

I know why foreigners are weird

I’ve often wondered why the Chinese like to stare at us. Maybe it’s because we look different, dress different. However, in addition to our differences in appearance, based on personal observations, I here will discuss some other reasons why the Chinese think we’re weird.

1) We’re really loud and obnoxious

We travel in large packs, laugh and talk loudly. On the subway, in taxis, we don’t stop talking, and we do it loudly. The Chinese have a quiet conversation or watch movies on their phones.

2) We’re amazed by a lot of things

Seriously, even the smallest things faze us. And what do we do? We whip out our phones and take pictures of every angle while going oooooh ahhhhh and discussing it loudly with our friends.

3) We speak funny Chinese

Most of us are still learning Chinese and our tones and grammar are not 100% perfect. We may accidentally say wrong things by using the wrong tones, and may end up waving our hands around in desperate measures in trying to get people to understand what we are trying to say.

Or we might try to say a word and realize that it might not be the right tone, and end repeating the sound with different tones in hopes of getting the right one.

“Today my presentation will be about Xiong1mao3??? (chest hair) Hmmm Xiong1mao2??? (chest hat) Oooohhhhh Xiong2mao1 (PANDA)!!!”

Often when I learn a new word, I repeat the word over and over again out loud. Like the time I had no idea what packing tape was in Chinese. I kept on holding up a parcel and repeatedly saying “Tie”? (to stick) to the salespeople until I learned that it’s called “Tou ming jiao” (transparent plastic).

4) Our clueless expressions and reactions are really amusing

Sometimes the Chinese speak too fast for us, or they say a word that we don’t recognize. We’ll start to look really confused and end up stuttering and start waving out hands around (see number 3) or ask our foreign friends in our mother tongue in desperate measures. I’ve seen this happen many times (and I do the same thing too), and I agree it is pretty amusing from a Chinese’s point of view.

Don’t get me wrong, as a foreigner, I think other foreigners are interesting and we all have reasons why we are here in China. We all chose to be here, and although it may sometimes be a disadvantage to be a foreigner and not know the language and the area well, each of us are learning to assimilate and grow in a culture and environment that is completely different than our own.


HailChina! 2014-04-30 16:21

Ha! no problem. (:

I really think the topic is meant to be light hearted and positive. Is all.

Stay happy.

Bloke 2014-04-27 08:50

Love the irony in this post. How many people thought the person was writing about Chinese people? Ok first 1, lots of people all over the world are loud and obnoxious on holiday so this swings both ways. But the second? Considering saying ni hao is enough to stun half of the Chinese I've ever met, I always wonder how they would react more if Superman flew past. thirdly, People only understand my Chinese when I affect a strong Beijing taxi driver drawl. I live in Weihai now, people here sound like Donald duck. and the last one is the most ridiculous, if I had 1 Fen for every slackjawed stare I have received in China I would still be a millionaire.
yet I assume the original post was made in ironic jest, it does kick things off doesn't it?

MissBarbara 2014-04-26 21:39

I enjoyed your blog, it's quite funny.

chessgame 2014-04-26 15:12

i will slidely disagree with you on the fact of being noisy.chinese talking on phone  as if he or she is talking to a deaf person.again have seen a quiet resturant in china?chinese are more noisy than foreigners.the rest you get my thumbs up.

msbom 2014-04-26 12:38

Some of my foreign friends contribute to the weirdness by overreacting to people who are fascinated with them (usually dependent on how much they've had to drink). "We are NOT ANIMALS!" screeched one such female friend to a lady photographing her with a phone in a restaurant. I thought she was truly hilarious in her agitation, and worthy of a photo after all.

claudeckenni 2014-04-25 23:55

I feel the same way. I learned a lot here in China, learn the language, the culture, how to live independently, and so many more. I love living in China =)

Maierwei 2014-04-25 22:21

OK. Thanks for brightening my day and showing the way to foreigners for respecting "Asian Century".

jiewei798 2014-04-25 21:40

Good post, but a better title would be "I know why Americans are weird." Of course, its hard to make any cultural generalizations, but Americans are really the ones known for being loud and obnoxious. When I was traveling in Poland with a school group, we often got a lot of begrudging stares saying STFU. The following 3 are true though for any foreigner in a new country.

HailChina! 2014-04-25 16:59

No no. I was just arguing with the other poster.

I agree with you 100%

bex 2014-04-25 10:28

everyone is different not only the expats who lived in China. I found it's not easy to make friends with foreingers not because of they are loud and obnoxious but the background diversity make us have few topics to talk about together, but I do met some nice interesting people can sharing ideas but this just not happen often. great thread but a little bit one sided :)