

I am a Black Cat But I Can Catch Mouse Why Deny Me The Chance ?
2015-02-21 I am a black cat but my teeth are as sharper as a white cat, why deny me the chance to try?<div>I am a black cat, but I am as brainy as the white cat.</div><div>I am a black cat and so what?</div><div>So far as I can catch a mouse,</div><div>I should be given the equal opportunity given to the white cat.</div><div><br></div><div>I know verily that I have the will power and skill to catch a mouse,</div><div>But the abundant opportunities are skewed to favor only the white cat.</div><div><br></div><div>Is that how the game goes meow meow meow!!!!!!!!!!!</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>


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