



Many people are familiar with The Little Prince, a wonderful book by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. So am I. Here I would like to speak my mind about this excellent book. When I was in high school, on my birthday a good friend presented me The Little Prince. However, I seldom read it at those times. Later, I finished reading it during the holiday for its beautiful cover and full contents. But I felt very sorry for the little boy, he has no friends, he loves the sunset, he always feels lonely. Nobody understands his inner feelings. Now, I still love reading the amazing fairy tale, whenever I read it, I always take an unknown touch on it. The little prince always reminds me to see rightly with the heart and spend more time on important things. His childishness, kindness, insistence are all deeply rooted in my mind and never fade away, the truth ,kindness, beauty that the little kid bring me is worth pursuing in all my life. Some time ago, the Vietnam steel factory turned the protest into violence, the South Korean ferry Sewol sank off the southern coast of South Korea but the captain was one of the first people to leave the ship and yesterday Malaysian plane downed in Ukraine, these sorrowful accidents shocks me to realize how the world is being plagued by countless wicked and irresponsible officials, and how they have been joined by some otherwise upright officials in seizing personal interests at will. Now, rather than enumerating the many cases of unrest I have seen or heard of, I hold aloft the noble image of an kind and lovely prince so that our friends now fighting evil may look up at it and feel they are not isolated… What the little prince said was true. ''Men have forgotten this truth. But you must not forget it. You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed, you are responsible for your rose.'' Let me wish everyone to be kind and true like the little prince. May the world less terror and unrest but more peace and warmth.




Father's Day puts me in mind of my father who is working faraway, which also touches off my hidden homesickness. This is only photo of my family, and I will not get a chance to take a second one. The man on it is my father, he looks so robust at that time, however, father becomes very thin, even a little bony, but he still wants to work to save up for my expensive tuition fee. I came from a famer’s family, from generation to generation, they tilled land to eke out a bare subsistence, and father is an honest impoverished peasant like my ancestors. Father has gone through untold hardships for me since I was born. He brought me up, sent me to school, gave me endless love all by himself. Now, father is working hard as a migrant at the building site when he was already sixty three, he tried to make out that he was still in his fifties lest people should consider him too old to be much use. I had tried to talk him out of going out to Beijing many times, but he simply would not listen and left home carrying the luggage on his back. ''let me toil a few more years for my beloved daughter's sake''. That was what he said, which often makes me feel sentimental. Father was a hardworking man. As far as I can remember, he would always get up before day break. It was his keeping early times that made me a good habit of getting up early in morning. The most prominent characteristic of father was simplicity, out of his straitened circumstances; father often went out his way to help out who were even more needy than himself. His frugal life advanced me not to compare with the higher and make ends meet. His diligence and frugality, his generosity and kindheartedness—all have set a good model in my life. I owe father a debt of gratitude because he taught me how to be a perfect human being that I am going to work hard to get better and better. He also gave me a strong will as well as a strong inclination for learning so that I have been able to study untiringly. Please forgive me for a blunt pen, I cannot express a debt of gratitude hidden in my mind, father is an ordinary person and one of the millions of laboring people, but, he is no ordinary and great man to me. What can I do to repay his debt of deep gratitude? I swear to work hard and make a better life for you. Please forgive me for stopping writing, it is time for me to give my dear father a call, so that I could give best wishes to him on this special day. May all fathers have a happy and health Father’s Day! MY FAMILY




It is never ignorant that the view that a famous American writer holds, ''we decide what is important and what is trivial in life, and forming our destiny is what ambition is about''. As far as I am concerned, I have no choice but to agree with him, you are what you want and you are what your ambitions are, one's ambition is to a person what water is to fish. It is a compass in your life, just like a leader when you are lost. In the film of The Pursuit of Happiness, the character spoke to his son such words like this meaningfully, ''If you have a dream, just protect it, never let anybody say you can’t, even me''.The dream is your ambition, and a thing you are fantasy about. It will make you a decision and choice, you will make a resolution and achieve what you want to do, speak what you want to speak and go where you want to go. A good and positive ambition introduces you a right way, on the contrary, a wrong way that you may go when you in a bad ambitious mind. It reminds me of Hitler, who wants to conquer the world, do wrong to the people around the world. He certainly was denounced by the world. A ambition is of course crucial. It, however, should not only from your bottom of heart, but also makes you cheerful and positive, promptly promote yourself. A virtuous man once said, ''A heart at random'', that is to say, if your decide to do something, you will do it eventually. Open your eyes to find what your life is about, and go on. That is truth of life. All in all, we decide, we choose, and as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. Make your ambition, list a to-do list, chase after your dream, you will be what you want to be, life is just a long journey with compass, use your ambition to shape yourself a perfect one. We can’t change everything, but we can change ourselves. So go on, chance is awaiting foe you ahead the way. It never happen to you unless you make a resolution to do something, follow your heart and fight for your ambition, you can do what others say you can't.


My university has exerted enormous influence in me and benefited me a lot. It is a great leader in all walks of my life, indeed, I love my university. It may not as prominent as Tsinghua University and Peking University and not as beautiful as Wuhan University and Xiamen University, either. My university, however, is the number one in my eyes. Here, let me tell you something I learned from this great university. First,it teaches me to be independent, seeking solace in library by myself, sitting in Wenxin pavilion to look for beauty, I gradually to realize that you must be independent in your life. Nobody will accompany you forever. Being independent is essential in your life, wherever you are, life is a journey alone, and you have to be relying in yourself. You will never abandon yourself. Second, it bring me up, I was once a girl full of melancholy, because of family. Not until getting into university do I become extrovert in interpersonal communication. My university brings me a lot of friends, who rebuilt my confidence in life. Reading more books broadens my horizon, leading me into a wider world, and this makes me come to know various countries. Many successful leaders promote me a lot. Now, I have become an optimistic girl, full of enthusing about life. Last, it always reminds me of that never give up the pursuit of learning. Life is limit, however, learning is endless. All of us should make it to a good habit of lifelong learning. One will be full and substantial only when you are picking up. The so-called learning is not only merely mean to study your course nut various knowledge in all aspects. There goes such a sating: it is never too old to learn. As an adult, we should shoulder our responsibilities and do our utmost to contribute to the society, but you should master the skill of learning. I am grateful for my university educating me silently. All I have to say is ''thanks''. Sadness strikes me as soon as I think of I will depart my dear alumna next summer. All I can do is cherishing the rest days here. Owing it to ma university that independence, optimistic, lifelong learning, which are treasures in all my life. I am sure that I will achieve my dreams with the help of university. Thanks to my university, I have a good time at here, and college life is of most precious to me.


A real friend may not accompany you forever, but a good book is always beneficial to you. Books will follow you wherever you go. Indeed, books res my everlasting friends. When I am in a mood, I will go to library to enjoy the company of books, as soon as I see a roomful of books, books shelved in bookcases lining the four walls, books either piled up one upon another, or displayed in neat rows, or laid out in disorder like fields with crisscross footpaths or a jungle, I may exclaim with delight,’’ great, the books are beautiful’’. Books bring me into another world, making me feel everything was bright and clear and the world wide and open. Moreover, I am poor at speech and shun socializing; I like being surrounded by friend while sauntering freely in the midst of books. Indeed, books give me the attitude of always looking on the bright side of things, which will definitely be of inestimable benefit to me in real life. It was the books which give me courage to meet with one setback after another in my life’s long journey. So I have been longing for a study, but I have never had a study of my own- a study that is independent, intact and true to its name that is. Maybe it can be built in the future. While being confined to your study with a book in your hand, your mind will be roaming throughout the world, you will not only have a heart-to-heart talk with Confucius, but also conserve with Shakespeare, and you may meet with a galaxy of friends like Laozi, Zhuangzi, and Plato. If you have no friends, why not seek the company of books? Books never abandon you unless you let them. If you have friends, why not seek more friends like good books? library


I will always hold my roommates in high value. When I was an undergraduate, living with these lovely girls for 4 years was bound to happen. Counting up silently, I find that more than 900 days have already slipped away since we are under the same eave. Here, I will speak of something about all my roommates as a little token of my appreciation for all that they have done for me over these best times. Firstly, it is the prettiest and eldest one in my dorm. A good name 'Ting' best serves for her, which means 'graceful' and 'elegant'. Ting shows great inclination to go shopping and sleeping, perhaps Ting holds the adage about getting your beauty sleep is true. What is more, being taciturn and mature, Ting always keeps her grievances from anyone of us, swallowing them alone. Because I sometimes hear she sobbing away when others fall asleep. Secondly, the girl who often named herself 'a tough girl' is Xue, she of course is. Watching TV and studying math problems are her hobbies. Besides, Xue has the ability to organize her study and play highly. Being dynamic, resourceful and efficient in all walks of life, Xue is a very capable girl. The thought of Xue, indeed, has enabled me to retain will in life and forge ahead with renewed courage. Being crazy about mathematics, Xue is likely to be another mathematician, and I hope so. Thirdly, Li is the thinnest among all of us. God gives Li good skin in her face but short on beauty. Living a simple life, Li is frugal of money. Besides, novels are her favorite, Li can read novels with eyes glued at her phone screen lying in bed all day long on weekends. We have told her many times to give up the novels, but she does not have the resolution to make it, even though Li is clear that it is a waste of time. Li is probably to have fallen into a novel quagmire without being able to extricate herself. It could not be much better if she does become an eminent novelist. Fourthly, being fond of reading literature books and singing, Yun is the very girl who is ambitious attitude essential and willing to learn. Extrovert and leniency earn her a great many good friends. And her big mouth is fully expressive of joy—the joy of an optimistic girl. Sometimes Yun enjoys bantering with us, cracking jokes. Much more often she will give us various musical songs, offering friendly light in all sincerity, we will have our hearts calmed down by her songs and meanwhile feel refreshed our minds. She is the excellent head of our dorm. Last but not the least, Xiao is a super scholar, which means ‘study hard and get a high score’. Having a good figure and getting scholarship give Xiao much priority over others. Neither literature books or amusing TV-shows interest her, she is just high on fashion, many pairs of modern shoes best answer for her stylish steps. Xiao always goes to bed with chickens, but she does get up early, sometimes she is really a QT 3.14 because, though lax about things her own personal life, she dresses nice when she is on a date with her boyfriend. Numerous other things about these good girls will make valuable material too. But pardon me leaving off now for it is time for my business. Anyway, I might as well put the rest in detail in the future. Now I would like to speak my mind about the present relationship in my dorm. All my roommates are of most precious to me; their kindness and goodness make me realize that I am the happiest girl on earth.. Sometimes it may not seem like it, but I really do love all of you—the world’s number one roommates. Let me wish these beloved girls to enjoy good times and have a brilliant future. TingXueLiYunXiaomy roommates and i