

Few days ago, it was reported that CCTV willl broadcast some classic Amercian TV series, including Big Bang Theory. Many netizens discussed heatly on the Internet . Nearly 90% of people believed that it is disgusting to dub the TV series into Chinese. For me , i do not feel much serious because I can barely watch the Amercian TV series. With more choices for Chinese to select their favourite, I'd lile to say different flavor can show different culture style. For me , I like South Korean TV series. Although old stereotype plot makes it simple, i much enjoy the good skill of actor and the pure love in it. (发乎情,止乎礼,乐而不淫,哀而不伤。)I think there are less blood, violence and sex xcenes in S. korean series, so it makes me comfortable and easy. Our life is hard and has a lot of pressures, I do hope I can relax myself via humor and simple things. And another reason that I love S. Korean series is we both have same culture - confucian culture, so sometimes i am willing to accept and share the values the series delivers and i can also grasp the point it wants to show. As I remembered that once there was a joke saying: people who are high-intelligent love Amercian TV series; people who watch S.Korean TV series like an idot. They claimed that Amercian TV series has sophisticated plot and mysteries imagine. All the design of Amercan series can shape a kind of advanced, thought-provoking feeling.(高大上) As far as i am concerned, every TV series has its own flavor; every TV series wears its own culture clothes. we should respect every countries values and culture.


What do you think of the foreign word existing in your mother language. Nowadays, an enormous number of non- translation words are full of Chinese , for example Wifi , NBA, CEO and so on. Some peole have denounced that these words severely spot the purity of Chinese, especially agreed by those who contribute to improving and polishing the traditinal Chinese language and characters. As a student majoring in TCSL( Teaching Chinese as a Second Language), I'd like to share my opinion with you all. I do think these should be used by rules not abusive. First, these abbreviated words should have its counterpart Chinese meaning. In some extent, not every Chinese can understand the meaning of these foreign words. It is necessary for our translator to translate it in to proper Chinese, free translation is better. At least, word-to word tranlation. Second, the relevant rules should be released to regulate the non-translation words not be used in some special areas. such as acdemic magzine, national news and literature. Third, we should cultivate more elites to alleviate the pain of translation in China. In the past, an excellent translator shined like the stars in the sky.There were Zhu Shenghao , Liang Shiqiu, Fu Lei. Actually, i am not worried about the invasion of borrowed words because of the absortion of Chinese. In the early 20th centuries, telephone was translated into De lvfeng at first, later it bacame Dian Hua. Chinese has its strong self-purified capability as we use it everyday. We use language to communicate with each other, so its maturity is control by everyone. What we have to do now is to use our mother language in a normal way.


The new basketball season in SISU(Si Chuan International Studies university) is unveiling. As a center in Chinese Language and Literature Department, I hope this time we can get better(last year we won the fifth place). On Thursday, we will encounter a strong team from News and Journalism Department, which is famous for its three point shoot and hook shoot. Frankly speaking, I feel little worried about the play as we don't have enough good-skill players since our top players of team have graduated last year. Yesterday night, our captain called us together for training . At the field, I was overwhelmingly moved by the ferocious tackle spirits of my teammates, we strove for the ball though the light was fading;we ran as fast as we could to finish quick attack; we passed the ball with good cooperation. I always thanks for god that I can join this big family. when I was a freshman who was nervous and scared touching and throwing the ball , the senior encouraged me and helped me improving my single attack capability under the basket. Now, I am going to leave the college, I also introduce my experience to the" next generation" to make them stick to practising. During my four-year college life, my basketballmates and me shared with deep happy and sorrow. We cried for losing the game ,we celebrated the silver medal as we once won as well. I really appreciated my mates and rivals who made me grow. thanks all of you! and i wii love this sport forever!