

Recent disturbing developments in the South China Sea has made me thinking up to my bones about the quensequencies we will likely face, should there be a war between China and its neighbours in the disputed islands.But are Chinese and all claimants to those tiny islands thinking? <div><br></div><div>;In the 21st century,no country be it the proverbial big or small can claim supremacy over the other as the dynamics  have changed.</As we have witnessed these past decade, when mighty America with all its might and firepower engaged the less devoped ,less equiped tiny Iraq in a show to topple strongman  Saddam Huseini, did they win? Did they announce themselves winners?.Your guess is as Yours truely.Vertually, they left the  question unanswered ,left Iraq fragmented,disorgazed and a safe heaven for chaous.It is like the priverbial parlace-Mission unaccomplished ,Mission impossible.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>So, the above  scenario  calls us to  act  redponsibly</div></div>


The (feizhou xiong di) proclamation by Chinese people and their leaders is still afresh in the minds of Africans.We still remember those acolates and attributes Chinese poured onto Africans for standing behind them. Now, it seems to many Africans, especially those in China here, to feel like being stubbed at the back. <div><br></div><div>Their concern and worry is how Chinese marginalised them, in terms of jobs opportunities here, selective justice in employment, making get employed here a go- no area for blacks without recourse to their ability to work.  They're whispering amongst themselves: Is it those who called us( xiong di) once a time all of a sudden changed that status quo? Is it a betrayal? These are some of the murmuring that go secretly.There is rumors that, (I say rumors not confirmed yet ) some cities don't allow Africans to get work permit. That Africans are unqualified to teach, only South Africa,but South Africa is also Africa.<div><br></div><div>How I wish Chinese will recollect ;what they voiciferously proclaimed to the whole world that (feizhou xiong di) will continue not only on African soil but right here in China. Our (xiong di ) shouldn't stop. Give your (xiong di ) work provided they qualified. Qualification to do a job shouldn't be tide to anything other than skills and ability and license in any field.<div>;Long live Chinese and the( feizhou xiong di.)</div></div>


I lost my dream painfully and will forever live with it. It's football. It was what I dreamed about becoming a great footballer.I love the sport. It's in my bones but nature had snatched it from me what a dream lost !.<div><br></div><div>When I was young at 10, I was already a promising star by peoples eyes. I had the skills, the master tactics to stop opponents .I could jump higher and head the ball out of scoring. Those were my defensive wizardry.</div><div><br></div><div>I continued playing up to under 17 division with the same agility, power and speed. I was still the the darling boy in my region. My name became a house hold name, my name became the talk of the town, in my high school , and even at college in later years.</div><div><br></div><div>My athleticism in football became pronounced when scouts from Italy came for recruitment. We had match then and lo and be be hold , that day I exhibited a splendid performance, kicking and heading the ball at all corners, directions ,left to right, drove away all my opponents around the 18th yard.In fact no one could dribble passed me.</div><div><br></div><div>When the game ended, I was nicknamed (Maldini) .Maldini was the captain of Italy ,who also plies his football profession in AC Milan. I guess everyone knows him.I was nicknamed by those Italian scouts.</div><div><br></div><div>They held my hands, touched my head and looking at be from toe to head.</div><div>Finally they left and promised to come back .We waited and waited never heard them again. That was when my frustrations begins.Even a close friend of mine jokingly told me that - o guy, your plane has refused to fly ,it will never fly again.</div><div><br></div><div>Furthermore, the failure then didn't quenc</div>