

Your kids will show you what creativity is

When watching Nicole playing her favorite colorful cartoon zoo animals board puzzles, I suddenly got shocked by a fact: I’m already a person without too much creativity, while I tried to influence her from all aspects in our life via my way of thinking. It’s a terrible finding to me, but how fortunate I am that I realized it-- better late than never.

Yesterday it was a mid-week break for both of us, no school and no work, though it was not a nice day, windy and cloudy. As her best friend at home, I couldn’t reject her request for playing together. Recently the little girl is so fond of making puzzles which she was not interested at all one month ago. And we began with the colorful animal puzzles this time.

She started the first round as usual. She randomly picked up one piece (15 pieces in total), and compared the shape to the one on the board plate, adjusted the angle and put it into a right place. Then she selected another one with relevant animal parts to the previous picture and connected to it. Sometimes when she failed to find a relevant one, she just randomly picked up any piece she likes and repeated the comparing and place hunting. Occasionally she would ask me to give her a hand to fix some pieces on the board when she was placing another one, because they were so mobile. In my eyes, her performance was so slow and clueless. For fulfilling one board, it took her about five minutes. Therefore I couldn’t help showing her my ‘fast and right way’ as soon as possible when it was my turn.

It was a small case to me. I used to finish 1000 pieces printed puzzle of a small part of “Qing Ming Shang He Tu” (Along the River during the Qingming Festival) in two days, and enjoy quite a leisure time. I could manage 15 pieces in several seconds. But since the aim was to show Nicole how to do it fast, I slowed down a bit. I selected out four pieces supposed to be located at the four corners, showed them to Nicole and told her to notice the rectangular corner of each one and put them on the plate. When the four corners were fixed, the following part became so easy. In one minute we finished the game. Then it was Nicole’s playing time. Although I reminded her of the corner pieces, she seemed to insist on her own way, and the first step was still a challenging step to her in my eyes. ‘’Let her be, she knows what she wants,” I sighed to myself, “Anyway she was so proud of every puzzle that she worked it out.” Thus I watched her playing and sometimes reminded her of the corners.

As she played and time passed by, I noticed that every time she worked in a different way. Sometimes she found the turtle first, sometimes she figured out the tiger family at the beginning, and sometimes she got the aquarium, etc. She displayed to me her new discoveries every time, and those were gorgeous and won my applause. And I also realized how boring my performance was, every time I just repeated the same way, from corners to the middle part, careless about what animals were in the picture. That was sad and shameful.

When I realized that I almost became a creativity killer to her job, I stopped my interference and only advised her when she had troubles. I need to reflect on my way to teach her, to try to not fix her thinking mode because I am somewhat fixed. Actually she showed me what creativity is in this lesson.


Judy_ZHu 2015-10-03 18:12

Hi Jasmine, thanks for visiting! I also like to play with kids, and every time I get different visions inspired by them. Are you from Yibao? I have several friends also from the town, as well as Mapo,Bincheng. I read from one of your articles introducing us your family history.

Judy_ZHu 2015-10-03 18:07

It's my great pleasure that you like it. Thank you?

jaseminsibo 2015-09-30 21:01

Yeah it's so true! Someone once told me if i wanted to get creative just speak to 7 year olds. Their imagination has no boundaries!

Funny-boy 2015-09-30 11:23

Thanks for your sharing. I enjoy this article.

Judy_ZHu 2015-09-28 01:00

Yes, they are far more capable than what we thought!
How are you doing these days? All the best!

springcastle 2015-09-27 21:38

Kids can imitate the behaviors of adults, too. One day I gave my son a cute wallet to play with. It surprised me that i noticed that he tried to put it into his shorts through the opening of a leg, though there was no pocket in his shorts. He is imitating his dad who often goes out putting a wallet into his pocket!

Judy_ZHu 2015-09-27 19:03

Sometimes my husband reminds me of not caring too much. So I'm always trying to adjust myself on this issue:)
Thanks a lot for your warm words!

Igo 2015-09-26 18:34

Thank you. All is well. Cheers and have a lovely day!

KIyer 2015-09-26 18:21

Judy!  Thanks for your gracious and kind comments.  I have only dabbled in the teaching and learning process out of a passion. It has not been my full time profession. I am still learning new ways of teaching and learning.  You seem to be keen and passionate about this too. I am sure you will have a great time working with your child and discovering through her eyes.  You seem to be a very caring and thoughtful parent. Wish you well and my blessings to your child.

Judy_ZHu 2015-09-26 17:46

Thanks a lot! You are still working on Saturday?! Happy Mid-Autumn Day!