

Something I want to say about postgraduate education

With the starting of this new semestermany university students who want to continue their study after graduation begin to review their specialized course in full swingThis is a very good phenomenon in the eyes of many teachers and parents because the university students who are discursive in peacetime finally find a goal for which to tryBut the reason why they want to receive graduate study may be various from person to personsomeone may want to learn more knowledge for the scientific research in their near futuresomeone may just want to avoid employment pressure and some students even just follow the crowded

The expectation that our society is full of intellectuals who have Master’s degree may be good for all of usbut it may be not good for you if you can not understand the true meaning of receiving graduate studyObviouslythe phenomenon that the number of students who take the postgraduate examination is increasing year by year is not simply a personal problem but a society problemwhen it comes to this phenomenonwe can not just stand by and do nothingIn factas college studentswe should look before we leapwe should understand the true meaning of graduate study and find out which kind of future is we really expect instead of following the crowded and starting another three years without any aim

What the society really needs is the high quality of Masters instead of the large amount of Mastersthe best for others is not necessarily the best for youonly we all find our own proper place to contribute ourselves for the development of society can the society function well


GhostBuster 2017-03-11 12:35

Fully agree with Gayle! China government must make clear the needs, demands and criteria to be met to ensure not only quality but timely so that the required programs could be met.

kevinfly 2017-03-06 10:02

Some students just want to spend another three years in university to avoid finding job immediately.

Blondie 2017-03-05 00:35

Outside of China, the Degrees awarded are next to worthless.
Many of the Master's would not stand up to much scrutiny either.

voice_cd 2017-03-04 11:04

thanks for sharing your story here, we would like to highlight it on the homepage.

Gayle 2017-03-04 02:50

"What the society really needs is the high quality of Masters instead of the large amount of Masters"  I exactly agree!  If the Masters degree is nothing but a certification that you spent time doing something, then it doesn't have much meaning.  It should stand for a quality of knowledge.