

What is United in the United Nations?
What is wrong with the Global peace?
Should we say the United Nations treaties promoting global peace and the respect of sovereignty is a failure?
is the role of United Nations' Secretary General is getting more useless? He talks and nobody listens.

I saw some news headlines on my Television screen now and I think it's time for the world leaders to find lasting solutions to the crisis engulfing and hindering global peace.

For me, I think our highly regarded United Nations(U.N.) is becoming a failure, I know you will ask me why...why why?
Yes, A united Nation that cannot protect common men from the crisis created by the selfish world leaders. I am fed up of reading such headlines.

A united Nation that is very partial in her judgement is not what we asked for, e.g Taking sides in Israel vs Palestine , China Vs Japan, Sudan crisis, Arab springs,African crisis and so on. All this is done in order to favor the almighty United States' status as a leading world power (I know this will not go well with some Americans reading this but it's the fact) . They should understand that there was a time we had Britain, Roman empires, Ottoman-Turks Empire, French Empire ruling the world, so, they should understand that nothing last forever and the world is changing.

-Russia broke the United Nations law of sovereignty by invading Ukraine, nobody really enforce the announced sanctions and Russian is still taking a big role in the Ukrainian crisis while the innocent people are suffering.
-Japan an allies of USA always threaten China on both sea and Air and nobody is announcing any sanction
-Syrian crisis is another big case to ponder about.
-Iran ,Iraq, Libya and Egypt crisis were clearly sponsored by some super powers and these countries are still in disarray while the masses suffers.
- Sudan and South-Sudan was broken-up by the so called super powers, in order to exploit their natural resources. many people died and are still dying in this crisis; even after the independence of South Sudan,some super powers succeeded in trying to divide the Africa's newest country between the president and his vice-president

In Conclusion, For peace to reign in this world, the United Nation should stop being partial and face the reality of some global changes. They should stop fooling us.
I stand for peace and I will never compromise my stand...Peace is what we ask for.


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