

Crazy day: Learning driving on the real road.
It was the first time that I drive on the real road, and The teacher told me to drive with some suggestions and orders.Getting scolding ~ a lot of scoldings.But seems I am the best in 4 person who are young students as me, So proud of myself.
By the way ,16th August is coming ,and my liitle fellows will come back from their countries. That will be a happy time!!
And as my friend said ,I will share with you about the drive lisence but seems this holiday I couldn't finish the forth test ,even I pass the 3rd one~what a tragedy.
While as for my time in BBS ,I also met a lot of people ,who are kind ,who are mean. who are ridiculous and who are dull ,and that's life~ hope everyone has fun in forum~
Hope guys could read my fiction~~even it seems ridiculous, but the book is just begining ~~


286633460 2014-08-19 16:19

thanks for sharing ,it must be very hard , because yours is a track .But in south of China it is also very hard~~but I finally passed the Third test~

laneferm 2014-08-19 03:37

I went to a school here in America where I learned to drive a very big truck. I couldn't believe how much school it took and how dangerous it was out on the road. I was very thankful I never had a big accident, but I had several close calls and plenty of other times when driving over ice that I was very nervous the whole time. The good part is I saw a  lot of the united states I probably would have never seen. It was a big adventure. I drove cross country for about 5 months, then just had a local route where I was home every night..I had to pass soooooooo many tests, exams, inspections, it was really too much for just that....

286633460 2014-08-15 17:26


财神 2014-08-15 15:32


286633460 2014-08-15 10:19

Haha ~~  still I am busy ~~you can visit me ,in BBS  China watch and Friends love &relationship< VALARMORGHULIS>

Hannah.E 2014-08-15 09:56

I must say you really come back now. 

Hannah.E 2014-08-15 09:53


286633460 2014-08-14 18:15

Thanks my friends~

286633460 2014-08-14 18:15

Actually I am addicted to it now, tide is better, worm can scare me to death~~

财神 2014-08-14 09:23

Cherish hope, little by little you will hit your target.