

Some people think that privacy and liberty are synonym. Without privacy, without liberty. Some people think that privacy and liberty are antonym, even though you try to protect privacy, but you still in the situation of trap and scandal. Because you can not control the private information leaking. In my view, we need to overcome difficulties in order to protect privacy and get liberty.On the one hand, for individuals, we must raise awareness and protect our privacy. In particular, the private information should be used carefully on the internet. For instance, use different Email Address to register your account, and use different user name to post your personal information, like address, phone number, company and relatives. These measures can be considered as the safe way to gain a friendly cyber environment. If you didn't pay a little attention on your information, you will lose liberty. For the people who can not recognize the fake website and information, I recommend them to get to know more detailed information through private conversation in person.On the other hand, the information leaking is a serious problem, the hackers are always illegally get customers' or users' information on internet. Terribly, most of the users don't know how to use online tool and legal method to avoid risks and resolve problems. Obviously, just a minority of people clearly know how to protect privacy and get liberty.To deal with the conflict of privacy and liberty, the governments and individuals should cooperate and set laws and regulations to cope with it. Moreover, the supervision is the most efficient way to decrease information leaking and build a green cyber environment. As a result, people can protect privacy and get liberty easily.The fact is that people should have the consciousness of self-protection, and realize the negative results of information leaking. More importantly, the company should take legal way to get customers' information. If the offline company and online store can show their respect to the customers and users, they will be satisfied with the promotion tactics and become a loyalty customer.


World Exposition is the gallery that aims to display the human's inspirations and thoughts. From The Universal Industrial Exposition in London in 1851, the World Exposition are regarded as the grand exchange event in the industry of economic, technology and culture, and achieved increasing significant meaning. It is an important platform, on this stage, each country exhibits their development experience, the ideas of exchange and creation, promote team spirit, looking forward to future together.China has a long history of civilization, which always urges the international exchange and loves world peace. China won the 2010 World Exposition, it relys on the support and confidence from the international society about Chinese Economic Reform and Open Up. The World Exposition will be the first exposition that hold in developing country, it also contains the great expectation from worldwide people to China.2010 World Exposition will focus on potential ability of city life in 21st century. Predict to 2010, 55% of the world population are desired to live in city. The future city life is expected to be the global topic. Being the first exposition, which takes city as the subject, 2010 World Exposition will appeal to worldwide governments to pay great attention to the theme of "Better City, Better Life".2010 World Exposition will also be a grand international event. We shall prompt more countries and people to participate, attain their support and understanding, turn 2010 World Exposition into a happy reunion for people who are from worldwide countries.2010 World Exposition has gained profound influence to the development of Shanghai, even China. Millions of people visited Shanghai and expo pavilion in 2010. It boosts the fast development of economic and culture, it also builds the new image of political environment in Shanghai. I am crazy about the unique style of different national pavilions, such as Chinese pavilion, British pavilion, American pavilion and so on.


Plagiarism can be found frequently in the academic field, under the huge pressure, the professors and students have to plagiarize other's academic papers and thoughts to fabricate their own papers and books. I strongly oppose the way of publishing books and papers by plagiarizing others. But I want to discuss the negative reflection of plagiarism in the field.First of all, plagiarism must be considered as illegal behavior, the plagiarist must be sued and investigated by the original authors who hold the copyright of these works. Seriously, the plagiarist might lost their jobs and break the good reputation and impression. The worst result is that they could not find a position in this field. Secondly, the plagiarism violates the original authors' legal rights. They took time and efforts to develop their academic research, but they didn't get the equal honor. Thirdly, it has negative reflection, people may think doing research is the simplest way to be a social climber in the academic field, more and more amateurs will join in the group and plagiarize other's published works.I resist plagiarism, but I think people can learn scientific methods and useful thoughts to develop their own papers and books. If you show your respect to others and follow the academic morality, you will be respected by other authors after you published your works. If we work in a honesty and high quality academic environment, the academic level will be improved day by day.To avoid the catastrophic consequences of plagiarism, we should enhance the awareness of protecting intellectual copyright. The university need to announce the rules of punishment of plagiarism to all students and faculty. The government should set a series of strict supervising system to restrict and prevent plagiarism.We must stifle plagiarism in the beginning and nurture good academic habit in the cradle. In this way, we can create a favorable atmosphere and keep good reputation and personal credibility.


On travel


I believe that nobody dislike to go travel to different places: look at more people, visit more places, not only get to know the world, but also recognize yourself. Somebody travel by luxury cruise. Xie Lingyun might do the same thing if he is still alive. Somebody travel with their backpacks, tramp over mountains and ravines; somebody travel around the world with bicycle. I am jealous with all of these ways of travel. What I am good at is to travel by car, drive my car and see the furthest corners of the planet. My wife is more interested in travel than me, so we two are the travel companions on the road, Xu Xiake might envy my wife and me. However, Xu Xiake is a professional traveler, famous adventurer, we are just travel around and experience the world.The writer loves travel with his wife, he quotes Xu Xiake and Xie Lingyun's travel experiences to interpret his travel intention. It helps us to enlighten more tourists to rethink the propose of travel and life.Travel is the way of relaxing and rehabilitating, people prefer traveling to different countries and learn local cultures. They write books and take pictures to memorize each journey. On the road, they meet new friends and go sightseeing. It's suitable for people to reduce stress and enjoy vocation.The ancient Chinese intellectuals like traveling to well-known mountains and rivers, they wrote poems and explore geological features. They did enormous contribution to the development of literature and science. The scholars whose major is Anthropology of Tourism often do field research by traveling to new places and revisit previous places to carry forward research. The modern Chinese people are fond of traveling and post their trip by social media.I prefer travel by plane and car, because I can overlook beautiful scenery and visit unique towns and cities. I always take photos and make videos to record my trip. I am not a traveler, I am a writer of my life.


We live, we change


Steve Jobs was defined as an innovative entrepreneur by consumers and media. The key of his success is to keep creativity on the new product with cutting-edge technology. He aims to change the world through a series of Apple products, such as iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac book Pro, TV and so on. There is no denying that these products surely change the world and create a better world for people.Indeed, Steve Jobs didn't cling to outdated customs, he devoted himself and led the team to innovate series new products and totally overturn the consumer's imagination to the digital products. More importantly, he and his team created a new standard of evaluating digital products. Not only they are multi-functional products, but also a delicate work of art. It became a model for other brands to rebuild phones and laptops.The driven force of pursuing new products is his vision and insight. He knows the importance of creativity for a company and a brand. So that he always promote new products and attract more consumers. Furthermore, his sense of mission urges him to change the world by advanced products.It reminds us to take responsibility to the society and the consumers. The explicit goal can generate more positive energy and make further development. The ability of innovation can not be neglected, because it's the critical element for people to create new products and think out of the box. To keep never depleted impetus, the producers should analyze historical data and create new products. Steve Jobs closely follow the new trends of high-tech products. The Apple products deeply influence and change the people's lifestyle about communication, entertainment and education. He has strong faith to create and lead a new life. We live to change the world, which is also has educational meaning for the peers and young generation, everybody are born in great inventor in a specific field, you must know your upsides and maximum it to change the world.


Stay hungry, stay foolish is a maxim that comes from Steve Jobs. He gave his best known speech on Stanford Commencement in 2005. At the end of the speech, he said it to the entire graduates. In different context, there are various ways to interpret it. In my view, Steve Jobs intends to inspire all people to pursue their dream, never stop and give up. Specifically, if you have ambition, keep hungry to make it come to true.Steve Jobs is an eminent entrepreneur and industrial designer, he always keep passionate and concentration on his product development. Therefore, Apple products are popular among the worldwide consumers. Although Steve Jobs claimed that he didn't get a full-time and high quality education, but I think he has his principle about invention and competition. Form my perspective, the maxim is the reflection of his motivation and method. Stay hungry, stay foolish is a meaningful reminder for graduates at Stanford University. To become a successful inventor and change the world, young students must keep hungry and struggle for their future. In order to keep thirst for knowledge, they need to constantly explore new fields and expand the market.The reality is that most of the young graduates are satisfied with a stable and decent job, so they stay at the comfortable zone until lost competitiveness. As a respectable entrepreneur, Steve Jobs expects young people to keep humble and progressive attitude to work for the unknown world, to lead the trends of the new technology and make changes for the world. Technology creates a convenient world, stay hungry, stay foolish is an inspirational maxim for young graduates to invent more advanced products and build a more convenient world.Steve Jobs's dictum is Stay hungry, stay foolish, which spreads to the different countries in the world. As a powerful influencer, he gives positive encouragement to young graduates, at the same time, it inspires lots of ordinary people to achieve their dream.


From elementary school to middle school, we just learned common knowledge. Even though four years at university, the course which we had been taught is fairly superficial knowledge. People always name the university as "the supreme institution", the title is easy to be misunderstand, it seems like there is no knowledge after you finished learning. The study at university is the essence of primary study, it can be identified as the rough study in a particular field, the key point of this study is to focus on the method and exercitation. There is no terminal of the academic study, the whole life for study is short, so the ancient people spend lifetime to learn, continue doing research even though their hair turn white, but it has keen interest during the research.Knowledge is infinite, there is no any excuses for young people even elders to give up learning new knowledge. With rapid update of new academic findings, lots of time and efforts should be take for people to follow new trends and become a knowledgeable expert. I firmly support the attitude of this kind of learning. However, time arrangement is more important than studying without any previous review and plan, I hold that people should study in prime time and improve by working and socializing with colleagues and friends.Additionally, it's necessary to upgrade knowledge and skills that you have already achieved. In the meantime, you need to pay more attention to the deeper research. Frankly speaking, to get a better result, people are encouraged to join the study group and find a partner to supervise each other. That would be helpful for you to realize your advantages and disadvantages in the early years of the study. Furthermore, avoid spending time on trivial and unimportant things. In a word, take your time and focus on the compulsory subjects and learn optional subjects in the leisure time.


Chinese government has announced a crucial overhaul of our national holiday system. The traditional national holidays like Tomb-sweeping Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival will be chosen and became national holidays. At the same time, the three days holiday of May Day will be cut into one day. Some opposed the announcement and criticized that it is ridiculous to add the above three festivals, while other people debated that it is a significant method to inherit traditional culture and people can have sufficient time to cherish the memory of their dead family members, eat rice dumpling and moon cake. In my opinion, it is the best way to spread Chinese traditional culture and get to know the traditions of the national festivals.Before the Chinese Government declared the news, Chinese people didn't pay more attention to our traditional festivals. After the official policies have been announced, people began to notice the relevant information. Nowadays, young generations are always focus on western festivals and rarely realize the dangerous of disappearing of traditional cultures and festivals. As we can see, people can spend more time with their family, more food and activities are provided to supply the holidays, while young generation is given more opportunities to know the Chinese traditional festivals.Moreover, with the adjustment of paid holidays in China, people will have 11 days to relax and enjoy the pleasant time. The buying power is increasing every year, people have more money to consume on the holidays. In fact, the ceremonies of traditional festivals will give people a good sense of happiness and belonging. In the meantime, Chinese economy will be enhanced every year, and the public can closely touch traditional culture and raise recognition of cultural identity. It's right time for Chinese central government to overhaul the national holiday system. Additionally, the local governments have set up the local festivals, such as the Water-Sprinkling Festival, the Nadam Festival, the Torch Festival and so on. To protect national culture heritage, we should support the overhaul of national holiday system and remain the traditions and develop them.


How can you get the latest news? Traditional newspapers or online newspapers? The majority of readers will choose online newspaper. The modern people have fast-pace life, they don't have enough time to curl up in their favorite armchairs and circle items of interest. As I known, most of the elders like to use scissors and snip out articles and stick them on the notebook in order to gather important materials that they want to use someday. However, people have changed their reading habit. Except for getting news with phones, the specialists would like to subscribe online newspaper which is the same version as well as the traditional newspaper.The fact is that the developing countries move into internet era more slowly than the developed countries. In other words, the local people could not get any newly information because the internet has hardly penetrated. The former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan tried to change this through the United Nations Information Technology Service. They determined to train a large number of workers to do online business. More importantly they wish to provide state-of-the-art medical knowledge to the local clinics and hospitals in developing countries.The internet era brings us newfound power to change the world and create the new way to gain information. For example, the young intellectuals build up their own website and spread new ideas to the general public. If you are not interested in the official news, you may know the latest events in different way.Bill Gates has predicted that the newspapers will publish the last paper editions and provide solely to electronic edition, and the books will be redefined as eBook titles read on screen by the end of 2020.In my view, people still like to read books and newspapers which printed with paper. Because the sense of reading with paper books and newspapers can not be replaced. I will choose online newspapers. Indeed, I will also read traditional books and newspapers.


When we talk about the danger of romantic love, we don't want to express the obvious heartbreak, such as ashamed betrayals, the broken promises, we want to point out the potential risks under the dogmatic idea, romantic love is the final goal for the modern women, which will be trusted as the truth by sensible, educated women.For this group of women, they are good at observing the real case around their friends and colleagues. Their empirical side plays the major role when they find that the couples who built a family based on adoration and sex, quarrelling and throwing china virulently ten years later, fighting for the trivial things frequently.However, the women who noticed that these contradictions are always afraid of talking about these matters in case of others label them as cynics people. Surely only the most jaded and wounded would challenge the orthodoxy of romantic love. Because they are willing to have a decent family and a pleasant relationship with their spouses.Honestly, we think: give privilege of romantic love over all kinds of other things, the insistence that it is an vital, undoubted element for the construction of human happiness, even though traced backed to the caves in primitive times, is a trap and a snare.Love is the forever pursue for the mankind, the only change is the interpretation of the love. The way that love has been expressed, and the significance of love in our daily life have never been immutable or consistent.To enjoy the romantic love and pleasant relationship with your partners, you should be a wise man becasue most of the conflicts can be avoided and solved by patience and wit. The romantic love is the symbol of your charm and ability, the idea of being a happy person is to customize love without the restrictions of traditional ideas and cliches.