

feizhou xiong di (African brother) Chinese so soon forgotten ?
2015-02-24 The (feizhou xiong di) proclamation by Chinese people and their leaders is still afresh in the minds of Africans.We still remember those acolates and attributes Chinese poured onto Africans for standing behind them. Now, it seems to many Africans, especially those in China here, to feel like being stubbed at the back. <div><br></div><div>Their concern and worry is how Chinese marginalised them, in terms of jobs opportunities here, selective justice in employment, making get employed here a go- no area for blacks without recourse to their ability to work.  They're whispering amongst themselves: Is it those who called us( xiong di) once a time all of a sudden changed that status quo? Is it a betrayal? These are some of the murmuring that go secretly.There is rumors that, (I say rumors not confirmed yet ) some cities don't allow Africans to get work permit. That Africans are unqualified to teach, only South Africa,but South Africa is also Africa.<div><br></div><div>How I wish Chinese will recollect ;what they voiciferously proclaimed to the whole world that (feizhou xiong di) will continue not only on African soil but right here in China. Our (xiong di ) shouldn't stop. Give your (xiong di ) work provided they qualified. Qualification to do a job shouldn't be tide to anything other than skills and ability and license in any field.<div>;Long live Chinese and the( feizhou xiong di.)</div></div>


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