

Russia and Crimea
2014-04-18 Every since I have been alive 65 year now . I grew up in Canada , in my area where I lived there where Russia and Unkrine people I when to school with. With the recent activity in Unkrine . Crimea was always made up of 90 percent Russia people . I knew some from this part of Unkine . These days Unkrine is a very poor country . I do not understand or I think the USA is in there meddling into a country that has nothing to do with the USA . But I speculate that the USA would like too have a military base in this area , close too the Russian border . It has nothing too to with helping Unkrine people too establish anew government . They the USA are the problem . They do not like Russia , and other countries that border Russia . <div>The USA talks big when they are defending an Allie , Japan , the Philippines, Vietnam , and other countries , even Singapore , are friends of the mighty USA. You see I lived beside the USA for over 60 years , I have all the USA talk of how good the USA is . I can no longer trust the USA they talk double talk , the country is full of guns which have spread into Canada . America business has taken over Canada . We have more USA citizens in Canada taking away Canadian jobs . The Canadian government is a puppet for the USA when it comes too world affairs , they can not object too the USA . Well the USA does have a way bigger army than Canada, if it came down to a war . Canada would be the 52 state of the USA . The </div><div>USA glorifies , war and killing . They seek world dominance , through the financial and having the biggest gun and weapon manufactures in the war. They supply arms to any war presently going on they also have soldiers for hire too fright for who ever is not a Allie of the USA , Libya , Syria , are examples of who are fighting . Who are the good guys anyway. Oil seems to be a quest for the USA . </div>


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