

King of Glory and Smartphones

Recentlya popular game named King of Glory has provoked much discussion over the Internetmany pupils play this game on their parents’ smartphones with a lack of restraint during their spare time, which causes discontent among their parents and teachersbecause they consider that the game is purely a novelty or just for wasting time

Despite the fact that Tencentthe developer of the gamehas already taken steps to limit the playtime of young playershoweverto many pupils, the obsession with this game is hard to give upWho should be blamed and who should be held responsible for this unhealthy phenomenon are the main reasons why the dispute over this game can not be dispersed for a long time

In factI barely know how to play this gamebut what I know is the disadvantages of playing smartphones for a long timeJust as a Chinese ancient poem goes,“Old king hall swallows, flying into the homes of ordinary people”, mobile phoneonce a luxuryhas already become very common in our daily life

With the market competition becoming increasingly fierce, the development of mobile phone and APP is changing with each passing dayThe function of the mobile phone is also perfect day by daySo it is not difficult to understand why we depend more and more on smartphonesbecause they are truly a very convenient and useful tool to kill free time

With the frequency I play my smartphone increasingI gradually find that it becomes harder for me to concentrate on my works that I have to finish in silence with a calm mindEven something I can deal with in a short time when there without a smartphone by my side takes me a loner time to finish nowMost of the time is wasted by browsing messages on smartphone during the process of solving the problems

So from my own personal experiencewe can find that the parents and teachers are right to be worried about their kids and students who are addicted to the King of Glory day by dayThe key to solving this problem at its root is how to make kids aware of the disadvantages of indulging in gamesonly by doing so can kids kill their free time with a healthy wayor the parents and teachers can only manage their bodys and behaviors, but can't control their hearts and thoughts

Fig. pupils who play King of Glory (the pictures come from the Internet)


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