

After a long term I come back for sharing .
First thing is the car driving test , there are four then I passed the first the theory one in the last summer holiday and recent day I passed the second one ,also it was the most difficult one, because in Hangzhou ,the space is limited so the test is more difficult than the same test in North of China. and I got scoldings every day , of course there are 4 persons include me in one car, learning drive, just drive the car in a special place, with yellow line on the road ,if the car touch the line then you will die~~of course it is bittersweet ,because we use accent(xiaoshao accent, xiaoshan was a city next to Hangzhou but now it is a block belong to Hangzhou ) and my teacher is my grandpa's brother. so it is my grand-uncle.and I learnt driving car with the car god and my aunt who is 8 month older than me . the process was ridiculous and full of fun. but when the teachers came , then we all be a liitle kitty.
And after the 2nd test I will carry on , joining the 3rd one, it is still hard and I have a practice.
And by the way my fiction online.hope this time editor does not delete it ~~


286633460 2014-08-13 17:59

Of course I will.

Hannah.E 2014-08-13 17:15

when you get the driver license, please post it. 

286633460 2014-08-13 10:36

good idea~.~

286633460 2014-08-13 10:35

sad ,your comment is Validation failed~

财神 2014-08-13 10:02

good, lets' start to massive sharing.  

286633460 2014-08-13 09:01

I am always in CD ,but in BBS everyday not in blog~

286633460 2014-08-13 09:01

Hah, thanks ~

财神 2014-08-13 06:57

you had a joyful experience.welcome back to cd.

SEARU 2014-08-12 18:23

Happy driving!