


It is never ignorant that the view that a famous American writer holds, ''we decide what is important and what is trivial in life, and forming our destiny is what ambition is about''. As far as I am concerned, I have no choice but to agree with him, you are what you want and you are what your ambitions are, one's ambition is to a person what water is to fish. It is a compass in your life, just like a leader when you are lost.

In the film of The Pursuit of Happiness, the character spoke to his son such words like this meaningfully, ''If you have a dream, just protect it, never let anybody say you can’t, even me''.The dream is your ambition, and a thing you are fantasy about. It will make you a decision and choice, you will make a resolution and achieve what you want to do, speak what you want to speak and go where you want to go. A good and positive ambition introduces you a right way, on the contrary, a wrong way that you may go when you in a bad ambitious mind. It reminds me of Hitler, who wants to conquer the world, do wrong to the people around the world. He certainly was denounced by the world.

A ambition is of course crucial. It, however, should not only from your bottom of heart, but also makes you cheerful and positive, promptly promote yourself. A virtuous man once said, ''A heart at random'', that is to say, if your decide to do something, you will do it eventually. Open your eyes to find what your life is about, and go on. That is truth of life.

All in all, we decide, we choose, and as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed. Make your ambition, list a to-do list, chase after your dream, you will be what you want to be, life is just a long journey with compass, use your ambition to shape yourself a perfect one. We can’t change everything, but we can change ourselves. So go on, chance is awaiting foe you ahead the way. It never happen to you unless you make a resolution to do something, follow your heart and fight for your ambition, you can do what others say you can't.


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