likely to use it in everyday situations where experience or desire conflicts with it and they lack of concern about contradictions and emphasis on the Middle Way undoubtedly does result in logical errors. Chinese math education is better because teachers have to spend much less time teaching than their American counterparts, and the techniques in common use is superior to those found in America. Children of China work much harder o math and science than Americans. The study showed that Chinese students believe that everyone under the right circumstances and with enough hard work can learn to do math while American students believe that skills are qualities you do or don’t have, so there is not much point in trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Chinese education encourages unity and harmony. Peer review and criticism are rare among Chinese students, where such things are considered rude and where there is not widespread acceptance of the role in clarifying and advancing thought about scientific matters in the classroom. The efficacy of debate for bringing out the truth or, at any rate, for keeping on the table hypotheses that maybe useful. Western debate style and the mental habits it encourages are important for keeping students open and open-minded. Debate also goes hand in hand with standard hypothesis-evidence-conclusion rhetoric, which science and mathematics rely on heavily. Physicist Alan Cromer once said " a geometric proof is the ultimate rhetorical form" .