

British Darkest Taboos
In a series of British Darkest Taboos, I’ve heard of a scaring and tragic story that took place in Caterham--- Fourteen-year-old Breck was lured to his death by eighteen-year-old Lewis on Feb.17th,2014. Actually, Breck and Lewis were just net friends, who both were addicted to playing computer games. Before they acquainted, Breck was a cute and smart boy, while Lewis was mentally unhealthy because of poor upbringings. In order to gain Breck’s trust, Lewis talked to him in a friendly way and they corresponded by sending E-mails regularly. Lewis sometimes taught Breck to be an spirit-independent man and not always listen to his parents. Meanwhile, Breck regarded him as his best friends and poured out all he desired to express.

Having known such dangerous relationships, Breck’s mother, Lorin, suggested his son stopping communicating with Lewis in case of being cheated, or even murdered. Living in a divorced family, Breck, however, failed to take her advice. After several months when Lewis asked Breck to go out and meet with each other, Breck didn’t hesitate to agree immediately, just leaving one message to his father. As Breck arrived at Lewis’s flat, they seemed to quarrel for a while. Then Lewis used duct tape to bind Breck’s wrists and finally slashed his throat in a sadistic way.

With regard to such a disturbing tragedy, who should be to blame? Personally, the whole society, school as well family are supposed to take it seriously. If the government makes great efforts, for example, implementing new laws to regulate online markets, to create a harmonious society, then the crime rate will drop. If the school focuses on the both physical and mental health of students, such as holding relevant lectures, then teenagers will lead a carefree and meaningful school life. If the family is harmonious and parents communicate much with their children about school and personal life, then parents can deal with some problems more easily. Taking Breck for example, if his parents hadn’t got divorced and cared about his life, he would have spared his time staying with his parents and classmates rather than online friends.

At the same time, as a teenager, we are supposed to bear responsibility for ourselves. In the golden age, it is extremely stupid to spend most of our time in online gaming. In this fast-speed society, all varieties of temptation surrounds us anytime. Well, when confronted with that, we should think twice and be cautious about our choice as well as retain the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Only in this way can we live happily ad safely.


Echo/hanhan 2016-04-27 23:18

Thank you, Sir. I think what you explained below is really far-reaching, and logical, giving me much inspiration on this topic.

Echo/hanhan 2016-04-27 23:13

Yes, Britian is absolutely a fanscinating country, attracting me most. Hey, guy, this is just part of my view on the incident, I don't mean more.

Donald_Trump 2016-04-27 23:05

READ NO FURTHER...Britain is a good country, good ol' folks!

HailChina! 2016-04-27 19:50

About your blog though, I think that it is just as easy to meet a dangerous person offline as online.

I do not watch a lot of the Crime channel or many shows like these because they seem very over dramatic and sensational plus the general theme of this stuff is to dehumanize violent criminals and to present them as being evil. I believe that human nature is good and that the violent offenders in these shows are sick/Ill and they do not know the difference between right and wrong - so it is wrong to claim that they are evil. They are sick and need care. It could be that nobody is to blame and it is just that a certain amount/percentage of sick individuals will be born no matter what.

I think that it is very important to have compassion for sick people that commit violent crime and that is why I do not like these crime type programs because they encourage the opposite of that. A civilized society has compassion for sick criminals and cares for them. England is civilized and has no death penalty and that is the point.

HailChina! 2016-04-27 19:06

Jesus Christ a lot of British people are precious. Was this blog an attack on England? I didn't notice that. I saw an ad for this TV show Britain's Darkest Taboos the other day and I thought of this blog. I think its on the CI channel.

Speaking of the English - has anyone seen those massive super rats they have in England now? Holy cow. Why are English rats so big? Are the English still throwing garbage out their windows onto the streets or what? How could English rats be so big? Superrats? What?

Bandito 2016-04-11 18:10

Good stuff :)

Echo/hanhan 2016-04-08 07:46

ok,I will. thank you

Bandito 2016-04-07 22:40

You will love UK and then, once tired of it, you can get on the Eurostar and be in the center of Paris after a light snooze :) 

I hope you will eventually make it to UK and enjoy everything it has to offer.

Many thanks :)

Echo/hanhan 2016-04-06 23:20

Thank you, Bandito. I am really happy and lucky to hear that, thanks for your sincere consideration.
I know what you mean, and I will pay more attention to some social problems in China, and think carefully.
Actually, I have been dreaming of a chance to visit UK, a very cultural and friendly country. I watched many UK movies , and totally attracted by people's life and nice cities. I believe i will.

Thanks again for your encouragement, Bandito. I will move forward, good night.

Bandito 2016-04-06 21:15

Dear Echo/Hanhan,

I accept that you meant well and maybe I reacted harshly. This is borne from the fact that it is often said that 'charity begins at home'. Of course you have the right to blog about anything, luckily I have no despotic ambition :)

I did not mean to make you sad so my sincere apologies. In all society, no matter how perfect, crime exists. I just felt it is best to concentrate on China for now. I have been to China a few times, a lovely country,, wonderful food, lovely people etc however the overbearing and controlling government is not good for the people.

UK is not perfect however it is perfect compared to some countries. That was the point i wanted to make although I did it in a cack handed fashion :)

Keep blogging and I look forward to reading some more of your musings.