

Russia and China veto of Syria sanctions condemned as 'indefensible'The UK, US and France rounded on Russia and China following the veto of a UN draft resolution on fresh Syrian sanctions, lambasting the move as "inexcusable" and accusing Moscow of buying time for Bashar al-Assad to "smash the opposition".Both Russia and China have consistently resisted the security council's attempts to introduce sanctions on Damascus, meaning their veto was no surprise, but the strength of the response from those in favour gave some indication of the frustrations behind the scenes.Britain's foreign secretary, William Hague, condemned the two countries vetoing the resolution as "inexcusable and indefensible", adding that Russia and China had "turned their back on the people of Syria in their darkest hour".It was the third time Russia and China have used their vetoes over Syria. The resolution would have allowed sanctions to be imposed on the Assad regime under chapter 7 of the UN Charter.The UK ambassador, Sir Mark Lyall Grant, was the first to respond to the vote at the UN in New York, telling council members that the UK "is appalled by the decision of Russia and China to veto this draft resolution"."Russia and China are failing in their responsibilities as permanent security council members," Lyall Grant said, adding that the proposed resolution is supported by almost every group internationally.Lyall Grant said the other UN Security Council nations had "offered flexibility on Russia and China's concerns", yet the countries "argued that a chapter 7 resolution is somehow designed to seek conflict through the backdoor"."This argument is irrational," he added.The French ambassador, Gérard Araud, was even more critical, declaring that "'history will prove [Russia and China] wrong, and it will judge them"."It is now clear that Russia merely wants to win time for the Syrian regime to smash the opposition," he said.Russia's ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, fought back against the criticism, saying countries had "attempted to fan the flames of conflict within the UN Security Council"."The draft which was just voted on was biased. The threats of sanctions were levelled exclusively at the government of Syria. This runs counter to the spirit of the Geneva document and does not reflect the realities in the country today."


I WILL TRY TO MAKE THIS A REGULAR SEGMENT...July 18,1931 / August 18, 1931 (Chinese Lunar calendar)On this day in 1931, the Yangtze River in China peaks during a horrible flood that kills 3.7 million people directly and indirectly over the next several months. This was perhaps the worst natural disaster of the 20th century.The Yangtze River runs through southern China, one of the most populated areas on Earth. The region's people, most of whom lived at subsistence level, depended on the river for water for their personal and farming needs. In April, the river-basin area received far-above-average rainfall. When torrential rains came again in July, the stage was set for disaster. The Yangtze flooded over a 500-square-mile area. The rising waters drove 500,000 people from their homes by the beginning of August.As the waters continued to rise in the first half of August and even more rain fell, the rice fields that dominated the landscape were swamped, destroying the crop. Major cities such as Wuhan and Nanjing depended on this rice and, without it, people in the cities starved to death. In addition, typhoid and dysentery were rampant due to the polluted river. The millions who died from this flood perished from starvation and disease, many after the flood waters had receded.Much of the disaster may have been averted if flood-control measures had been followed closely. The Yangtze carries large amounts of sediment, which accumulates in certain areas of the river and must be cleared regularly. However, with much of the area's resources devoted to civil war at the time, the river was neglected.


Due to popular demand, I think it will be fair to do a version of the previous topic "11 Points For Wives To Note" for parity reasons, here we go, "11 Points For Husbands To Note"1. The husband that loves arguments with his wife is not matured. He should learn how to control his temper.2. The husband that uses money as a weapon in the home -refusing to support the domestic needs in the house, going to bar after work with other women and then goes back home at wee hours is an IRRESPONSIBLE fellow.3. The husband that never respect his wife by beating her at every little provocation and never respect the principle of "women rights", is an ANIMAL and needs to be caged for the rest of his life because women are not punching bags.4. A Man who enjoys competing with a nagging wife, is not a man, he should try competing with a Parrot bird...whenever she brings troubles, why not walk out peaceful and come back home when the pressure is down.5. Take your wife as a part of your body, assume yourself to be the Tree, your wife as the root, your kids as your branches and fruits. Without them, your life will be empty...so you should protect them. 6. A wise husband makes her woman feel like a queen, this way, He can also get the same treatment from her as a KING. As we all know, kings Rules while Queens support; Queens can only rule independently in the absence of the king. With this, your home is secured in your absence.7. A husband that could not make decisions on his own is prone to be influenced by external elements that are not directly connected with the family. A good decision making husband can rule a big country without stress.8. Don't allow tiredness to affect your night duties with your wife, if you don't do it at the right time, your wife might look for an outsider to help her. So, try to do something always.9. Your Job becomes more important than your family,you need to adjust. Time for work, Time for Family are not same.10. If you see your self as an absolute boss of your house, you are mixing it and this is not a good omen for a happy family, instead of this, you should shower your wife with surprise gifts.11. A good Husband should treat his wife as if they are still in honeymoon season, this makes the family last longer and he should never think about divorce as the best solution for his marital problems. He should find a way to settle disputes mutually with his spouse.PLEASE SHARE MY BLOG, IF YOU LOVE THIS...


What is wrong with the Global peace?Should we say the United Nations treaties promoting global peace and the respect of sovereignty is a failure?is the role of United Nations' Secretary General is getting more useless? He talks and nobody listens.I saw some news headlines on my Television screen now and I think it's time for the world leaders to find lasting solutions to the crisis engulfing and hindering global peace. For me, I think our highly regarded United Nations(U.N.) is becoming a failure, I know you will ask me why...why why?Yes, A united Nation that cannot protect common men from the crisis created by the selfish world leaders. I am fed up of reading such headlines.A united Nation that is very partial in her judgement is not what we asked for, e.g Taking sides in Israel vs Palestine , China Vs Japan, Sudan crisis, Arab springs,African crisis and so on. All this is done in order to favor the almighty United States' status as a leading world power (I know this will not go well with some Americans reading this but it's the fact) . They should understand that there was a time we had Britain, Roman empires, Ottoman-Turks Empire, French Empire ruling the world, so, they should understand that nothing last forever and the world is changing.-Russia broke the United Nations law of sovereignty by invading Ukraine, nobody really enforce the announced sanctions and Russian is still taking a big role in the Ukrainian crisis while the innocent people are suffering.-Japan an allies of USA always threaten China on both sea and Air and nobody is announcing any sanction-Syrian crisis is another big case to ponder about.-Iran ,Iraq, Libya and Egypt crisis were clearly sponsored by some super powers and these countries are still in disarray while the masses suffers.- Sudan and South-Sudan was broken-up by the so called super powers, in order to exploit their natural resources. many people died and are still dying in this crisis; even after the independence of South Sudan,some super powers succeeded in trying to divide the Africa's newest country between the president and his vice-presidentIn Conclusion, For peace to reign in this world, the United Nation should stop being partial and face the reality of some global changes. They should stop fooling us. I stand for peace and I will never compromise my stand...Peace is what we ask for.PLEASE SHARE MY BLOG IF YOU LOVE THIS...


1. The wife that wins all arguments with her husband is not wise. The home is not a law court.2. The wife that uses sex as a weapon in the home - placing embargo, going to bed in jeans shorts and trousers - lacks wisdom.3. The wife that uses the modern trends and laws of "women rights" to insult or ridicule her husband simply makes a fool of herself.4. A woman that makes her home devoid of peace through bickering,nagging and quarrels needs help. A man should be eager to run away from office to be at home, for that should be the safest place on earth for him.5. Modern-day equality in marriage does not mean competition. It simply means partnership . Taking advantage of such equality to turn around and become the de-facto head of the home and oppress the man is tantamount to playing with fire. If you destroy your home, soon you will be the boss of an empty home.6. A wise wife make her man feel so good that he assumes that he is the head. Once he gets that feeling, the woman gently wields her power and the head actually turns to wherever the neck wants without a protest.7. A wife that does not pull herself away from friends' influence and advice or even from the control of her mother and father will have herself to be blame.8. If every night you are tired , sleepy , sore , down with headache or fever, "not in the mood," you are a joker,a serious comedian!9. If Television programs suddenly become more important to you than your husband, you need some counselling.10. If you assume that as the woman, only you need to be pampered and fussed over while the man is a stone that has no emotions, you need to be pitied.11. A woman that has the mind of a wife does not excite her husband. Wives are usually complacent and presumptuous . A wife must strive to have the mind of a girlfriend. A girlfriend is always nicer, sweeter, more loving and always thinking of how to wow her sweetheart ; a girlfriend does not try to win all arguments , does not call the man a "useless man" , is not careless about her looks or dressing, always smiles and laughs with the man, sends the man sweet messages and calls.PLEASE SHARE MY BLOG IF YOU LOVE THIS...


Recently, I have been busy watching the Brazil 2014 world cup supporting my selected favorite countries including my Country Nigeria but it happens that all the teams I tipped to perform very well, disappointed me and go back home at the early stages... I spent sleepless night in watching these matches but all I can say now is, it's all wasted but I enjoyed the atmosphere created by this year's world cup.During this period, I made some new friends who were actually supporting the same teams with me, so we supported together and try as much as possible to soak the pressure in a cool way by enjoying some snacks,Barbecue and drinks while watching the matches.In Africa, football is taken very seriously that even your parents will be encouraging you to play it very well because it's now a part of our lifestyle, it brings smile to everyone's face, joy to the sad, Peace to the whole nations and it's a time to show love to your enemies. WE EAT FOOTBALLWE SLEEP FOOTBALLWE TALK FOOTBALLWE PLAY FOOTBALLWE LOVE FOOTBALLThough, in the past, parents feels Children who want to be footballers are not considered to be good children, they were regarded as bad eggs, truants, unserious and stubborn, At that time, every parents want their kids to become Lawyers, Doctors, Teachers, Engineers but after seeing some footballers like our Kanu Nwankwo, Austin Jay Jay Okocha and the rest, people's attitude changes because of the money and fame that is involve. Meanwhile, as my world cup is over, I am still following the actions but not with so much passion again and my attention is now shifted to the English Premiership season 2014-2015, I am a CHELSEA fan.