

Knowledge is infinite
2018-03-23 From elementary school to middle school, we just learned common knowledge. Even though four years at university, the course which we had been taught is fairly superficial knowledge. People always name the university as "the supreme institution", the title is easy to be misunderstand, it seems like there is no knowledge after you finished learning. The study at university is the essence of primary study, it can be identified as the rough study in a particular field, the key point of this study is to focus on the method and exercitation. There is no terminal of the academic study, the whole life for study is short, so the ancient people spend lifetime to learn, continue doing research even though their hair turn white, but it has keen interest during the research.

Knowledge is infinite, there is no any excuses for young people even elders to give up learning new knowledge. With rapid update of new academic findings, lots of time and efforts should be take for people to follow new trends and become a knowledgeable expert. I firmly support the attitude of this kind of learning. However, time arrangement is more important than studying without any previous review and plan, I hold that people should study in prime time and improve by working and socializing with colleagues and friends.

Additionally, it's necessary to upgrade knowledge and skills that you have already achieved. In the meantime, you need to pay more attention to the deeper research. Frankly speaking, to get a better result, people are encouraged to join the study group and find a partner to supervise each other. That would be helpful for you to realize your advantages and disadvantages in the early years of the study. Furthermore, avoid spending time on trivial and unimportant things. In a word, take your time and focus on the compulsory subjects and learn optional subjects in the leisure time.


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