

They're Finally Here!
2014-05-20 You can read my earlier blogs for the history:

A week and a half ago, my fiance from Guangzhou and her son finally moved in with me, after we got our fiance visa and had a long-distance relationship for almost 2 years.

Everything is going really well now: her son had his first day in American school today. We got our marriage license Saturday and will marry this Thursday. After that, I can finally get them on my health, dental, and life insurance. Then, apply for the permanent resident status based on our marriage and also apply for a temporary work permit, pending the permanent resident status.

For now, she is a housewife, which does not suit her. She is good at it, but she is the type who has too many career goals to sit at home and be a housewife. Also, in this terrible American job market, where people are laid off all the time, it will be better if we are both working; more secure.

Wish us luck!

If someone has some tips on how to get a hot enough flame for proper Chinese stir fry on a typical American stove, please let me know!


丢人现眼 2014-09-10 10:58

Glad things are happening for you!

Smaug 2014-08-30 07:35

Very well, Brittany, thanks for asking! We've been married more than 3 months now. Ivy wants another kid. I don't; we already have a 10 year old boy and a 2 year old girl; they keep us VERY busy.

Ivy just got her work permit and travel document from the US government. That means she can find a job now, and travel outside the US and they will let her back in. She will probably get a job with my company, which is also her old company.

Ivy is a career woman; she is kind of bored and depressed at home. The only thing that is keeping her sane is that she goes to yoga classes several times per week.

Brittany_liu 2014-08-25 10:13

So how's the things going now?

Kabisco751 2014-05-21 00:27

Great.lot of congratulations

KristaChen 2014-05-20 23:30


286633460 2014-05-20 17:33

It is a happy ending for us who keep reading your post, thanks to sharing  a lovely story  with us ,and be considerate and cherish your wife and make her happy  will be  my only advice.

teamkrejados 2014-05-20 16:27

The very best to you and your family!

KIyer 2014-05-20 14:00

wish you all the best! things will settle and work out. The USA is a great place for active, energetic people

laoren1234 2014-05-20 11:49


chinalionfish 2014-05-20 10:58

Congratulations. Cherish and enjoy the moment you are together.   
Regarding to American stove, I don't know details. But if the flame is not enough. It's better to pre-boil vegetables and meat in pure hot water, one by one. Then, fry them together. I always use this way if the vegetable is too old.