

Russia and Crimea


Every since I have been alive 65 year now . I grew up in Canada , in my area where I lived there where Russia and Unkrine people I when to school with. With the recent activity in Unkrine . Crimea was always made up of 90 percent Russia people . I knew some from this part of Unkine . These days Unkrine is a very poor country . I do not understand or I think the USA is in there meddling into a country that has nothing to do with the USA . But I speculate that the USA would like too have a military base in this area , close too the Russian border . It has nothing too to with helping Unkrine people too establish anew government . They the USA are the problem . They do not like Russia , and other countries that border Russia . <div>The USA talks big when they are defending an Allie , Japan , the Philippines, Vietnam , and other countries , even Singapore , are friends of the mighty USA. You see I lived beside the USA for over 60 years , I have all the USA talk of how good the USA is . I can no longer trust the USA they talk double talk , the country is full of guns which have spread into Canada . America business has taken over Canada . We have more USA citizens in Canada taking away Canadian jobs . The Canadian government is a puppet for the USA when it comes too world affairs , they can not object too the USA . Well the USA does have a way bigger army than Canada, if it came down to a war . Canada would be the 52 state of the USA . The </div><div>USA glorifies , war and killing . They seek world dominance , through the financial and having the biggest gun and weapon manufactures in the war. They supply arms to any war presently going on they also have soldiers for hire too fright for who ever is not a Allie of the USA , Libya , Syria , are examples of who are fighting . Who are the good guys anyway. Oil seems to be a quest for the USA . </div>


I believe that the USA is not a place to live or work in and would not visit this country. Because the rise in gun crime in the past months and years. Over 9000 deaths by guns last year. The state of Florida and NEW York have more Gun owners and also have the must un registered guns. The USA is not the lotus land of the western world. The US live by the gun and die by the gun. The USA will never change an old and antiquated law that resides in there flawed Constitution " which makes carrying or owning a gun legal " The USA is the biggest gun and weapons producer in the world . They supply the world with guns and weapons to other countries for the purose of killing. The NRA ( National Rifle Association ) is the biggest lobbyist of the US government . They control what Political decisions are made, with regards to Guns in the USA . They have bought most of the government law makers. The NRA supported the Obama and Bush and any other Political Entity of importance ; In all of the last elections in the US ; The NRA was the biggest supporter of the of who ever won. The NRA for most purposes had the government working for them. So why would any one visit this gun State of the World. The USA is not a safe place to live or work or to even go to school. On the campus of many of the USA Universitys, guns are allowed. The puplic schools now have armed gauards. Our Asia people crazy sending there kids to school in the USA . I think so. Now for the safe places to visit that I know off hand . The UK, Canada, Australia, where they pay the student to study ; do not allow you or anyone to carry guns enless that are the Police and have taken a Gun course and us the gun for sport. I believe the same holds ture for China. Certain parts of Europe have gun laws. thanks for reading , Yang Guang ( Idorun )on China Daily forum


This is Canada's night mare. It is very fighting to see such a hugh environmental disaster that they now have in Alberta. This is the biggest in the world, right here in Canada . It sits like a blight on the land . I do understand the Canadian governments , it jobs for the future and money in the Canadian governments pockets. But this being said : I do believe the current government does not care about the people and wild life and biology which is close and near this environmental mess. I can not believe this is going on in Canada . I know they the government could care less about the native Indians living in these areas . The people are dying from all kinds of poisons from the sludge that this OIL SANDS project has created. The land and the people and the wild life will soon be dead with in the 200 km radius of this OIL SANDS project. This government talks about humanitarian problems in other countries . Well To me and to any normal person the people who are living with in the 200km range of this Tar Sands monster are living a slow death. This should be brought to light. The covernment has covered this up for years now. Every year the range of the arsenic sludge extends its range and kills everything with in its path. If this is not an Humanitarian problem , then what is ? People are dying a slow death. Fish and wild life are dying by thr scores , the rivers are all polluted by this Cancer causing Sludge . The ponds to hold this sludge are leaking . I really should not say pond ; because they are LAKES of this Sludge on this OIL Sands property . One has to wonder why hasn't this been shut down or scaled back alone time ago. The LAWS of this Country have been broken by this OIL SANDS Project . Someone has to step up and sue the Government . This project will kill anything it touches. Is there no one with the power to stand up and fight the government in the courts of this country. This is Canada's nightmare and it is getting out of control. Are we not in the 21 first century . All for the OIL. What is wrong here?