

Take Care of Your Heart
Someone ever said, “Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.” Nevertheless, for us girls, we tend to think further and expect too much of love when we haven’t found the right person. Exactly during that period, we ought to take care of our heart in case of being hurt, just because of strong desire for love.

Taking me for example, in spite of some weaknesses, I still consider myself a passionate and confident girl. I am keen on cooking, traveling, reading, hiking, and learning all types of novel things. Generally speaking, I think I am nice. In the heart of every girl, there will be a Mr. Right, and so it is the same with I. I have great admiration for certain boys who are intelligent, outgoing, tall, and so on. However, why haven’t I found my part? Is it the problem of my timidity, my high standards, or the fact that he hasn’t found my charm? I don’t know yet. This question, like a maze, still confuses me.

Last week, on the app超级课程表, I made the aquiantance of a man, who was a junior(according to his information on the app)in the university where I am studying currently. He said he once majored in Communication Engineering, and now work in the business of the relevant field. Working in the state-owned enterprise, and living near the university, he said his time was relatively available. He added that he would have more free time to accompany me to shopping, running and studying, and I just answered “HEHE”. Also, he asked some information about me, such as my major, my hobbies, my emotional state, my hometown and so on. After knowing that we had common in hobbies, traveling and eating, I seemed to be a little attracted by the talkative and considerate man. Perhaps in the future, we could be friends, and he could provide some beneficial suggestions for me, as he was a little older and more knowledgeable. Meanwhile, he also took interest in me, as he often made some compliments for me. As a result, we added the ID of QQ, and chatted frequently there.

Over QQ, he told me that actually he had graduated. All of a sudden, I felt I was cheated. Browsing his QQ space, it showed that he was 24 and he had graduated for about two years. When I asked how old he was, he let me guess and were unwilling to tell me. But I thought again and it was all right, as we could be friends, learning from each other.

Every day, he would send me warm messages, and I have to admit that he really knows how to care about girls, and how to make girls happy. Some messages, however, are similar to Lover's honeyed words. For a relatively conventional girl as well as the short-time acquaintance, or having not known him well, I get somewhat sick, and just say HaHaHa. He always says that I will accompany you if I can go off work early, and I answer “it is OK”. I can say that he has strong feelings for me.

He is an science student; he says he is 172cm tall; his QQ tells he was 24; he enjoys traveling; he is talkative and humorous. All these qualities seems to be suitable for my choice, I have to say, though cosmetically I just want to make friends with him. I just wonder what will happen next.

This Friday, about at 10:00 pm, he told me that he was on the way home, and the bus would arrive at the university. He asked if I could come out to meet him, and rejected, though he insisted on several times, because it was too late and this happened too unexpectedly. Reaching home, he said if it was convenient for me to go out on Saturday. As a matter of fact, I had planned to sing songs in KTV, but with some curiosity and his sincere invitation, I agreed to come out with him. As for the issue of safety, I told my roommates the fact and remind them to phone me in the evening. Also, I suppose there will be OK for a brave and adventurous girl. My friends, I know that you will say I am crazy or stupid.

He made arrangement that we would eat lunch at a restaurant, then climbing on the Campus of Huazhong Agricultural University and finally watched two movies, We Graduated and Warcraft. On Saturday we are scheduled to meet each other. He is good, but unfortunately he is not tall as he said before. Precisely speaking, he is shorter than I, 165 cm. Some of his behaviors are not satisfying; for example, he doesn’t pay attention to hygiene. He cares about me, trying to make physical with me, for example, cleaning the dirty things on my face, but I always reject that behavior, which makes me uncomfortable. We talked much, and as scheduled, watched the last film, Warcraft. He is a good man, but frankly speaking, he is not my choice. If possible, he can be my friends.

Lying on the bed, I make mature reflection. This seems to be a funny story, which shows my fool mind. I am too crazy about love to lose myself. Maybe he doesn’t know how I truly feel, but I still couldn’t tell him my feelings directly. I will regard him as one of my friends, or old brother, but won’t my choice. This week, I spend much time on the incident, and next I will focus on my preparation for the final.

For girls, this kind of act is not unusual to see nowadays, and it is not rational, and even dangerous. Probably, loneliness can also build up the character of people, if we can tolerate that. Girls, if you haven’t find the right one, please remember the sentence—To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. You should have great faith that there will be one person, waiting for you and loving you for ever. Please keep calm and rational, and take care of your heart.


Echo/hanhan 2016-07-21 15:20

Sorry to hear that, and you get over that now. I just rejected him  for his cheating me and covering his personal information. I still have his qq, but not talk often . His intension is obvious, you know that

499793270 2016-07-20 16:50

I graduated two years ago. I  did these things like your male friend did to you when I was senior. The beautiful girl rejected me, even deleted my QQ contact. I was very sad. I thought she will be my girl friend and I will try my best to make her happy. I never thought I will hurt her. However it's best result.

Echo/hanhan 2016-07-04 20:25

Thank you, Sir 

zzxxll 2016-07-04 14:38

Hi, hanhan

wish you find your Mr. Right in the near future and I wish you good luck.

Echo/hanhan 2016-06-21 20:44

Yeah, I remember that, thank you. 

saver 2016-06-21 19:58

hi,hanhan,i ever spoke to you you will find your mrs right as your kind.may the odds be ever in your favor

Echo/hanhan 2016-06-21 14:06

Thank you, Sir 

guml 2016-06-21 13:39

Best wishes to you and your white prince!

Echo/hanhan 2016-06-20 11:35

Yes, absolutely right, thanks for your encouragement, funny boy

Echo/hanhan 2016-06-20 11:33

Thank you